I remember that 2010 video. It was originally in an episode of Game Dogs that was released on April Fool's Day[footnote]http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/game-dogs/1584-Episode-12-The-Party - I think that's the episode[/footnote] and it was added to Zero Punctuation library afterwards.
Also, there's some broken BBCode in the article:
Also, there's some broken BBCode in the article:
(At least as far as Sweden. Hi, !)[/quote]
Anyway, my favourite episode was when Graham from [i]Loading Ready Run[/i] decided to see how difficult it is to do Yahtzee's job.[footnote]http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/645-Halo-Wars[/footnote]