A Queston to old pokemon fans coming out of "retirement"


Flesh is but a garment!
Feb 6, 2012
Ok, so apparently Steelix is kinda... bad. So Marowak is back! Yay! Also, it seems like I'm insanely overleveled. I had to fight second gym leader because my Pokemons exceeded 30 lvl and started to misbehave.


New member
Jul 15, 2010
Started with Red and Blue, loved them. Got to Gold and Silver, loved them.

Gen 3 I wasn't much of a fan of. I got Sapphire and played it through a few times, but I didn't really care for the new pokémon. I was a fan of a few (Absol, Breloom and Ralts spring to mind) but most of the others were just kind of "meh" for me.

Gen 4 I thought I'd hate. Bidoof... I hate Bidoof. I really enjoyed it though, I liked a fair few of the pokémon! I love Poison Pokémon, Drapion and Toxicroak just looked awesome! Surprised to see that my favourite pokémon at the time had an evolved form that I actually liked, and my choice of starter ended up my favourite starter to date.

I skipped Gen 5. I have a friend that loved it, and constantly tried to get me into it, but I just didn't like the pokémon designs. Very few made me want them on my team, so I decided to skip it and replay the older games a few times.

I really, really want Pokémon X though! I will be getting it at some point fairly soon. I already have an idea of Pokémon I intend to have on my team. Not really interested in competetive play. Except with certain friends fo bragging rights!
Clawitzer. Definitely these!


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
IllumInaTIma said:
Ok, so apparently Steelix is kinda... bad. So Marowak is back! Yay! Also, it seems like I'm insanely overleveled. I had to fight second gym leader because my Pokemons exceeded 30 lvl and started to misbehave.
You should turn off the exp. then. It makes the game really easy to mask the fact that they made it really hard if you are going the traditional way.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
IllumInaTIma said:
Ok, so apparently Steelix is kinda... bad. So Marowak is back! Yay! Also, it seems like I'm insanely overleveled. I had to fight second gym leader because my Pokemons exceeded 30 lvl and started to misbehave.
Steelix is a great physical wall and actually deals very respectable damage with Gyro Ball comboed with Curse. Back when I watched competitive play Steelix was sometimes used to set up Stealth Rock and survive punishment with its massive defense and Sturdy.


New member
Mar 5, 2013
I'm not a "retired" player in fact gen 4 was probs my favorite but X and Y have brought a lot of life back to the series. I think mainly its because rather then try and churn out an absurd number of new pokemon they simply flooded the routes with a mix of old and new meaning i no longer have to mess about trading/breeding/gen swapping to get a pokemon I like


New member
Sep 13, 2008
Pokemon got stale to me, I tried to do EV training etc. and just got so bored and frustrated, it wasn't explained at all in game. that and the pokemon I wanted were frustrating to get to etc. If x and y is really as good as people say it is I'll give it a look, it looks like theres enough new mechanics to keep it interesting. How are people finding the mega evolutions and fairy type?


New member
May 27, 2011
so i had pokemon Blue and loved that and after that loved pokemon gold and silver but after that it just felt it was going down and down and down to when i play'd black and white i just had to say :this is almost the same game again: they all look'd the same i was sick and tired of it.
but with all that said i really really like my copy of pokemon X it feels like a fresh pokemon game it does not feel like the old game with some shiny things slapt on it feels like a brand new game i just keep on looking at things and saying :wow they went all out on the game this time: and it show's
so yeah im really glad i have this new pokemon game it's good maybe even a sole reason to have a 3ds


New member
Mar 15, 2011
I tend to avoid Pokemon games for the same reason I avoid collectable trading card games. I am by nature a collector, in games especially I strive for 100% completion when applicable, at very least I make it a point to experience as much of the game as possible. I'm also predominantly a single player gamer.

There-in lies my inevitable downfall with games like Pokemon that espouses the very poignant tagline "Gotta Catch Em' All". The Games are fun and they are very well made but the sheer number of Poke'mon that arrive with each new generation to a gamer like myself equates to "I'm not gonna ever play anything else because I quite literally must collect them all".

I'm curious, how many Poke'mon gamers truly strive to catch one of everything? It doesn't seem feasible for anyone who hopes to play other games or have a life outside of games given the sheer daunting nature of attempting it. Not to mention at least back when I played Poke'mon there were several evolutions locked only to people trading, and frankly my social circle of handheld owners has never been very large.

So I'm not bashing the game, I'm just keeping it at arm's length for the sake of my sanity.


Monster Befriender
Nov 19, 2010
I'm not a new player, but I mostly came to this thread to 1. Read posts. and 2. Vent this one thing:

Swirlix, right? Cute, nasty little cotton candy dustbunny. I liked it, realised how to evolve it, and when I did...oh, geez. Everything I liked, instantly gone. I got an obese dessert woman. Of course, though, I'm sure it will run rampant in the metagame, with that HP-stealing kiss move (which is as strong as giga drain and heals more than half the damage!) and an otherwise diverse moveset. Mine knows the kiss move, surf, energy ball and fake tears.

