A criticism of Bob Chipman


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Zontar said:
Well, Bob himself sure seems to think he is beyond criticism.
Is that so? It seems to me he is perfectly willing to own up to his mistakes, as evidenced in the several videos where he does just that.

OT: I disagree with many things that Bob says, but I respect the effort and work he has put in to get to a position where he can say them.

Also, I stopped watching the video at about 2:35 when the talky man implied that the massive internet debate about Link possibly being female didn't happen.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
The only problem I see in moviebob is that he is the definition of the true fanboy, the kind of person that is very common in other forums, although in here this fanboy has a nicer vocabulary.


Magnetic Mutant
Apr 16, 2012
I lasted....1:35. I'm not the biggest fan of Bob and I do feel that he is a little bit too into the stuff that he is into but this 'deconstruction' is just a pile of wank.

In saying that I do feel Bob's opinion is a bit overrepresented here on the escapist and as a result I am enjoying Jim Sterling's movie defence force defending movies that Bob has panned.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
My main issue with Bob is simply that many of the issues he criticizes are absolute non-issues outside the US. They have, for a large part, already been solved in other countries and/or have never appeared in the first place. Yet, he phrases his points as if they would affect all of mankind. As a non-American, I sometimes think that his focus is a bit too narrow.


Lurker Extrordinaire
May 10, 2009
Trikeen said:
"It is written that only Link can defeat bigotry" had me chuckling madly.

Coming from the bias of already hating MovieBob and the over-saturation of his content on this website, I liked the video. Not the most objective and well written critique of the man, but no 6 minute youtube video could be.
Yeah I agree, and as much as I would like to give an objective view on this video, I can't. I can't stand Moviebob's opinions or the way he presents them; also I still view the game over thinker as (to steal a phrase from yahtzee) congealed failure. However I think that the man formerly known as "Dildo Faggins" (no really) makes a good point in that it's stupid to think gender swapping link will change anything.


New member
Sep 17, 2011
zen5887 said:
Nurb said:
Like how Maleficent was a metaphor for rape
Yeah but, it is.
I would say more of a feminazi propaganda movie. Like a Disney movie if written by Anita Sarkeesian.

In terms of the op, Bob can say things that seem weird but ever since his gameoverthinker had a story, I stopped caring so much.


New member
May 18, 2011
My problem with Bob is that he seems...well...every time I hear him speak he sounds as if he's the pope speaking ex cathedra, setting up his presentation in such a way that all but says "You can disagree with me, but if you do, you're wrong, because I'm right."

Sure he has a few times admitted to have made a mistake after the act, which is more than what I can say for most internet popes, but by then the harm was done anyway, as far as I'm concerned.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
I was really annoyed when Bob essentially pushed an episode to "The Game Overthinker" down our throats. After watching that my opinion of Bob went down about 3 notches. I generally don't mind watching his "Big Picture" episodes because they're mostly discussing things that uber comic geeks like from the uber comic geek perspective and it helps me understand my friends who are into comics a bit better.

Overall I'd give Bob a 6.5/10, the quality of his insights seems to have dropped off a bit lately. Maybe he's spending too much time on personal vanity projects like "The Game Overthinker" and maybe he's lost his passion for the job. "John Conquest"'s video is picking out a few flaws in a few videos, he's reading too much into it. Everyone goes overboard sometimes and you don't always have to agree with everyone else.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
There's just so much smug and pettiness in this video that it undermines his points.

The guy saying ''we just chanced the gender of an established character, look at how progressive we are'' is the wrong way to go is something i agree with. Why doesn't he just stick to that rather then to trail off on a personal vendetta the entire time?


New member
Sep 22, 2009
A good way to become popular is to undermine the popularity of someone else.

Or in this case: Try to undermine the opularity


New member
Sep 24, 2008
1. The degrees to which he holds movies on pedestals or condemns them approaches religious zealotry.
2. Smugness and arrogance that far exceeds his intelligence.
3. Game Overthinker devolved to creepy self-insert fanfiction.
4. He's overly repetitious about his views and opinions.(Seriously, how many of his videos mention Dark Knight.)

