A review of Yatzee's ZP reviews of anything multiplayer


Jan 21, 2009
MP can suck too if the community is made of 10y/o's who can't speak, write or act like normal people. I prefer a game for the SP and agree with Yahtzee.


New member
Aug 7, 2009
I'm sorry OP and no offence, but imo when you refferred to Yahtzee's reviews as art you completely nullified your argument. What right do you have to tell an artist how to create their art?

If you are looking at the reviews in terms of a proper and thorough look at a game then what you said would be valid. But when looking at them in terms of entertainment value, attacking a bad single-player aspect of a game would bring much larger crouds than copying everyone else and praising the multiplayer aspect of the game.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
RyVal said:
Journeythroughhell said:
RyVal said:
Journeythroughhell said:
RyVal said:
I have no problem with multi-player oriented games, either, but I still don't want the single-player campaign to be an afterthought.

As the single-player portions of games with multi-player add-ons are becoming shorter and shorter, I fear we'll eventually reach a time where developers will expect all gamers to have online by default, alienating those who cannot afford it or who cannot use online for various reasons.
Good point. Still, one question.
Are you referring to MW2 here?
I haven't played Modern Warfare 2, but from what I hear, its essentially a microcosm for this whole issue; a short, lacklustre campaign being justified by its superb multi-player (though aspects of the multi-player seemed to cause more grievance with the PC gamer crowd than the single-player did).
I disagree with that.
I essentially enjoyed the "short lackluster" campaign. I thought that it was short to keep things from being stale and repetitive.
But, yeah, you've got something there.
I'm just going on what I've heard; I can't form a first-hand opinion until I actually play the game myself, which won't be happening till December.

The original Modern Warfare was an excellent single-player game which - as a compliment - had some good multi-player action as well.

Yet its follow up seems to have ignored single-player in favour of multi-player.

Hell, there even seemed to be more articles covering MW2's multi-player and more controversy generated over IW's decision to use a match-making system on the PC than over anything in the single-player campaign.

This really seems to be validating my fears; people are so busy masturbating over the exemplary multi-player to notice the fact that the single-player campaign is (allegedly) shorter and inferior to that of the first game.

And really, while I enjoy multi-player, the single-player is what really concerns me; no matter how thrilling it is, multi-player will never be able to recreate the epic set-pieces and pitched firefights of single-player fame.
Since Modern Warfare used to be my favorite game of all-time, I think that the campaign of the second game was as good if not better than that of the first one.


Queen of France
Mar 14, 2009
Yahtzee just hates multiplayer AND fighters, whaddya expect?

I just don't view him as a reviewer, he's a comedian.


New member
Sep 27, 2009
RyVal said:
Ryuk2 said:
Nobody is reviewing a movie by looking at the trailer and some screenshots of the movie...except the Distressed Watcher.
I cannot imagine how the single-player portion of a game is in anyway comparable to the trailer and screenshots for a film.
Well, ok, it's not that bad. It's more like watching trailer and watching some parts of the movie.
For example, MW2 has short multiplayer, full of explosions, cinematic and something like that, it's like a trailer + training missions for multiplayer.
We all knew that it was a multiplayer game with less then 5 hours of single player, if we don't want to play it online, we don't buy.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Just enjoy them for the funny. I take all the reviews, just like ANY games review, with a grain of salt. Not everyone is going to enjoy every game the same. I actually apperciate his focus on the single player because I too am one of those weirdos that demands a game either put some effort into the single player or not to even bother at all (lfd and tf2).


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Yahtzee has chosen his style and I agree with his sticking with it.

He makes no bones about the fact that he is not a multiplayer gamer. If you asked him to review those games it would be like asking a reviewer who only reviews RPGs to review the next Fifa game. They could do it, but they would miss the whole point and complain about things that fans of the genre would love.

If you are looking for a review of the Multiplayer aspect, then you need to find someone who enjoys that aspect of gaming.