I'll admit, I've gotten attached to the thing (for one thing, there's the comedy value), and I probably won't replace it, but that evolution was more than disappointing. It was as unpleasant as Lickilicky. Actually, I prefer Lickilicky.

Oh, yeah, and the stats are awesome, too. Man, fairies are OP.

I have to say, after playing Black and White, knowing every new Pokemon far before I played the game and the fact that Black and White looked very like Diamond and Pearl, X and Y are a breath of fresh air. They look totally different. Not just that, they're beautiful games and I feel so much more involved in the experience not knowing what Pokemon I'll find next. So yeah, kind a OT, this has been great so far. I just beat the third gym.

Shaun Kennedy said:
I'm curious, how many Poke'mon gamers truly strive to catch one of everything?
I, personally, don't. I obtain my favourites, basically ignore Legendaries and only use my favourites in competitive battling. I'm not going to use something just for functionality, but it helps.

I look down upon the people who use Pokemon solely for stats. So boring.


Social Office Corridor
Mar 31, 2010
Dragonbums said:
Understandable. You are risking putting down $35.00 on a game you may or may not like. Especially if Generation 5 bored you a lot.
I remember I maxed out the hours for Diamond and Pearl. Although I have to wonder if they count sleep mode as hours.
Oh, if it was $35 I'd probably just go for it. It seems to be roughly 65 USD here? In the largest stores anyway. 55 if I import it from the UK and wait a week, but don't know if I can be bothered.

But yeah, I'll try it out when my brother gets his copy. Perhaps I'll get the complementary version, I think he's getting X? Although maybe that's the better version? He seems pretty clued in, he keeps bringing me over to look at Pokemon announcements :p.

Anyway, we'll see. At least the new mega-evolutions are bringing changes to Pokemon I'm already familiar with, instead of only adding new ones. And if they're simplifying IVs/EVs then that's always good for me. I don't play competitively, at all. The idea of playing multiplayer against strangers turns me off, this being no exception. I just have an RPG OCD complex where I like to know how the numbers work at least a little bit.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
I'd very much like to give the games a chance, not having played them since Gen 3, but I'm just not sure about the investment that is buying a 3DS just to play Pokemon :/

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I am NOT coming back. I don't own a 3DS and I'm not about to get one just so I can play the same game I played 15 years ago - hell, the same game I still own in perfect condition. I get my fix now and then but at this point I have to shrug the whole thing as pointless. We're never going to catch 'em all anyway, they just mass-produce a new 100+ batch every few years. So they tweak some stuff here and there, now Pokemon apparently can go the Digimon way and "temporarily evolve during battle". Isn't that just gripping.


New member
Dec 26, 2007
I had my height in Gen 3, but picked up White in a whim and had a good time, but never got into the metagame.
My greatest gripe is still the combat. They updated the graphics and added little things, but I just started loathing the 4-attack-pattern, and the static, soulless combat gameplay.
After all these years, it still plays like a trading card game. It was fine for the GB tech, but now it's just a relic.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
Caiphus said:
Dragonbums said:
Oh, if it was $35 I'd probably just go for it. It seems to be roughly 65 USD here? In the largest stores anyway. 55 if I import it from the UK and wait a week, but don't know if I can be bothered.

But yeah, I'll try it out when my brother gets his copy. Perhaps I'll get the complementary version, I think he's getting X? Although maybe that's the better version? He seems pretty clued in, he keeps bringing me over to look at Pokemon announcements :p.

Anyway, we'll see. At least the new mega-evolutions are bringing changes to Pokemon I'm already familiar with, instead of only adding new ones. And if they're simplifying IVs/EVs then that's always good for me. I don't play competitively, at all. The idea of playing multiplayer against strangers turns me off, this being no exception. I just have an RPG OCD complex where I like to know how the numbers work at least a little bit.
$65 USD where you live? Yikes! What the heck man? Are your retailers professional con artists or what? I don't think a Pokemon game ever cost that much. The only time I've seen that price for Pokemon was for their console games.

No. I think you should seriously consider importing. That has got to be the some of the biggest scam prices I've ever heard of. Those retailers are essentially selling you the game for $30 bucks more than the actual price.


Social Office Corridor
Mar 31, 2010
Dragonbums said:
$65 USD where you live? Yikes! What the heck man? Are your retailers professional con artists or what? I don't think a Pokemon game ever cost that much. The only time I've seen that price for Pokemon was for their console games.

No. I think you should seriously consider importing. That has got to be the some of the biggest scam prices I've ever heard of. Those retailers are essentially selling you the game for $30 bucks more than the actual price.
Yeah, hah. I live in New Zealand, and we tend to share the crazy prices with Australia. I'm not sure who gets to keep the inflated margins. It could be our retailers, it could be Nintendo, it could be a bit of both. It could be something to do with Australia, or import taxes, or all of it.

I'm slightly nervous about importing with region locks and all that good stuff. I think UK games are compatible? Are they PAL? :/ I'm not sure if I want to risk it for a 10 dollar savings.

