Valve: There Is No Half-Life 3


New member
Apr 10, 2008
Valve: There Is No Half-Life 3

Valve community manager doesn't want the community to continue trolling itself.

After years of meme-level jokes about the lack of a Half-Life game in 8 years - especially since the series was supposed to be "episodic" - the collective internet began to rumble this month. There was that guy with phantom website with the logo [] clearly emblazoned upon it. A poster on Valve's official forums even claimed there was an arcane clue hidden in Wheatley's speech for Game Character of the Year at Spike's VGAs. Later in the thread, though, an official Valve community manager dispelled any illusion Gabe Newell is cooking up some secret ARG leading up to a HL3 reveal. Apparently, we are just trolling ourselves.

Here is the supposed "evidence" of Half-Life 3 hidden in the video to the right which was originally posted at Vividgamer []:

A series of Cyrillic symbols (СПУТНИК НАБЛЮДЕНИЯ ) can be seen above Wheatley. Translated, the message reads: Observation Satellite "Lanthanum". Lanthanum is a periodic element in Group 3.
Translated to Greek, "Lanthanum" reads λανθανω. Note the lambda symbol, a gaming icon that screams Half-Life.
Numerous constellations can be drawn in the stars behind Wheatley, all forming lambda symbols.
Wheatley finishes his speech by attempting to give coordinates of his location in space. He only has time to say "1, 1, 1″ before being cut off. 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
The atomic number of Lanthanum is 57. 5 and 7 are the starting and ending dates in July for next years E3. 5 + 7 = 12. 6/5/12 - 6/7/12.

Wait, what? Really?

"You are being trolled. There is no ARG. Wheatley's speech was set in Portal 2 fiction - that is all," posted Chetf from Valve. "There has been no directive from Gabe to leak anything. That is all false."

In case that wasn't clear, Chetf states for the record that there is no HL3 announcement incoming. "I just want to say this so there is no confusion. This is the community trolling the community nothing more. While it is nice to see people excited about anything HL, I hate seeing people be trolled like this," he said.

Of course, you know what this means? It's all obfuscation! Smoke and mirrors! Half-Life 3 must be dropping soon, if they are making official posts to tell us to stop looking for clues in meaningless symbols!

Valve fanboys, redouble your efforts! You are definitely on to something.

Source: Valve forums []



Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Sigh. I really hope HL3 doesn't go the way of Duke. After all this build up now I really doubt it can live up to my hopes.


Last day of PubClub for me. :'-(
Mar 23, 2011
MiracleOfSound said:
Sigh. I really hope HL3 doesn't go the way of Duke.
I hope you aren't hinting that HL3 will go the way of Duke as in "vaporware and shit" rather than just "vaporware".


Gaming Wildlife
Apr 5, 2009
MiracleOfSound said:
Sigh. I really hope HL3 doesn't go the way of Duke. After all this build up now I really doubt it can live up to my hopes.
Already has. I stopped caring after HL2 EP2 came out. Valve is making so much money with TF2 and Steam, that people need to realize that we'll probably never see another Half life game ever again. Want half life 3? Mod it! Make it yourself! We do have Gmod and the ability to make our own levels! Why hasn't someone made a fan-made HL3 mod yet?


New member
Dec 15, 2008
You guys think Valve just kinda forgot what Half Life is?

And when we keep bothering them about it, they're actually quite frightened because they have no idea what we're talking about.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Wait, isn't Chetf one of the L4D guys?

Welp, guess we know their big "3" announcement is now =\


Late Reviewer
Nov 29, 2007
Maybe they wouldn't have these kinds of problems if they actually acknowledged a Half-Life sequel was in the works?


New member
Oct 5, 2010
If we add up the numbers in the E3 dates (6/5/12 and 6/7/12) 6+5+12=23. 2+3=5. 6+7+12=25. 2+5=7. 5+7=12. 1+2=3!! Clearly it can only mean one thing! That if you look for patterns in random data you can probably find it even if it isn't really there.

Kinda sad they came out and said everything wasn't connected. I always like watching how deep people go with ARGs. Especially when they are apparently making it all up by themselves. Although this probably won't stop them from trying.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
TLS14 said:
MiracleOfSound said:
Sigh. I really hope HL3 doesn't go the way of Duke.
I hope you aren't hinting that HL3 will go the way of Duke as in "vaporware and shit" rather than just "vaporware".
No, I'm 'hinting' at what I said in the part of my post you cut out, actually.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
MiracleOfSound said:
Sigh. I really hope HL3 doesn't go the way of Duke. After all this build up now I really doubt it can live up to my hopes.
I'm tellin' ya - HL3 is Valve's doomsday card. They'll play that hand only when Valve's financial state goes to hell.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
While we're talking of innovative sci-fi FPS games, I've been watching a bit of Resistance 3 gameplay. And hot dayum, the second time this year (the first being Dark Souls) I feel like I need to get a console.


Too bad I'm shit with gamepads when it comes to FPS.


Stormfather take you!
Nov 10, 2009
MiracleOfSound said:
Sigh. I really hope HL3 doesn't go the way of Duke. After all this build up now I really doubt it can live up to my hopes.
What buildup? All the hype has been purely from the fans. I honestly think Valve are just sitting there waiting to see how long the community will go on trolling their selves before everyone either stops caring or dies of old age.