Alien Jihad's Devs Want To Generate Controversy


Mortician of Love
May 25, 2010
Alien Jihad's Devs Want To Generate Controversy

Now that the announcement for Alien Jihad's has started to offend people, the developers behind the game want people to know that was their intention.

Earlier this week, <a href=>a game called Alien Jihad was announced by Candella Software Ltd, KrazyMotion and Saga Wonderworks. Unsurprisingly, the title of the game managed to raise some hackles; to some, it seemed so absurdly over-the-top that it might have been some sort of elaborate hoax. However, Candella wants you to know that the game is very real, and it was intentionally designed to raise controversy.

Speaking to Eurogamer, Ajith Ram, Candella's creative director spoke about the arcade-style shooter's purpose: "Naming and connotations are deliberate," he said. "The game tries to highlight some of the major political, social and religious issues in the news every day."

According to Ram, the game is an attempt by three "small indie developers" who want to make the industry "tackle mature subjects affecting millions of people's lives."

These mature subjects include, but aren't limited to, "the demonisation of entire Muslim communities due to violent actions of a minority," the rise to power of right-wing political groups in both the U.S. and Europe, and the global economic crisis/recession.

If you haven't heard about the game before, here's the game's official story, according to its announcement:

It was a time of great peace for mankind. All conflicts on earth had come to an end.

In the Middle East, Israelis and Palestinians stopped fighting and started to party together. Tel Aviv became the capital of New Palestine. Saudi Arabia became the world's biggest proponent of mini skirts. Iran joined North Korea and the United States in the new Axis of Peace. Afghanistan became the world's safest country and Somalia became the largest economy.

In enlightened Europe, France stopped persecuting Roma 'alien' migrants. In bankrupt Britain, the honourable Members of Parliament decided not to fiddle their expense claims and rip off the tax payer.

And then came the alien invasion..........

Hundreds of aliens from the planet Virginopolis invaded Earth. Using their advanced Fatwa technology, they turned greedy Wall Street investment bankers into ravaging alien clones.

Many nations rebelled against the alien invaders.

"We are the aborigines of this land." proclaimed Dick Puffin, the leader of the British Nazi Party. The former Australian Prime Minister, Mr. Howard, said, "We must invite these aliens to a cricket match. And after they lose, we must do to them what we did to the aborigines."

The wise geriatric Italian Prime Minister, Saint Silvio, while receiving an oil massage from his new underage girlfriend, Ruby, issued a public statement saying, "Our culture is far superior to theirs. It's much better to love bunga bunga girls than these aliens."

Giving an unbiased view on Fox News, the great American rabble rouser, Fat Buchanan said, "These aliens pose a clear and present danger to our superior Anglo-Saxon culture."

Soon it became a struggle for the very soul of humanity.

A brave group of human rebels led by fearless Danish cartoonists fought back against the aliens and their Wall Street clones.

The battle still rages over Earth's great cities like London, Paris and San Francisco...........Are you ready to join the fight?

Alien Jihad is due to be released for "PC, iOS, Android and home consoles." Exactly when the game will come out, and how much it will cost, remains to be seen. I'm honestly not sure if Ram's arguments will hold much weight, because (at first glance) it seems like the game was designed to generate controversy and garner attention for sales. While it's certainly ambitious to try and tackle the subjects Ram mentions, a casual game for the iPhone and Android systems doesn't seem like the best way to do so.

Source: <a href=>Eurogamer



New member
Sep 20, 2009
vansau said:
it seems like the game was designed to generate controversy and garner attention for sales.
Of course it was, they just can out and out admit that is the case.

Colour me interested, it sounds highly amusing.


Sep 23, 2010
It's like those "[INSERT GENRE HERE] Movie" movies.

"Hey, remember that thing? That thing that somebody did? Wasn't that something that happened? This is such a good joke."


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Whilst it'd be certainly interesting to see those topics tackled (in any form at all when it comes to rise of the far Right which seems to be going on), this does seem to just be for the sake of it.

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
My eyes are bleeding from the pretentiousness.

The worst part is that if they weren't so busy trying to paint themselves red to draw attention they could do something less stupid and actually interesting. The write-up actually reminded me of Diana: Warrior Princess [].


New member
Mar 31, 2010
There is an entire category of media which are nothing but casual insulting immature slurs and attention grabbing, but then when people act insulted they claim "We were trying to raise attention to these issues."

It is bull. These developers are bull. I hope this game fails and that everyone banding together against it will create some real unity.


New member
Dec 17, 2010
that premise just cracks me up, although i can clearly see the reason people think this is so offensive.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Also from the same guys:

Welcome to
This is the official community site of Candella Software Ltd. will in future host all media-related materials relating to the games developed and published by us. The site will also host all the fan forums, global leaderboards, achievements and trophies unlocked via our games. We are also planning to publish complete, episodic games and DLC content via Lovegasm. We hope you will actively participate in the forums and provide us valuable feedback.

Ajith Ram
Creative Director
No, I shit thee not, google it to find out (hence the lack of direct link), but I'm feeling that this, alongside the other title of 'Cargasm' being developped, kind of takes away from ... whatever they're pretending to do here.


Sep 23, 2010
Wuffykins said:
Also from the same guys:

Welcome to
This is the official community site of Candella Software Ltd. will in future host all media-related materials relating to the games developed and published by us. The site will also host all the fan forums, global leaderboards, achievements and trophies unlocked via our games. We are also planning to publish complete, episodic games and DLC content via Lovegasm. We hope you will actively participate in the forums and provide us valuable feedback.

Ajith Ram
Creative Director
No, I shit thee not, google it to find out (hence the lack of direct link), but I'm feeling that this, alongside the other title of 'Cargasm' being developped, kind of takes away from ... whatever they're pretending to do here.
'Cargasm' sounds like a cross between Twisted Metal and Cronenberg's Crash.

Also ew.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
A poorly-written snipe at a few prominent figures isn't the most mature way of taking on these issues...


New member
Feb 24, 2010
Is it just me, or does this game sound painfully boring?

I mean, if anyone gave a shit about the statements they're trying to make here, they'd read up on what's actually going on... in real life.

This just seems to be a waste of everyone's time.

Socks and Shoes

New member
Mar 11, 2011
The Random One said:
My eyes are bleeding from the pretentiousness.

I don't think you know the meaning of that word, because you sure as hell aren't using it right.


Magnificent Retard
Dec 27, 2010
Tharwen said:
A poorly-written snipe at a few prominent figures isn't the most mature way of taking on these issues...
Who the fuck cares if it's not mature? I'm pretty sure that's the point. Immaturity is fun, and this game sounds fun.