South Australia Continues to Make Life Difficult

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
South Australia Continues to Make Life Difficult

The state of South Australia is once again kicking up a fuss over videogame ratings, saying it will dump the MA15+ rating in favor of R18+ no matter what the rest of the country does.

South Australia has a long history of making life difficult for gamers down under. For two decades it was the home base of high hopes [] that the land of milk and honey was just over the the horizon but that hasn't quite turned out to be the case; things are moving forward but at a glacial pace, and now South Australia has thrown another curveball at the process by declaring that it will act unilaterally to impose changes to the system that critics say will just create more confusion and headaches.

Australia's Standing Committee of Attorneys General is scheduled to meet later this month to hammer out a scheme for bringing a proper "mature" videogame rating to the country, after the federal government Guidelines [] for establishing an R18+ rating include a call to tighten up the existing, amorphous MA15+ rating in order to more clearly differentiate between games appropriate for children and those that are not. But South Australia now says it will take matters one step further by ditching the MA15+ rating entirely, regardless of what happens at the upcoming SCAG meeting.

If that happens, videogames in the state will effectively be divided into two groups: those for kids and those for adults. Games rated MA15+ in other states will instead get an R18+ rating in South Australia, keeping them, in theory at least, out of the hands of young teenagers. The problem is that by establishing a de facto independent rating regime, the state will once again throw plans for a coherent, nationwide rating system into disarray.

"I think it would be bizarre if they were to go it alone," said Opposition Justice Spokesman Stephen Wade. "The Attorney General has indicated that he appreciates that people will continue to access games, through downloading them and through mail order. So it would be clearly an unfair impost on South Australian retailers at a time we are very aware of the competition between the online retail marker and the shopfront retail market."

Australia's Interactive Games and Entertainment Association CEO Ron Curry added that the move would further hinder the industry by making it "nearly impossible" to advertise videogames nationally.

The next meeting of Australia's Standing Committee of Attorneys General takes place on July 22 in South Australia. Finger crossed for you, Aussies!

Source: GamePron []


King Toasty

New member
Oct 2, 2010
Poor Auss- wait, "Achieving a Just and Secure Society"? Damn, that sounds 1984. My hearts goes out to Aussie gamers.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Why is that I sense an unspoken "neener-neener" embedded in South Australia's announcement?


New member
Dec 17, 2010
I guess when you have to put up with dumb legislation long enough, you get frustrated to the point of making it worse.


As good as the next man.
Aug 15, 2010
Surely these guys have more important things to do right? F*king dicks...


New member
Sep 17, 2010
Suddenly I feel a need to buy Yatzhee a beer keg or two. Having to put up with this...circus would have driven me bonkers.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Anyone seen the film Equilibrium? South Australian gouvernmentals have. Everyone. And they fucking love it.
Or so I hear...


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
The federal government should tell the states to jump in the lake and enforce the R18+ with MA15+ as they want, the states have had years to update and they failed, so stuff em.

RT-Medic-with-shotgun said:
This screams 1984. Sad for Australia but we got our own problems we can't do jack about because of our out of touch government.
Thats the irony, the federal government IS in touch, its the states (South Australia specifically) that are being dicks about this.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Meanwhile we have the Atterny General of NSW refusing to vote, making any national change again impossible.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
RicoADF said:
The federal government should tell the states to jump in the lake and enforce the R18+ with MA15+ as they want, the states have had years to update and they failed, so stuff em.

RT-Medic-with-shotgun said:
This screams 1984. Sad for Australia but we got our own problems we can't do jack about because of our out of touch government.
Thats the irony, the federal government IS in touch, its the states (South Australia specifically) that are being dicks about this.
Thats the interesting thing here. The Federal Government kind of did exactly that. I am parafrasing here but they said something along the lines of: this is a joke, we need to do something about our outdated system and if the Atterny Generals can't agree soon then we will.
\Now I suppose it's time to see what exactly they meant by that, if anything :|


Veteran n00b
Sep 14, 2008
I don't mind that they want to get rid of the MA15+ if it makes ratings easier to understand, just get rid of it. I don't think there will be much difference between the two ratings if they were both impimented.

Now if these bloody poli's would listen to the people that put them in their job we would of had this years ago.

I'll put money on news coming out on the 22nd that nothing was achieved, except the bastards had a nice and expencive lunch.

Ultima Shadow

New member
Apr 8, 2009
If the sacrifice for getting an R18+ rating is to scrap the MA15+ rating, I don't mind. Really. Just so long as we get the bloody rating!


New member
Feb 15, 2010
It will happen sooner or later. As long as they keep classifying R games as MA then i don't really care. I'm over 18 so can buy them regardless.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
So South Australia has decided to take the same "Screw you hippies!" route the A.C.T is taking with reclassification guidelines? Seems there will be a lot of interstate mail orders.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
itchcrotch said:
fuck i hate this country sometimes.
our government is just too big for our populace so all our politicians have to do whatever it takes to have the appearance of being busy, when in actuality, there just isn't a lot that needs doing!
Yeah that really does seem to be the problem at this point doesn't it...
Almost like a little kid that's supposed to be doing their homework; not doing it but trying to look busy whenever someone comes in to their room >.<

... It really is a simple matter, we're (almost) the only continent without an R18 rating for videogames, simple fix: add one! there is no need for this runaround BS.