Cthulhu and Breath of Death Come Together On Steam for $3


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
Zeboyd Games said:
Thanks for all the encouraging posts! Hope you all like the games when they come out next month.

Andronicus said:
Ugh, finally. I don't care how Zeboyd want to dress it up, I still blame them for not releasing these games on the Australian XBox Live.
Cthulhu Saves the World is available on XBox Live in every single country that has an XBox Live Indie Game service. Australia does not. There's nothing we can do there. And before you say "Well, then get it on XBLA," we're primarily a two man operation here. An official XBLA release requires an official XBox development kit and ratings from the various rating boards of the countries that you're releasing in, all of which costs thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars. Plus we'd have to add enough content & polish to justify charging a higher price, as well as get the game compliant with Microsoft's standards and practices, all of which would easily tack on an extra year or more of development time. Simply put, we don't have all the extra money that an official XBLA release would entail. And that's assuming that Microsoft would even give us an XBLA contract in the first place - they receive hundreds of XBLA proposals every year so there's no guarantee that we'd get a slot, especially given the niche & retro nature of our titles.

But hey, we've told Steam that we want a worldwide release so you'll be able to get the game that way. :)
Well then why release it exclusively on XBLA in the first place when you know that some people simply aren't going to have any way of accessing this game? Smacks of either lazy research or blatant favouritism to me.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Only $3 [and presumably 3?]? Heck yeah! Instabuy. Even $5? for the double pack would've been a nice price, seriously.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
"Cthulhu Saves the World: Super Hyper Enhanced Championship Edition Alpha Diamond DX Plus Alpha FES HD - Premium Enhanced Game of the Year Collector's Edition (without Avatars!)"

Well, how can you POSSIBLY go wrong with a name like that? Sold!


New member
Aug 4, 2010
I would buy this for the name alone even if I didn't know how good the games were.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
Andronicus said:
Zeboyd Games said:
Thanks for all the encouraging posts! Hope you all like the games when they come out next month.

Andronicus said:
Ugh, finally. I don't care how Zeboyd want to dress it up, I still blame them for not releasing these games on the Australian XBox Live.
Cthulhu Saves the World is available on XBox Live in every single country that has an XBox Live Indie Game service. Australia does not. There's nothing we can do there. And before you say "Well, then get it on XBLA," we're primarily a two man operation here. An official XBLA release requires an official XBox development kit and ratings from the various rating boards of the countries that you're releasing in, all of which costs thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars. Plus we'd have to add enough content & polish to justify charging a higher price, as well as get the game compliant with Microsoft's standards and practices, all of which would easily tack on an extra year or more of development time. Simply put, we don't have all the extra money that an official XBLA release would entail. And that's assuming that Microsoft would even give us an XBLA contract in the first place - they receive hundreds of XBLA proposals every year so there's no guarantee that we'd get a slot, especially given the niche & retro nature of our titles.

But hey, we've told Steam that we want a worldwide release so you'll be able to get the game that way. :)
Well then why release it exclusively on XBLA in the first place when you know that some people simply aren't going to have any way of accessing this game? Smacks of either lazy research or blatant favouritism to me.
Or they are two guys and porting something it to the pc alone took them months. They went with their best option, deal with it.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
I already have Breath of death on my 360. So I guess... oh who am I kidding I am gonna buy the pack the game rocks and I am willing to rebuy it for another system. That way when the 360 is replaced by the 420 I will still be able to play the game :).