Susan Arendt said:
This was exactly the right thing to do, and exactly the right way to do it. Tretton addressed the issue immediately, played it straight, and seems genuinely humble and apologetic for the issues that the security breach caused. Well done, Sony. Well done, indeed.
Observing Sony's
actual behavior and statements is my preferred tonic after a mean-spirited Kohler joke, as well.
Susan Arendt said:
A PlayStation branded 3d display is "perfect for dorm rooms and bedrooms". Two people playing a game will be able to see unique images - not split screen. Two people, looking at the same screen, will see two completely different images. Let that sink in for a bit.
Dreams coming true while I still breathe. I want a GT5 update with this one, kthxbai!
Susan Arendt said:
Dear Sucker Punch: Thank you for not making the Infamous 2 trailer in 3d.
/me hands Susan a Portable Temple Massagebot.
Sly? SLY COOPER? Tell me you brought a new plushie!
Dust514 sounds like an interesting thing. I wonder how close the economy and info-war aspects of Eve brush up against this one.
If anyone can solve the issues I have with run-and-gun using Move, I believe Ken Levine might be that person's Diogenes-with-a-GPS-and-the-frequency-of-his-VChip. Yeah, that's right, obscure Greek philosophy jokes about video game designers. I'm here to make that classics education pay off in more ways than one. NO LOAN REQUIRED. You're fucking welcome.
Oh yeah, one last thing...
'nuff said.