But yeah, I was surprised that Pokemon is double the price here. We usually get hit, but not quite that bad. Hmmm. Oh well, I mean, I don't really mind. Like I said, if it draws me in and I end up spending 50+ hours in the game, I probably won't reeeeally care how much I paid for it.

Phantom Kat

New member
Sep 26, 2012
I played up until gen 3 with sapphire and fireRed. I really want to get this new game but I'd actually have to get a 3ds for it so I'm waiting until around christmas.

I don't actually like many gen 6 pokemon outside of mega-evolutions though gen 4 and 5 had some cool pokemon like froslass, lilligant, empoleon (one of my favourite starters since I like penguins) and lucario.

Caiphus said:
Dragonbums said:
$65 USD where you live? Yikes! What the heck man? Are your retailers professional con artists or what? I don't think a Pokemon game ever cost that much. The only time I've seen that price for Pokemon was for their console games.

No. I think you should seriously consider importing. That has got to be the some of the biggest scam prices I've ever heard of. Those retailers are essentially selling you the game for $30 bucks more than the actual price.
Yeah, hah. I live in New Zealand, and we tend to share the crazy prices with Australia. I'm not sure who gets to keep the inflated margins. It could be our retailers, it could be Nintendo, it could be a bit of both. It could be something to do with Australia, or import taxes, or all of it.

I'm slightly nervous about importing with region locks and all that good stuff. I think UK games are compatible? Are they PAL? :/ I'm not sure if I want to risk it for a 10 dollar savings.

But yeah, I was surprised that Pokemon is double the price here. We usually get hit, but not quite that bad. Hmmm. Oh well, I mean, I don't really mind. Like I said, if it draws me in and I end up spending 50+ hours in the game, I probably won't reeeeally care how much I paid for it.
No import taxes on electronic goods for NZ iirc and UK is PAL.

They may end up charging you GST on the product though, as if the tariff+GST is over $60, they will charge you.



Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
Caiphus said:
Dragonbums said:
$65 USD where you live? Yikes! What the heck man? Are your retailers professional con artists or what? I don't think a Pokemon game ever cost that much. The only time I've seen that price for Pokemon was for their console games.

No. I think you should seriously consider importing. That has got to be the some of the biggest scam prices I've ever heard of. Those retailers are essentially selling you the game for $30 bucks more than the actual price.
Yeah, hah. I live in New Zealand, and we tend to share the crazy prices with Australia. I'm not sure who gets to keep the inflated margins. It could be our retailers, it could be Nintendo, it could be a bit of both. It could be something to do with Australia, or import taxes, or all of it.

I'm slightly nervous about importing with region locks and all that good stuff. I think UK games are compatible? Are they PAL? :/ I'm not sure if I want to risk it for a 10 dollar savings.

But yeah, I was surprised that Pokemon is double the price here. We usually get hit, but not quite that bad. Hmmm. Oh well, I mean, I don't really mind. Like I said, if it draws me in and I end up spending 50+ hours in the game, I probably won't reeeeally care how much I paid for it.
If your worried about region locks I would suggest going on the Pokemon forums like Smogon and Bulbapedia and look around for forum topics relating to that. I heard a passing rumor that due to them being worldwide releases they aren't region locked. However I'm not sure how true that is.

I don't think that's Nintendo doing those abusrd prices though. I think you have a bunch of people in the tax department that are making golden eggs of charging exuberant prices for games. Knowing how popular they are.


Social Office Corridor
Mar 31, 2010
Dragonbums said:
If your worried about region locks I would suggest going on the Pokemon forums like Smogon and Bulbapedia and look around for forum topics relating to that. I heard a passing rumor that due to them being worldwide releases they aren't region locked. However I'm not sure how true that is.

I don't think that's Nintendo doing those abusrd prices though. I think you have a bunch of people in the tax department that are making golden eggs of charging exuberant prices for games. Knowing how popular they are.
Good idea, and you could be right about the region locks. I'll have a lookabout with my brother. Maybe we can buy two games for the same price we would have paid for one.

And no, if Nintendo are getting some of that margin, it won't be all of it. And even if they are, they aren't the only ones. I remember Aliens: Colonial Marines was still 100 USD a few months ago on Steam here. Without DLC. And also without having to deal with retailers. Which is frankly ludicrous.

But anyway, sorry for de-railing your thread to talk about crazy Oceanic video game prices :p


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Honestly, I really like it. There are a few problems I have with it though:

1. I really am not a fan of Kalos. There's just something wrong with it.
2. 3D models are nice, but I miss my sprites.
3. I don't like the "goal" given to you by Sycamore. "Find out more about mega evolutions". What the fuck kind of goal is that? I try to stick to my "become champion and capture all the pokemon" goal, but that assignment from sycamore just keeps butting its ugly head in where it doesn't belong.

Despite these problems, I still am really enjoying the game. Much more than Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, Black/White and Black2/White2 offered.

captcha: gathers moss - Indeed those games do, captcha. Indeed they do.