8 Ridiculously Underrated Games


I am a meat popsicle
Oct 24, 2013
8 Ridiculously Underrated Games

These eight games never got the attention they deserved. Well, until now, anyway.

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New member
Oct 5, 2014
Oh yeah, Alpha Protocol. So good, despite its generous helping of flaws. And it has the delightful Steve Heck in it. Where's muh Beta Protocol: Heck To Pay?

As for Beyond Good and Evil, surely not THAT underrated? I haven't played it myself, but never heard less than glowing references.


Noble and oppressed Kekistani
Nov 8, 2010
Holy crap, finally! Finally someone who agrees that BioShock 2 is the best of the...well, two. Infinite can go take a long walk off a short cliff. But I'd also humbly add Vanquish, Silent Hill: Homecoming, Dead Space 3, and Deadly Premonition.


Lord of the Salt
Mar 29, 2012
Beyond good and evil is not underrated, its just ignored by ubisoft. Every time theres any sort of sequel topic everyone wants a sequel of BG&E.

Alpha protocol was good.... but very buggy, like all obsidian games. It could use a sequel, or at least another game that's completely unrelated but uses the same systems.

Why do people hate Bioshock 2!? It's a great game! The only complaint I've ever heard is that you have to protect little sisters while they gather and I don't get it. It's a fun side quest thing that you can either do smash and bash style or sneaky trap layer or both. Or, you could just not do them, kill the little sister or just throw her in the closest hole, all you'd lose is a little adam. The only real weakness I see in that game is that, I at least, was ridiculously powerful in the final level and felt like I couldn't die, but that was probably due to my build being extremely tanky. Plus infinite made Bioshock 2 better because it hints that Delta is Dewitt which just makes the whole game more interesting.


Lord of the Salt
Mar 29, 2012
LysanderNemoinis said:
Holy crap, finally! Finally someone who agrees that BioShock 2 is the best of the...well, two. Infinite can go take a long walk off a short cliff. But I'd also humbly add Vanquish, Silent Hill: Homecoming, Dead Space 3, and Deadly Premonition.
Vanquish, yes. God yes.

Homecoming and DS3..... no. Homecoming is objectively bad with countless bugs in its main structure, storytelling with more plot holes than even the original Mass effect 3 ending and just being plain dumb makes that game terrible. I played DS3 with a friend and its pretty bad, mostly boring but this is purely subjective. By the time we got to the planet we wanted to quit but we kept going just to spite the game and say we finished the slog.

Deadly premonition isn't underrated! Jim sterling carried it through the journalistic muck on his giant shoulders and showed us all how great that game was. I have never heard a bad thing about that game in my life from anyone that played for more than 30 minutes. Thank god for Jim.


New member
Jan 30, 2012
Damn, Impossible Creatures...thats a nostalgia hit and a half. Pity it seems to be crazy hard to get a legit copy of these days unless you want to pay silly money.

R.K. Meades

New member
Oct 1, 2014
"Obsidian's spy story is decidedly not a great FPS, something the marketing team would have done well to emphasize." Considering Alpha Protocol's combat is in third-person, I would say that is self-evident. Lack of polish aside, that game had so much going for it. I'd definitely fancy a game featuring the duo of SIE and Heck.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
I wanted to play Bioshock 2, but I've seen what hacking in that game looks like. Or rather, I actually haven't seen what it really looks like because I'm colorblind. Given the importance of hacking in the prior game I decided to take a pass on the sequel and save myself the frustration.

Alpha Protocol was... interesting? The gameplay was kinda awful, there were an unusual amount of bugs even for an Obsidian game, the skills weren't particularly balanced, and the main character's dialogue and voice acting were Deus Ex-level incompetent... but everything else was pretty cool. It's a game that I'd really love to see a fixed remaster of, or a better-made sequel.