And as a Critic instead of a Reviewer Yahtzee's goals are to point out the flaws in the game as he sees them. He does not have to test every aspect of the game, especially as he makes it clear ahead of time that he's not interested.

Personally I think that single player games are suffering with the increased popularity of Multiplayer. A lot of developers seem to spend all their time / money making a fun Multiplayer and then tack on a simplistic, under-achieving single player to increase their sales. Though, that said, there are a few who do it the other way too; create a good single player then tack on a simplistic multiplayer. But a lot less and a tacked on multiplayer is easier to get right than a tacked on single player.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
See ZP for what it it, rants ranging from kinda fun to hillarious on the lol-scale, don't excpect them to be reviews that'll tell you anything usefull about the games


New member
May 19, 2009
Ryuk2 said:
RyVal said:
Ryuk2 said:
Nobody is reviewing a movie by looking at the trailer and some screenshots of the movie...except the Distressed Watcher.
I cannot imagine how the single-player portion of a game is in anyway comparable to the trailer and screenshots for a film.
Well, ok, it's not that bad. It's more like watching trailer and watching some parts of the movie.
For example, MW2 has short multiplayer, full of explosions, cinematic and something like that, it's like a trailer + training missions for multiplayer.
We all knew that it was a multiplayer game with less then 5 hours of single player, if we don't want to play it online, we don't buy.

Who is this "We"?

Because I do not recall at any point IW stating that it was a multi-player game, or should be played only for its multi-player element.

When a game markets itself for both its single-player and multi-player, it crosses firmly from being "Buy this game for the multi-player" to "We're using the multi-player to justify our shorter single-player".


Good enough for Petrucci on I&W
Aug 23, 2009
I think Yahtzee will stay away from any multiplayer he sees as "same-y". I mean there are literally TONNES of shooters out there to tickle your fancy, but Yahtzee chose to review (albeit briefly) TF2 and found it to be a positive experience, the pixar graphics and the team-work based combat he was esspecially fond of because you dont see that often in your average shooter.

Don't forget, his whole BOOK is about online multiplayer to an extent (arrgh the metaphysics, they burn)


New member
Nov 14, 2009
I understand where people are coming from when they say that Yahtzee isn't a serious reviewer, and that everything he says is only his honest, brutal opinion.

Which means people are free to disagree with that opinion.

And I have to admit, I was a little incensed that he completely disregarded the multiplayer aspect of the game. I know he doesn't care for online multiplayer, but he could at least take some time to actually play it online and then tell us what he doesn't like about it, instead of groaning about the jerks he'll surely meet and pretending it doesn't exist.


Oct 13, 2009
I do not see how the multi-player pary of a game can change how some one see's it i for example think that multi-player never adds anything to the game except more people and that is all well and good but most of the time their will always be one person who is a bit of a cock and will not shut up etc....


New member
Sep 6, 2008
LordCuthberton said:
For god's sake this is what pisses me off about this entire community.

Just get over it, it's not a big deal

So what he doesn't play multiplayer? It doesn't bloody matter to him.

In short, you are whining because he gave it a largly negative review and you think otherwise.

[HEADING=1]It's his opinion, NOT yours.[/HEADING]
The funny thing is, the OP has an opinion as well, and chose to state it, and in fact, you did not even have to click on/read this thread.

Also, what you consider a "big deal" is entirely subjective. The OP stated with good grammar and well thought out statements an argument of his, so obviously if he took the time to do all this than I guess it was a big enough deal for him.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
LordCuthberton said:
For god's sake this is what pisses me off about this entire community.

Just get over it, it's not a big deal

So what he doesn't play multiplayer? It doesn't bloody matter to him.

In short, you are whining because he gave it a largly negative review and you think otherwise.

[HEADING=1]It's his opinion, NOT yours.[/HEADING]
Totally agree dood. I mean the OP is clearly so fucking angry about it! I can just smell the stench of rage oozing out of this post, its ridiculous. Its very obvious that the OP is making a big deal about it, and should learn to get over it. I mean the way he hates Yahtzee's guts, types in a furious manner, and uses 100% invalid arguments without any rationale to speak of clearly show that hes in a state of blind rage!