1. His voice and recording equipment sucks.
2. He's fat.
3. He wrote a book.
4. His ego has an effect on his perception, observations and opinions.
5. I disagree with Bob therefore he's wrong and stupid.

While overall I like Bob's work there needs to be some critique leveled to it. This video is crap at that.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
VoidWanderer said:
zen5887 said:
Nurb said:
Like how Maleficent was a metaphor for rape
Yeah but, it is.
I would say more of a feminazi propaganda movie. Like a Disney movie if written by Anita Sarkeesian.
Hardly, unless you count having a male villain as 'feminazi' then I can't see how the film is anti-male in any way, if anything it's more your classic revenge flick a la Kill Bill but made by Disney.

Flunk said:
I was really annoyed when Bob essentially pushed an episode to "The Game Overthinker" down our throats. After watching that my opinion of Bob went down about 3 notches. I generally don't mind watching his "Big Picture" episodes because they're mostly discussing things that uber comic geeks like from the uber comic geek perspective and it helps me understand my friends who are into comics a bit better.
Yeah, that bugged me too, if it had been more subtle then I wouldn't have minded but it was basically a waste of an episode as an unfunny thinly veiled advert for another show when I wanted to watch the Big Picture, which I usually enjoy a lot. I don't mind Bob most of the time, I just roll my eyes whenever he rags again on some movie he'd decided to hate.


Apr 28, 2008
I don't agree with everything Bob says, but he accuses Bob of cherry picking yet pretty much labours his entire point by ragging on one of his hundreds of videos.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
VoidWanderer said:
zen5887 said:
Nurb said:
Like how Maleficent was a metaphor for rape
Yeah but, it is.
I would say more of a feminazi propaganda movie. Like a Disney movie if written by Anita Sarkeesian.

In terms of the op, Bob can say things that seem weird but ever since his gameoverthinker had a story, I stopped caring so much.
Feminazi propaganda, what? A story about a guy who betrays somebody and gets his comeuppance, and the person who he betrayed getting what was stolen from her back and allowing peace to be restored? At what point is it "feminazi?" It isn't anti-man, just anti-bad-people. That the bad people in the film are mostly two guys (the old king and Stephen) isn't a commentary against men. That'd be like saying the original Sleeping Beauty is anti-female because the hero is a male and the villain is a female. Prince Philip is brought in as a good guy and all that.

If anything, its anti-older-generation. A huge part of the resolution seems to be burying the sins of the past.


New member
Feb 1, 2014
John Conquest has responded by saying this.
"Just a little something for the thread about me on the escapist forums.
I can make fun of Bob because I like making fun of people I don't like.
I don't need justification to make fun of him.
You can continue to cry over me calling him fat but it won't stop me or anyone else from making fun of him."
Here my thought. So yes you can make fun of Bob if you want but remember you can be criticised for it.I myself didn't read too much into it but still your video can be criticised if anyone wants to also the Halo section of your video where you called him stupid seemed like shark jumping.I will not begrudge you for the video but your comment about the thread seems somewhat condenscending.

Captcha=good evening

Macsen Wledig

New member
Oct 4, 2013
tm96 said:
John Conquest has responded by saying this.
"Just a little something for the thread about me on the escapist forums.
I can make fun of Bob because I like making fun of people I don't like.
I don't need justification to make fun of him.
You can continue to cry over me calling him fat but it won't stop me or anyone else from making fun of him."
Yawn! The more this guy opens his mouth the more pathetic he sounds.

"I don't like him! You can't stop me calling him fat! You're not my real dad! Wah! Wah!"

Idiotic man-child personified.


New member
Sep 17, 2011
Lilani said:
VoidWanderer said:
zen5887 said:
Nurb said:
Like how Maleficent was a metaphor for rape
Yeah but, it is.
I would say more of a feminazi propaganda movie. Like a Disney movie if written by Anita Sarkeesian.

In terms of the op, Bob can say things that seem weird but ever since his gameoverthinker had a story, I stopped caring so much.
Feminazi propaganda, what? A story about a guy who betrays somebody and gets his comeuppance, and the person who he betrayed getting what was stolen from her back and allowing peace to be restored? At what point is it "feminazi?" It isn't anti-man, just anti-bad-people. That the bad people in the film are mostly two guys (the old king and Stephen) isn't a commentary against men. That'd be like saying the original Sleeping Beauty is anti-female because the hero is a male and the villain is a female. Prince Philip is brought in as a good guy and all that.

