I think this nicely sums up why I haven't been able to stay enthusiastic about the Kingdom Hearts series. I loved the original but the only other ones I played and liked were Birth by Sleep and 3DS (I've never played KH2). As much as I liked BbS and 3DS, the former requires you to play through and beat it 3 times to see the true ending. 3DS has you play through it twice to get to the ending at all. Another problem is you know the plot is just going to continue tangling itself into an even more insidious knot...grr.
Ya know what game I absolutely adored though, with plenty of replay value? Duke Nukem 64. Once you beat the game you have multiplayer and unlike every single god-damn FPS from this generation (except maybe enough for me to count on the fingers of one of my hands) you can take on the multiplayer either with some buddies gathered around your TV OR WITH A BUNCH OF BOTS. Duke Nukem 64 is the first game I remember playing til 4am because of those bot matches.
Anyway great games (or rather, games that you personally love or enjoy or consider great) will always demand your attention. Ever since I got it back I've been going back to Otogi, which is what Devil May Cry should be copying. I've also been going back to Mechassault, which should have been put on the 360 years ago. Finally, I've gone back to and played a bunch of Final Fantasy Mystic Quest...because it's the most METAL of the Final Fantasy games.
Ya know what game I absolutely adored though, with plenty of replay value? Duke Nukem 64. Once you beat the game you have multiplayer and unlike every single god-damn FPS from this generation (except maybe enough for me to count on the fingers of one of my hands) you can take on the multiplayer either with some buddies gathered around your TV OR WITH A BUNCH OF BOTS. Duke Nukem 64 is the first game I remember playing til 4am because of those bot matches.
Anyway great games (or rather, games that you personally love or enjoy or consider great) will always demand your attention. Ever since I got it back I've been going back to Otogi, which is what Devil May Cry should be copying. I've also been going back to Mechassault, which should have been put on the 360 years ago. Finally, I've gone back to and played a bunch of Final Fantasy Mystic Quest...because it's the most METAL of the Final Fantasy games.