Cthulhu and Breath of Death Come Together On Steam for $3

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Cthulhu and Breath of Death Come Together On Steam for $3

Zeboyd Games' duo of charming Xbox Live Indie RPGs will soon be available on Steam for the lowest price yet.

Over the past year, Zeboyd Games brought back the old-school JRPG on Xbox Live Indie Games with two titles called little help from its fans [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/100228-Rise-From-Your-Grave-With-1-Xbox-Live-Indie-RPG] Zeboyd Games was able to put together a Steam bundle of both titles for the low, low price of $3.

Not only is the bundle allowing fans to save $1 (that's right, $1) off of the price of buying both titles on XBLIG, but the developer has pumped up both games with PC enhancements. Breath of Death VII on Steam features save anywhere functionality, an easy mode, and new customization options. Call of Cthulhu has been beefed up considerably more.

Zeboyd calls the Steam version of its Cthulhu RPG Cthulhu Saves the World: Super Hyper Enhanced Championship Edition Alpha Diamond DX Plus Alpha FES HD - Premium Enhanced Game of the Year Collector's Edition (without Avatars!). I'm pretty sure that title is a joke. It adds a director's commentary mode, unlockable character bromides (art?), rebalanced gameplay, an Insanity difficulty mode, a "super-hard" bonus dungeon, and the Cthulhu's Angels mode. Cthulhu's Angels features Cthulhu talking female characters such as Molly the Were-Zompire and Elonalina the Generic Healer into saving the world for him with new dialogue, abilities, music, characters, and more.

And it's all only $3. I'm just saying, Zeboyd, you could have made it $5 and people probably would have still gone for it. The Cthulhu Saves the World and Breath of Death VII bundle will hit Steam on July 13. If you already own Cthulhu Saves the World for Xbox 360, all of the game's PC updates are coming in a future patch. Go old-school!



The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
Yay! I don't have LIVE. I've been wanting to get my Cthulhu on since the game came out. Can't wait until the 13th.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
BoD is definitely worth a purchase for anyone, like myself, who grew up on the original Dragon Warrior/Quest games. /thumbsup


New member
Feb 8, 2011
I've always wanted to play these but I since gave up on consoles so I'm glad these are finally coming to PC and at an extra cheap cost as well. I know someone who is going to get a day 1 sale from me.


Elite Member
Jan 18, 2010
Dammit, wish I had got Breath of Death on steam. I can't play the Xbox version without connecting it to the internet. I don't even have wired internet anymore.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Rejoice poor mortals!, Cthulu is cometh!

All hail Cthulu!

Ehem... well, that's great news!, I've been looking forward to play these games and now I can have them on Steam!


Apr 28, 2008
In the article you say "Call of Cthulhu has been beefed up". I believe you meant "Cthulhu Saves the World"


New member
May 22, 2009
Because there aren't enough Cthulu pictures here already.

I've also wanted to play Cthulu Saves The World but because I hate Xbox Live as much as I hate EA's DRM,I never really bothered. Now it's on Steam for three bucks and comes with a free game! Hurray for it's fanbase convincing the developers to move it to a better platform!


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
Ugh, finally. I don't care how Zeboyd want to dress it up, I still blame them for not releasing these games on the Australian XBox Live. At least I can play them now. Unless, of course, they want to pay Valve to ensure people with ISP's in Australia aren't able to buy them.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
People would pay 5 bucks for this? Quite honestly, the $3 asking fee is basically the minimum I would pay for this. I'm really, REALLY excited about it.

Zeboyd Games

New member
Dec 7, 2010
Thanks for all the encouraging posts! Hope you all like the games when they come out next month.

Andronicus said:
Ugh, finally. I don't care how Zeboyd want to dress it up, I still blame them for not releasing these games on the Australian XBox Live.
Cthulhu Saves the World is available on XBox Live in every single country that has an XBox Live Indie Game service. Australia does not. There's nothing we can do there. And before you say "Well, then get it on XBLA," we're primarily a two man operation here. An official XBLA release requires an official XBox development kit and ratings from the various rating boards of the countries that you're releasing in, all of which costs thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars. Plus we'd have to add enough content & polish to justify charging a higher price, as well as get the game compliant with Microsoft's standards and practices, all of which would easily tack on an extra year or more of development time. Simply put, we don't have all the extra money that an official XBLA release would entail. And that's assuming that Microsoft would even give us an XBLA contract in the first place - they receive hundreds of XBLA proposals every year so there's no guarantee that we'd get a slot, especially given the niche & retro nature of our titles.

But hey, we've told Steam that we want a worldwide release so you'll be able to get the game that way. :)


Aug 31, 2009
Can't wait to buy this! I'm one of the *cough*lucky*cough* few who dosen't get Xbox Live Indie Game service (Yay again, Australia), so being able to get this on PC, and through Steam, is great news for me.

Thanks heaps Zeboyd!