Enslaved Sales Fail to Hit Half Million Mark


Fuhuhzucking hellcocks I'm good
Mar 17, 2010
Because a game that encourages grooming/stockholm syndrome is cool, yo?

Edit: It's the fact that the game seems to actively endorse this behaviour, rather than just explore it. Also, the game is rated T in NA and 16 in Europe. It is worse than violence and sex (which both recieve M or 18 ratings routinely) because it's so damned subtle that you end up thinking the story is romantic, rather than completely twisted. Reminds me a bit of bloody Twilight, just worse.

Edit again: I kind of retract this statement. I still find the premise disturbing but won't hold it against the game. It's the reason why I didn't get it; but just because I don't like it doesn't justify it not doing as well as the devs had hoped. No doubt there are games I've played that others find morally objectionable, 'tisn't a reason for them to not have done well either.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I don't know why but just the art direction of this game doesn't appeal to me at all
like the story might if they hadn't tried to give it a sci-fi or whatever looks for it


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Problem is - Enslaved is a huge degradation when compared to Heavenly Sword. Maybe they should have kept it PS3 exclusive, maybe they should have made combat more varied. Maybe...

Anyway, it flopped. Let's move on.


New member
May 5, 2009
I played it, and the only thing that kept me going was the interesting story. The combat was boring, specially the melee combat, the platforming was too easy, stealth and exploration were unnecessary and not rewarded, it just felt like a really good story and acting very bad implemented. Also Pigsy pissed me off.

It's sad when you know the game would be a classic if the gameplay was developed by Naughty Dog or Ubisoft Montreal, which have experience with the genre and have made perfect games based around it.