emuparadise recently got shut down. (if you don't know, it was a site dedicated to old ROMS and emulators. games from the NES and Sega Dreamcast era) and an age-old question comes up. are old ROMs piracy?
now, I don't condone regular piracy. to download a game like thrones of Britannia free should be and is a crime. There is no doubt about it. but these old ROMs are a different tale. I'm gonna use pokemon red and the Gameboy Tetris game as examples. I can't buy these games. its not possible to buy these games a. from the actual publisher/developer. or b. without paying an exorbitant price to second-hand sellers.(mother 3 is going for about 150$ on eBay which is nuts) so I as a customer can't even pay the company for these games because they aren't for sale.
then the second problem comes up that the developers need to get the money from the games they create. which is reasonable for new games but these games? now the developer of the, let's say old tomb raider games, doesn't even exist anymore. its closed up so no way of the money actually going to them.
then there is the third problem. some of these games CANT even go for sale anymore. the gameboy tetris i talked about? noone is sure who owns the rights now. its all a big legal jumble that will take years to sort out. if it ever does. so that game (and many others) will never ever go for sale again.
so taking all of these into consideration is downloading old ROMs like pokemon red or old tomb raider games for free piracy?
now, I don't condone regular piracy. to download a game like thrones of Britannia free should be and is a crime. There is no doubt about it. but these old ROMs are a different tale. I'm gonna use pokemon red and the Gameboy Tetris game as examples. I can't buy these games. its not possible to buy these games a. from the actual publisher/developer. or b. without paying an exorbitant price to second-hand sellers.(mother 3 is going for about 150$ on eBay which is nuts) so I as a customer can't even pay the company for these games because they aren't for sale.
then the second problem comes up that the developers need to get the money from the games they create. which is reasonable for new games but these games? now the developer of the, let's say old tomb raider games, doesn't even exist anymore. its closed up so no way of the money actually going to them.
then there is the third problem. some of these games CANT even go for sale anymore. the gameboy tetris i talked about? noone is sure who owns the rights now. its all a big legal jumble that will take years to sort out. if it ever does. so that game (and many others) will never ever go for sale again.
so taking all of these into consideration is downloading old ROMs like pokemon red or old tomb raider games for free piracy?