Or maybe, hes just stating his opinion just like everyone else. If stating an opposing opinion automatically means that youre whining and making a big deal over it, then you need to learn to chill out.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Do you watch current Yahtzee videos? He just reviewed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and got one of his friends to help him test the multiplayer. He enjoyed the mulitplayer a lot more than the single player, which he thought was too short and controversial on purpose.


New member
Jul 11, 2009
i do agree he should put the multiplayer into the reviews but he is one of the few who doesnt which im liking.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
I see a few flaws in your logic

1) Yahtzee is more of a comedian than a legitimate game reviewer anyways

2) If he only wants to review the single player then it's within his right to do so, and he usually says something like "I ignored the multiplayer for this game" so if you're making a choice based on multiplayer you should look elsewhere

3) Let's assume that yahtzee breaks down for whatever reason and takes your advice. Pretty much every review we would get a section of him more or less saying "I found the multiplayer to be shit because I hate multiplayer"

4) Here's the biggest one
squirrelman42 said:
what you should have done is compared it to previous smash brothers if you really wanted to "review" it for our benefit.
...what? I don't see how that makes his integrity as a reviewer rise. If anything it hurts it, because you're suggesting that he doesn't even review it as a GAME, and instead he should review it as a "smash brothers game." That makes absolutely zero fucking sense and it opens up a whole other can of worms. Then you would be making yahtzee play three smash brothers games he doesn't like as opposed to just one, and even if he did THAT, what do you think he would say? "All the smash bros games are shit but this one is the best shit of the three?" Even if he took your suggestion and reviewed it by the standards of the other two and gave it a good review, are you really that desperate to make him give something a good review that you insist that he compares it only to games of the same series? That's like saying he should have given "Siren blood curse 2" a dazzling review because it was better than the first siren blood curse (I'm assuming.) Also, why would you want Yahtzee to LIKE something. He's not nearly as funny when he likes things.


New member
Jul 21, 2008
Machines Are Us said:
The thing is, multiplayer shouldn't be the long part that keeps people playing the game.
By that I mean I agree entirely. What I agree even more is that the single player mode should also always be adapted for multiplayer. It creates wonderful experiences such as the over 80 hours of gameplay that is offered by games such as Tales of Symphonia for four players at once! You tell me another game were the quartet is genuinely interested for so long, and I'll build a shrine for you. Multiplayer, if anything, is a modest addition that, whilst being simple, has to be as repetitive and addictive as possible to extend the life of the game. I can recall about 4 different Nintendo 64 games I owned that me and my friends kept ripping apart like our live's depended on it. Certainly, multiplayer sections such as the ones in the Call of Duty games, really incredible mind, seem kind of forced, and the progression and rewards system seems to me much more like the campaign I'd rather be playing than the actual campaign. In othe words, overly complicated, and unnecesarily olbiging once you get into it.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
LordCuthberton said:
People who make big deals out of this topic (and it has been done way worse in comparison to this) would demand for Yahtzee to include multiplayer, and criticize the living hell out of him. However, the OP basically offered it in a manner of suggestion rather than the big deal you assume he is saying it in. He plays the role of Devil's Advocate quite a bit, praises Yahtzee, and basically says that he should do it, while Ive seen many others basically say that Yahtzee's reviews are pure shit due to the fact that it doesnt cover anything.

Personally, I disagree with the OP for the sole reason that I consider his reviews are pure satire, with the review part of the review being almost completely diluted. But for argument's sake, he hits the right points that a proper review should hit the MP component, shows relevant examples to back up his argument, and basically states that Yahtzee should do this, but his reviews are still great. The fact that he's still willing to watch and enjoy them greatly means that he cant really be making that much of a big deal out of it. But like you said, the term "big deal" is subjective. It only makes sense to me that if he were making a big deal out of it, he would stop watching altogether, due to the videos being so far from what he would like.