8-year-old's Uzi death at gun show


New member
May 28, 2009
Mrsnugglesworth said:
You're being to hard on the parents. They just lost their son at a Gun Show. They're looking to blame the first person who could be held responsible besides themselves. Now this is the wrong way to do it. Blaming yourself and getting over it will help you get past many of lifes problems. Alas, they are but grieving parents.
On the other hand that 15 year old instructor will feel guilty enough without the parents sueing him.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
Ururu117 said:
skywalkerlion said:
George144 said:
Yet the Americans are still so firm about defending their right to bear arms, you never seem to hear about guns saving people just constant tragic accidents and attacks with them.
You know, I'd rather die with a bullet in me then getting stabbed/beaten to death with a blunt object (Since if we were to ban Firearms we'd all be getting killed in incredibly brutal manners). Thus why I defend me gun.

Anyway, this story cries RETARDED, because the family's level of failing can not be matched with any tragedy I've seen in recent history.
Not even, say, the genocides in Romania?
Entire thousands of people killed merely for being gypsies?

No, all of that PALES in comparison to one idiotic kid.
I should say childhood/household tragedy.

Didn't mean it to come out like that ;)


New member
May 28, 2009
popdafoo said:
But... it doesn't make any sense...

That just seems like a series of bad decisions... Honestly, who couldn't have seen something wrong with this?

And about the gun laws thing, I stand by my idea that if you make guns illegal, then it will just open up the door for criminals because they know that no one can defend themselves...
Yes, because all countries that don't allow guns to be worn freely are all burning in anarchy. Take Belgium for instance or, heaven forbid, Spain!


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Ururu117 said:
dbrose said:
Hmm, yes let's allow an 8-year-old to fool around with a fully automatic submachinegun loaded with live rounds--what about that could possibly seem like a bad idea?
Nothing. It was a good idea, that went wrong.
That was sarcasm, my friend--it was a bad idea from start to finish, irresponsible at best and mind-bogglingly stupid at worst. One could almost call it karmatically even, but then that would just be cold.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Rather old story, that was a year ago right? Besides you know how some Americans are about guns. I mean, theres pro-gun and then theres gun obsessed. The death of the 8 year old was a tragedy, but it was completely the parents fault.


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
I... I.... WHAT?!

Ok, to be fair I did see a video once of a 11 year old gamer shoot an assault rifle, but that was to a) show that gamers aren't trained into military weaponry by violent videogames (he was infact very upset after shooting, and the producers apologised to the child), and b) was being supervised by a police officer, medical personel and a fully trained former-US army serviceman.

But this... an unreliable Uzi at a gun show??? that does seem incredibly stupid.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
and still, many Americans think that access to guns is vital to protect our freedom.

Go figure.


Jul 25, 2009
Ururu117 said:
Hahhaha, hilarious! Doubly hilarious with some of the commentary here!

Why not go to a gun show?
How is an art exhibit any more or less wrong for an 8 year old, considering guns kill far less children then the bus he had to take every day of his life?

This was a hilarious tragedy which is made even more hilarious because it will provoke people who don't think logically to say "well gosh, if only he hadn't been allowed near guns"!

Yes, guns are terrible instruments of life and death, but when we live in a world where the car is far more of a blood god than anything actually designed for destruction, the rules may just be a bit different from what your intuition tells you.

tl;dr: this wasn't sad or tragic at all.
This is a very good and important point but at the same time, guns and cars have the same age laws in america I believe and you wouldnt take your 8 year old to a car show, let a 15 year old put him in a started car and then let him go for a drive. The idea of doing something like that is insane. Its just as insane to give him a loaded gun isnt it?


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Venatio said:
Rather old story, that was a year ago right? Besides you know how some Americans are about guns. I mean, theres pro-gun and then theres gun obsessed. The death of the 8 year old was a tragedy, but it was completely the parents fault.
Yesh. I mean, what harm can a gun do to a man without a man wielding it? All guns should be banned? Nah, that's stupid. No use blaming tools for what the users do so we'll ban the people using guns. That's sensible. (^_^)_b


New member
May 28, 2009
Ururu117 said:
Early adaptation of guns leads to significantly lower late stage accidents.
This is an identifiable statistic; those who are around guns tend to be at less risk from them.
On the other hand, carrying a gun increases risk of getting shot and killed. [sup]source [http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17922-carrying-a-gun-increases-risk-of-getting-shot-and-killed.html][/sup]


New member
May 1, 2009
Ururu117 said:
Woem said:
Ururu117 said:
George144 said:
Yet the Americans are still so firm about defending their right to bear arms, you never seem to hear about guns saving people just constant tragic accidents with them.
Really? That seems interesting. Confirmed cases of robberies being averted, all sorts of basic crime being deterred, etc etc, all of that doesn't "save people"? All of it is constant tragedy?

Guns are a tool. That tool feeds plenty of people (the Inuit for example), allows for stability OR unrest, and everything else. Power tools cause all kinds of accidents and tragedies, does that mean they have no use?

Don't mistake me for a gun nut either. Fuck if I care if people have guns or not, but this kind of argument is simply silly. Canada has more guns per person than America, yet significantly less crime. Obviously, the guns aren't going off by themselves, now are they?
There is a difference between adults using firearms to protect themselves or to avert crime, and seeing guns as having a high entertainment value. If you're taking a family trip to a gun show, then you're blurring that very important line. Guns are not toys.
Again, the ever important example of art comes to mind.
The risk going to an art exhibit by car is greater than the risk of going to a gun show by walking, yet one would intuitively suggest that the art is inherently less risky.

Your logic seems to be very common sense but not very reasonable, with this simple example in mind.

Not to mention, who says guns can't be tools AND have entertainment value? Power tools have entertainment value, and so do many other tools, such as cars, boats, and soldering irons to name a few. It seems a bit silly to designate one particular tool as having no ability to entertain because its function is to cause death.

Having been to a gun show numerous times, and being suitably entertained, I would think this would be proof enough to the contrary.
You've got to think give the gun to a child was stupid thought
plus having a 15 year old showing them to people

Sombra Negra

New member
Nov 4, 2008
Ururu117 said:
Hahhaha, hilarious! Doubly hilarious with some of the commentary here!

Why not go to a gun show?
How is an art exhibit any more or less wrong for an 8 year old, considering guns kill far less children then the bus he had to take every day of his life?

This was a hilarious tragedy which is made even more hilarious because it will provoke people who don't think logically to say "well gosh, if only he hadn't been allowed near guns"!

Yes, guns are terrible instruments of life and death, but when we live in a world where the car is far more of a blood god than anything actually designed for destruction, the rules may just be a bit different from what your intuition tells you.

tl;dr: this wasn't sad or tragic at all.
So, you think the un-needed death of an eight year old isn't tragic, but hilarious?

No fucking wonder Jack Thompson wants to ban violent games, how much have people like you been de-sensitized to stuff like this? And before you start telling me about how cars are worse, they are, but what point is there behind allowing more people to die than necessary? Using guns as tools to defend yourself with is one thing, but letting children use them as little more than playthings is another entirely. It's just stupidly negligent.