A fair number of times already, since I've been lurking the shadows of this forum, there comes a post (or an article) so baffling that I feel the urge to register just to state my opinion. That feeling has always subsided, but as I read this article, my mind was exploding with the formula to present my counter-argument - so Kudos, Mr. Funk, for making me come out
from the ever so comfortable anonymity.
If I may come up with a reductio ad absurdum : I do believe, my fellow gamers and humans all around, that, going with the best bang for the buck argument, I have found the best entertainment concept of all time!!! Well, it isn't exactly new, since it exists, I believe, since the Middle Ages, but nonetheless, I present to ye - A deck of cards!!!! (cue in music)
That's right, for as low as 99 cents, you can get one of these (and it comes with the Barbie picture in the back!!!), or if you'd like a more expensive one to show off, trust me there are whole collections of them; and you can play more games than you'd ever know and never have to pay ever again. Hell, you can play a new game virtually everyday and not exhaust them all for a long while. Better yet, it comes with single as well as multi-player installed, provided all the players know the rules. Surely one cannot beat such intelligent design.
You see where I'm going with this. I believe the whole argument you provide is mostly fallacious. You provide only few examples of entertainment, and the only value you provide for comparison is monetary. That's like saying the best restaurant is the one that allows you to eat all you want, even if the food is sub-par, because you pay less for what they offer.
You seem to forget some people like variation, hence they'd rather play different games (like so many others have posted), others enjoy the community and don't mind paying for it... Many others (I shall name them Norms) would rather go to a dinner and a movie with the one they love and not buy a videogame - trust me, it's not much of a choice. I'd rather spend one evening with my lovely wife than play for a month... or a year for that matter. There's a value there, as there is a value with going out with your friends (or doing whatever you please), that should weigh more than X hours for Y money.
Finally, one even needs to realize even by your standards, you are mistaken. Pay to play every month is not the cheapest form of entertainment, especially regarding videogames. With the money from the subscription, you could buy (at least in Portugal) one game per month for the PS2. That is more than enough gaming experience for a casual gamer (let's face it, if you are an hardcore player, you'll go through a game in a week or two - but by then you need help, or a life... or help getting a life).
And even if you are a hardcore player, and do enjoy all the things the MMOPG has to offer, there are also NO Subscription games avaliable. I honestly couldn't care less if they add every week the Giant Glove of Wanking + 1.000.000, or whatever they do. You have to pay the game at full price, pay for the expansions and stil pay to play? Sorry, but you're being a bit duped (at least that's my opinion, but then again... I don't like the service WoW provides in exchange for 15 euros a month)
Still, if you believe it's worthwhile, why the heck not? It's your prerogative, and it is what you find most rewarding... Just don't come around and say it's the best.
Finally, I'd like to apologize for the lengthy reading, as well as praise all this community, which I hope one day I can be considered a part of. And apologize to all those who have used some arguments similar to mine - I would quote you, but I don't use forums that often and I'm unable to use the [/quote] system ... if anyone has a knack for teaching, please I'm a willing student.