Streets of Rage 2 Comes To iPhone


Mortician of Love
May 25, 2010
Streets of Rage 2 Comes To iPhone

Sega's on a bit of a brawler blitz, with Streets of Rage 2 hitting the App Store today, and has plans to bring more games to iOS devices soon.

Back in the early 1990s, the Sega Genesis dominated when it came to quality console brawlers. While several of these games have already been released for both the Virtual Console and Xbox Live Arcade, Sega has now revealed that one of its best-loved brawlers has come to the iPhone, and even more are on their way.

The publisher announced today that the iconic Streets of Rage 2 has launched on the App Store. Meanwhile, Streets of Rage 3 -as well as Golden Axe II and Golden Axe III- are set to hit the App Store later this Spring.

Currently, Streets of Rage 2 is selling for $2.99. Ironically, the game was launched the same week that Sega's lawyers <a href=>killed the fan remake of the original Streets of Rage because (according to the publisher) "we need to protect our intellectual property rights and this may result in us requesting that our fans remove online imagery, videos or games in some instances."

Source: <a href=>Eurogamer


Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008

I'll stick with the 360 version, and it's ONLINE CO-OP, thank you.

Brawlers are from when games were simple, never bogging themselves down with explanations for the mentally insane set-pieces like ninjas on a pirate ship from SoR2. I kinda miss those days. These days, every situation needs to be explained somehow. You can't just have crazy shit, you need to somehow make it logical.


Streets of Rage > Final Fight > Shit > Golden Axe > Double Dragon


New member
May 24, 2010
vansau said:
...Currently, Streets of Rage 2 is selling for $2.99. Ironically, the game was launched the same week that Sega's lawyers <a href=>killed the fan remake of the original Streets of Rage because (according to the publisher) "we need to protect our intellectual property rights and this may result in us requesting that our fans remove online imagery, videos or games in some instances."
Uh, oh.

Not a good move for SEGA, to say the least. Canceling a fan game, then launching the second classic one on the iOS.

I have the fan remake, so I'm already satisfied with my Streets of Rage fix.


Jan 23, 2008
Man, this is so exciting...

...Or would be if this was 1993.

Seriously. It's older than fucking dirt. Is ANYONE seriously excited about playing this obsolete piece of software again?


New member
Dec 5, 2008
So is there someone at Sega whose job is to calculate how many $2.99 iPhone games they have to sell to compensate for all the fans of the franchise they just torqued off? I'm genuinely curious.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Well at least it's an amusing little game to have on the go. If people get tired of flinging birds at pigs they can always play as a muscle head and beat up Mr. X.


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
I don't know why SEGA is insisting on the model of "sell our childhood back to us". I've noticed this with PSN, XBLA, Steam, and now the iOS/Andriod markets.

I'm one of the few people lucky enough to have held on to their old Genesis collection; I even own a copy of the "Genesis Collection" on my PSP, yet I still turn too emulation because it's absolutely free. You don't have to worry about crappy ports, sound issues or the horror of accidentally bumping the console and having the screen "hang" there while playing that one single note that still haunts the dreams of some older gamers.

Of course with piracy being the issue, you could have the people who download the entire 8-bit and 16-bit collections. With things like that, there's no way SEGA could possibly turn a profit selling ports like this. Especially since all I've seen in reviews are that their ports are of horrid quality. Why suffer through a backdoor port for $3 when you can have an exact faithful reproduction of the original for free?

I guess what I'm trying to say is: What the hell is the goddamned point, SEGA?


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Ordering a take down of the fan remake was dumb. They should have just hired the guys and had them port it over to X-Box Live Arcade. Hell being able to play through any Streets of Rage Stage as any character, I'd have bought a copy. Oh well it's not like you still can't get a copy off your favorite torrent site.


New member
May 28, 2010
Oh, so this is why they shut down the fan version I guess? The clearly superior game as well...

Old school and traditional games are fucking terrible on the iPhone, look at how much screen space those buttons take up, is that really how you'd want to play this? I'll stick to the Mega Drive collections I have...


New member
Nov 17, 2008
I'd rather lug around my game gear and play that version than one on the iphone. ...Yes I have a game gear and Streets of Rage 2 on it, and it is awesome.

Also: They shut down the fan made SoR game but they let Sonic Megamix and Sonic Fan Remix go? Even giving praise to SFR? Hm, strange. Especially since both are better than Sonic 4 in every way.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
Sega: I assume you mean the Genesis Golden Axe II. Stuff that. Give me the arcade sequel. Release Golden Axe Revenge of Death-Adder. For something, somewhere, for once. Release the best damn brawler you ever made and then never ported to anything, anywhere, ever.

I've only been waiting 20 years.


New member
Nov 16, 2007
Caliostro said:
Man, this is so exciting...

...Or would be if this was 1993.

Seriously. It's older than fucking dirt. Is ANYONE seriously excited about playing this obsolete piece of software again?
Clearly you dunno how to appreciate retro games, I will give you 1 point though, any game on a touchscreen phone involving anything much more then pointing and dragging is shit, seriously I dunno why you guys put yourselves through those shitty controls.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
I played the crap out of this on my genesis. Hell, I think I still have it in a box somewhere in my closet.

For $3, I'll bite but only if they make an andriod version.


Jan 23, 2008
S_K said:
Clearly you dunno how to appreciate retro games,
I never got that argument. It sounds like people who can't remain objective under those nostalgia goggles.

Some games remained good throughout time. Games like Grim Fandango, Beneath a Steel Sky or Deus Ex, for example, remain good even today, despite the age. That's not being "retro", that's just being a "classic". Being timeless. Being that fucking good.

Whenever you have to pull the "it's retro!" argument then it's usually because the thing in question is crap, and you just want an excuse to massage your nostalgia muscles. I've played this "back in the day", and I can tell you I have as many grievances against it today as I had then, difference being, now you have way better options. Which makes this obsolete.

What, honestly, does this game have that's worth experiencing? Gameplay is very basic, graphics are horrible, and the less said about the "story" the better.

The only appeal you can claim to it is the "OH MAN REMEMBER WHEN WE PLAYED THIS IN THE ARCADES!?" card. And yes, I do. I also remember why I'd stop playing after a while...


New member
May 28, 2010
Sabrestar said:
Sega: I assume you mean the Genesis Golden Axe II. Stuff that. Give me the arcade sequel. Release Golden Axe Revenge of Death-Adder. For something, somewhere, for once. Release the best damn brawler you ever made and then never ported to anything, anywhere, ever.

I've only been waiting 20 years.
This, I've been wanting to play Death Adder for years but they've never done anything with it. It sounds fucking awesome and the best Golden Axe game by far.

If they released it on the PSN I would likely instant-buy.