A plea for Warcraft: let us roll back our characters


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Not to shoot you down but all your ideas have been suggested before on the WoW forums. Anyways Blizzards response to all suggestions like these is that they think it's more important to work on new content rather then going back and tweaking old content and/or adding in features like you mentioned.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Fredrick2003 said:
xmetatr0nx said:
So why not start this thread on say a WoW community? Or write blizzard a letter, im sure they would be more than willing to listen.
Blizzard doesn't listen anymore, that small company we know and love died when World of Warcraft came out.

Greedy bastards.
Huge companies like Blizzard have to shape their game around the masses. One change effects millions of players, so one player's angst, or even a thousand won't push for anything unfortunately.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
Rolling back characters? My wife just rolls tons of characters so she's always got a character in whatever level range she needs to have a good game with her legion of online friends. She doesn't even have a character above level 75 (and didn't ding 70 until she got Lich King). Bad case of alt-oholism, but she has fun with the game and it's still fresh to her after over three years of playing.