Enslaved Sales Fail to Hit Half Million Mark
The critically acclaimed title was unable to sell even half of what Namco Bandai had hoped it would.
Reports [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/105090-Enslaved-Made-Namcos-Sales-Worse] that Enslaved: Journey to the West had sold around 800,000 copies would appear to have been nothing more than exaggerations, as the latest financial results [http://www.bandainamco.co.jp/en/ir/financial/pdf_bnh/en_20110203_2.pdf] for publisher Namco Bandai suggest that the game actually sold less than half a million copies.
According to the figures, Enslaved sold just 460,000 copies, a total far lower than previous reports suggested. Namco Bandai's original sales target for the game was originally one million copies, making this a rather disappointing result for the publisher. Not disappointing enough, however, for Namco Bandai to consider Enslaved a lost cause. Only last week, PR manager Lee Kirton said [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/107354-Namco-Bandai-Proud-of-Enslaved-Considering-Franchise-Potential] that the publisher was proud of the reception that the game had received, and was considering the series' future.
There's a lot of potential in the Enslaved story for a sequel, most obviously dealing with the aftermath of the first game's ending. If Namco Bandai use the strong narrative base the first game built as a jumping off point, and iron out some of the rough spots in the gameplay, there's no reason why a sequel can't succeed.
Source: Eurogamer [http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-02-03-enslaved-sales-fail-to-break-500-000]

Reports [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/105090-Enslaved-Made-Namcos-Sales-Worse] that Enslaved: Journey to the West had sold around 800,000 copies would appear to have been nothing more than exaggerations, as the latest financial results [http://www.bandainamco.co.jp/en/ir/financial/pdf_bnh/en_20110203_2.pdf] for publisher Namco Bandai suggest that the game actually sold less than half a million copies.
According to the figures, Enslaved sold just 460,000 copies, a total far lower than previous reports suggested. Namco Bandai's original sales target for the game was originally one million copies, making this a rather disappointing result for the publisher. Not disappointing enough, however, for Namco Bandai to consider Enslaved a lost cause. Only last week, PR manager Lee Kirton said [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/107354-Namco-Bandai-Proud-of-Enslaved-Considering-Franchise-Potential] that the publisher was proud of the reception that the game had received, and was considering the series' future.
There's a lot of potential in the Enslaved story for a sequel, most obviously dealing with the aftermath of the first game's ending. If Namco Bandai use the strong narrative base the first game built as a jumping off point, and iron out some of the rough spots in the gameplay, there's no reason why a sequel can't succeed.
Source: Eurogamer [http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-02-03-enslaved-sales-fail-to-break-500-000]