If anything, its anti-older-generation. A huge part of the resolution seems to be burying the sins of the past.
Well, Maleficent is the ONLY competent person in the movie. The scene where the ring burns her struck me as odd since that iron ring would be valuable in that setting, which to me seemed to indicate that strong women don't need relationships. There was the rapey scene when she gets roofied and suffers a crippling violation from the only male she cared about. Which leads me to my biggest gripe.

Instead of outing Stephan for what he did in front of all the nobility, not to mention his wife, Maleficent keeps it quiet. This was shocking to me. Imagine the scene where she bestows the curse and Stephan drops to his knees and begs. I would've written the scene so Maleficent says 'Yes, beg me for mercy like I begged you not to take my wings. Beg for the life of your daughter who you only got by betraying my trust. You drugged me and cut off my wings for your own selfish pride. So go ahead and beg, Stephan. Throw yourself upon the mercy of the person you betrayed.' To me, a much better scene.

How about the only other female characters are the moronic fairies whose negligence almost got Aurora killed, and that reminds me, why did Stephan trust the fairies? He had just met them, but entrusts his daughter to them. So the only competent person has to watch over her, but didn't the curse later on lead her to the locked room, which it unlocked and reformed a spinning cradle, couldn't it look after her instead of Maleficent having to stalk Aurora?

The scene where Maleficent tries to recant the curse was cool, and that should've driven her to master the Powers of Hell as it is not magic based on Earth. And why did she take the Prince Charming stand-in to the castle when he was already going there!?

To me, this film was screaming 'Only Women can get anything done by themselves'. The acting was brilliant, but the story forgot it was supposed to be about Maleficent, not 'Sleeping Beauty as told by Maleficent'.

And why didn't Stephan just wall off the access to her room, it is obvious he had enough iron for it? Oh yeah, Maleficent was dragging Prince Helium around for some arbitrary reason, so the plot had to let her through...


New member
Feb 1, 2014
Well since this thread has slowed down I might as well say my thoughts on the points JC put in the video.

At the start you say Bob is stupid simply by saying "Thats some scary symbolism right there" then say Bob called Bungie racist for the Spartan signal. I can understand you calling him dumb for the wording of it but saying he called Bungie racist is a shot to the foot and not a good way to start.

Calling him fat. I really don't care about this point.

Shortening the audio in his videos. See the point above.

Link's gender being changed. Yeah not a lot of people will care to begin with but some people like Bob will care but the rumour did raise a lot of eyebrows like mine since I made a thread about when I first heard it.

Cherry picking. Welcome to Bob's world. I myself don't catch on when he cherry picks stuff but most of the time I don't care. Also JC glass houses, you're doing it right now. Look at the quote I put below:

Orekoya said:
1. The degrees to which he holds movies on pedestals or condemns them approaches religious zealotry.
2. Smugness and arrogance that far exceeds his intelligence.
3. Game Overthinker devolved to creepy self-insert fanfiction.
4. He's overly repetitious about his views and opinions.(Seriously, how many of his videos mention Dark Knight.)

While overall I like Bob's work there needs to be some critique leveled to it. This video is crap at that.
Wizards cause thunderstorms. Your point is valid but Bob wants different. I refer you to the Jimquisition pasta sauce episode.

Bob's progressive stance emitting from his videos and attitude. Bob tone it down.

Earth shaking. Thats his opinion. You can call him out on it.

Only Link can defeat bigotry. Bob, I suggest you have rethink on that part.

A video game changing an issue. Unless it pertains to video games this won't help much. Dungeon Keeper says hello.

Link questioning his gender. Extra Credits did a nice piece on Persona's character Kanji Tatsumi. I haven't played any Persona games but from what the said Kanji seems like a great character to represent the LGBT community and I think we all hope to see more of that.

JC has a lot of points against Bob but some points like the Spartan experiment was a shot to the foot in wording but Bob could have worded it better. Bob you have a problems like those said in the quote above and in JC's video. So I suggest changing a few things.

This is what I think JC is thinking if he reads this