Cleaning trash since 1990
May 11, 2009
I agree with a couple of these. "Impossible Creatures" and "Evil Genius" are quite underrated. However, if I may add a couple that I feel are underrated. "Folklore" One hell of an action RPG, with two equally bad-ass characters, and a great story (That I'll be revisiting after I'm done with "Legend of Dragoon"). Shy that, I can't think of any other game that is underrated...


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Bioshock 2 is one of my favourite games, and I do consider it the best in the series.

I'd have to say as far as underrated games go, Resident Evil 6. It's got the same campy story you'd expect from a Resident Evil. Things going from creepy to over the top. Pretty much all of them do it. Resi 1 after the hunters are released. Resi 2 with the sewer alligator. Resi 3's nemesis. Resi 4, pretty much all the main bosses have a build up to them. Resi 5's jet to volcano fight. Resi 6's... well the whole thing.

To think about it. Resi 0 did a fake out with the train. Creepy to over the top fast, then creepy again for a slow build up.


Hat Man
Jul 8, 2011
San Diego, CA
Tuesday Night Fever said:
I wanted to play Bioshock 2, but I've seen what hacking in that game looks like. Or rather, I actually haven't seen what it really looks like because I'm colorblind.
There's an improvement [http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4082/4935130009_e3ef88c0b0_b.jpg] in the patch. If understand correctly, if you're on a console, you'll have to get the DLC to get the patch, but on the PC it should come in automatically. source [http://forums.2k.com/showthread.php?83300-Colorblind-Hacking-Issue-Secretly-fixed-with-PT]

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
Pyrian said:
Tuesday Night Fever said:
I wanted to play Bioshock 2, but I've seen what hacking in that game looks like. Or rather, I actually haven't seen what it really looks like because I'm colorblind.
There's an improvement [http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4082/4935130009_e3ef88c0b0_b.jpg] in the patch. If understand correctly, if you're on a console, you'll have to get the DLC to get the patch, but on the PC it should come in automatically. source [http://forums.2k.com/showthread.php?83300-Colorblind-Hacking-Issue-Secretly-fixed-with-PT]
Interesting. Guess I'll be adding that back onto my Steam wishlist and keeping an eye out for it during the next big sale. Much appreciated!

Micah Weil

New member
Mar 16, 2009
Evil Genius is a fantastic game. My only qualm with is is that it didn't have a "free build" mode (that I could find anyway. Help an evil genius out?). It's a lot more fun if you have a cat that just KNOWS when you're playing it and likes to sit on your lap as you do so.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
Evil Genius never got the love it so deserved for its humor and style


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Nice to see another fan of CoJ:BiB. My only beef with the games is the unskippable duels that have to be exactly timed near the end and it's incredibly frustrating to replay the same duel 15 times in a row because you didn't have EXACT timing. It's never explained why you can't just skip them or cheat(draw before the bell), other then the game won't let you.


Senior Member
Mar 6, 2011
Yeah, I'm gonna have to add to the voices who don't really think 'Beyond Good and Evil' belongs on this list. That game has been so highly praised for being one of the most underrated games of all time that I think it's actually swung completely around and is now mildly overrated. I only got around to playing it a few months ago, and it was a good game, but doesn't quite live up to the hype I've seen for it over the years.


New member
May 20, 2009
Bioshock is my favorite video game series of all time, followed closely by the Arkham series. Oddly enough the third games for both series were lacking. Anyway, Bioshock stands at the top in terms of atmosphere. It does such a good job at making an empty world feel full of life and culture. It doesn't need to rely on massive scale or cheap tricks to do so either. I'd almost argue that it is the epitome of level design. Almost.

Bioshock 2 was an excellent edition to the series. The story may have been a bit different, but that's not always a bad thing. The world was still gorgeous, the gameplay felt tight, and it does what very few games have ever made me do - it made me care about the world I was in.


New member
Jan 29, 2015
I don't think Beyond Good & Evil is underrated - it's a cult classic. I'm completely on board with Bioshock 2, though, I'm one of the only people I know who thought it was great.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Almost a perfect list, Bioshock 2 is also my favourite, but Nier should have been included.