A good (J)RPG.


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
If you're only gunning for 360 JRPGs, Tales of VEsperia, and Eternal Sonata are some good one, Enchanted arms is okay, a bit pokemonish in it's battle system but you can do worse. If you have a PS2 a look at your the used game section can wield some excellent entries.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
It's been a little while but the closest thing that fits is Valkyria Chronicles (an SJRPG) which is original, fun, and easy on the eyes. If you have a ps3 try the demo.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Best System for old style RPGs is still the PS2.
A few not already posted that at least I enjoyed enough to finish em off were Ar Tonelico and Mana Khemia.


New member
Jan 7, 2008
Just play chess. That way you won't have to spend 50 bucks and you'll get the same gameplay.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
If you have a Gamecube, get Tales of Symphonia. It's probably the finest JRPG I've ever played.

It will also play on the Wii, of course, if you have one of those.


New member
Oct 3, 2007
I found Knights in the Nightmare on the DS to be thoroughly awesome, if not quite difficult. Simultaneously, Contact was also awesome on the DS.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
greenboy2004 said:
Vlane said:
The Shin Megami Tensei series is always a good place to start if you have a PS2 (and honestly who doesn't?). Check out Nocturne, the Digital Devil Saga games and Persona 3.

And really that's all you need. If you have a GC though check out Baten Kaitos (which arguably had the best turn based combat system ever). It's an incredibly underrated game but I had one of my best times ever playing this game.
Don't forget Persona 4 it is an excelent game that refines the experience of Persona 4 plus there are some absolutly hilarious moments in it, and unlike Persona 3 the good ending will not cause you to start cutting after seeing it.
I'm honest right now. I hate Persona 4. I don't know why but I just do that's why I didn't put it up there. Maybe it's because of the way the story evolves.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
NeutralDrow said:
Seconding the recommendation for Baten Kaitos.

Vlane said:
And really that's all you need. If you have a GC though check out Baten Kaitos (which arguably had the best turn based combat system ever). It's an incredibly underrated game but I had one of my best times ever playing this game.
I preferred the Active Time Battle system from Baten Kaitos Origins, personally, though the first game is still pretty good.
As far as I know Baten Kaitos Origins never got a release here in europe that's why I wasn't able to play it and therefore couldn't mention it.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
I found Persona 4 to be really good, and I have enjoyed some of the older Final Fantasy games.


Sep 11, 2009
DC_Josh said:
Good news everyone!

Picked up lost odyssey for the 360 and to my surprise, the game was actually not that bad. The battles were reminicant of the good era of final fantasy (eg random and turn based) and the plot, although not quite as deep and meaningful as FF7 or 9, was enough to keep me hooked through the respectable 4 disks of gameplay.

Long story short. I completed it and it left me wanting more. Can any of you lovely people recommend a good RPG? It would be good if it was in a similar style as L-O. I did look at Last Remnant but according to reviews, its interface is terrible and various technical issues spoil the game.

The 1000 year of dreams was an excellent way to add depth to the characters. I mean its just text but its done VERY well.

As Characters go, there are some pretty deep people in the game. And well handled character progression. e.g. Jansen was an annoying prat in the beginning of the game, but I couldn't tell at which point in the game I started liking him. I just did. And be became loyal, etc.

As for other RPGs, I like Tales of Vesperia and Enchanted Arms. Neither are particularly original but they are both entertaining. Eternal Sonata is graphically similar to Vesperia, but there is just something about that game that doesn't sit well with me.

[Edit] In addition to what I put here, Tales of Symphonia is brilliant.

Also Panzer Dragoon Saga!!!!! It was the first RPG I ever played and I have hugely fond memories of it.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
I liked Lost Odyssey, but I never did finish it. Al I have to work with is an ancient 13" TV, and the bloom effects basically blinded out the rest of the game. I left off trying to fight off 5 of those damn giant dinosaurs.

As for other good JRPGs, I haven't played any really good newer ones ('cause most of them suck), but my favorite is still Chrono Cross. If you haven't played it, Amazon usually has a few never-been-played copies for the Playstation. It is one of the most in depth (if not a little confusing) story lines ever, and I highly recommend it.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
It would help more if you tell us what consoles you have...I can't recommend anything on the 360.

If you have a DS:

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor
The World Ends With You


Skies Of Arcadia
Baten Kaitos (/Origins)


Raincoat Killer
Aug 21, 2008
I have to admit I didn't like Jansen in the beginning, and then suddenly I started to like him. Now I think he's brilliant, even at the start of the game, it's strange. Guess he's just one of those characters who grow on you.

As for other good JRPGs (Warning, Long list incomming!)
PS2 - Tales of the Abyss(Enjoyed it more than Symphonia which was pretty hard to beat, funnily enough I can't play Symphonia now... =/),
Persona 3 & 4(Personally I prefered 3 over 4. Both were really good, but 4 was missing some depth with the characters I think.)
Suikoden V (It can get a bit slow at points, however I found the story very good, and I even went so far as to getting all the 108 stars of destiny, which is an achievement considering my short attention span)
SMT: Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 (Excellent story, however it isn't for the weak willed, the dungeons are about 3hours long each and it can get pretty grindy )
Star Ocean Till the End of Time (Great game, same battle system as Tales of games, the added extra of creating items via item creation is awesome too)

Game Cube - Skies of Arcadia (Epic game, it's a port of the original dreamcast game, with added stuff. Definitely recommend it.)
Tales of Symphonia (Loved the game when I first played it, although I do admit now I can't play it after playing Tales of the Abyss, the straight line battle system is pretty tedious)
Baten Kaitos (Good game, a bit different due to using cards though)

DS - The World Ends With You (Excellent gameplay and story, kept me gripped until the end. I do admit the combat could get pretty annoying when your drawing a cricle, and it wont recognise it as a cricle...),
Final Fantasy IV (Great game and great story, definitely on par, or even better than the later FF's)

PSP - Crisis Core (If you liked FF7, I recommend it 100%, story is astounding, and at every point you feel for the characters(An achievement considering I hate Cloud and Sephiroth)
Tales of Eternia (Great game if you like the other tales of games)

X360 - Tales of Vesperia (Excellent game, thoroughly recommend it),
Infinite Undiscovery (Slow starter, however once you get into the game it becomes very fun to play, if you can withstand the annoyingness of the main character that is.),
The Last Remnant (Battle system is different, it's sort of like a small scale war, with you having 3 groups of allies, and the enemy having a couple of groups, I however thought that was a refreshing change. It's not for everyone though. Not sure if theres a demo on XBL, but if your PC is decent enough, you could try the PC demo to see whether you like the battle system).
Enchanted Arms (I thought the story was decent, the high encounter rate and annoying main character is enough to put some people off though)
Eternal Sonata (Great game and fun battle system, it could of done without the final chapter I do admit, but you can easily consider the boss at the end of the penultimate chapter the final boss, and ignore the final chapter if you wish, thats what I've done).
Blue Dragon (Iffy game, you either like it or you don't. I personally hated it, didn't like the immature main characters, or the, to me, generic story. That said, a lot of people liked the game. I think you'd like it if you liked the Dragon Quest series. I personally didn't like Dragon Quest either, so there you go).

That should be a big enough list to keep you going. :p


New member
Jan 11, 2008
UltimatheChosen said:
If you have a Gamecube, get Tales of Symphonia. It's probably the finest JRPG I've ever played.
Seriously, this is something I will NEVER understand. Did everyone else play a completely different game to me? It was the most generic JRPG I'd ever played. It was so generic I honestly thought it might have been taking the piss.

Fair enough I didn't get far with it but what on earth was so good about it?