About the Amazing Spider-Man, I Told You So


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Dec 31, 2008
About the Amazing Spider-Man, I Told You So

He warned us. And now he is back to gloat. MovieBob lauds the return of Spider-Man to the Marvel Cinematic Universe where he belongs, and looks at what might be next for the franchise.

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P-89 Scorpion

New member
Sep 25, 2014
Honestly I can't see what Sony's getting out of this deal ASM2 is the 5th highest grossing Marvel film based on oversees box office were it crushed GotG and CA:WS last year. And it's not like you have to be part of the MCU to make money with marvel comic book based films as world wide the top 10 include all 5 Spiderman films and last years X-men.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
The only issue I have with this is that they are going to make yet another origins story movie. In my mind, the first half of Spiderman 2002 was pretty much perfect in terms of adapting the character to the big screen. Are they capable of something good? Absolutely. Are they capable of doing something better than a movie still fresh in my memory? Unlikely.


New member
May 10, 2011
hermes200 said:
The only issue I have with this is that they are going to make yet another origins story movie. In my mind, the first half of Spiderman 2002 was pretty much perfect in terms of adapting the character to the big screen. Are they capable of something good? Absolutely. Are they capable of doing something better than a movie still fresh in my memory? Unlikely.
I think the rumor mill is already saying there won't be another origin.
They'll "Incredible Hulk" it and, at best, have the origin in the opening montage.

Also, can I safely say that Spider-man 2 is part of the MCU due to the Doctor Strange shoutout?


Reprogrammed Spambot
Nov 24, 2012
Alright Bob, come on, ya know ya wanna.

Don't forget to sing!


New member
Nov 14, 2011
This article was as insufferable as I expected it to be.

Still, doubt i'll go see any new Spider Man films. The last one was awwwwwful and has killed any interest I have in the character, for the foreeable future. Another reboot isn't going to make me go back into the cinema, especially without Garfield (who I liked in the role).


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Johnny Novgorod said:
I imagine I will be insufferable about this for a good long while.

Well at least he's admitting it..
Every Movie Bob piece feels like an "I told you so" anyway.
At least he's making it clear that I should continue to largely ignore every video and article he makes for the next several years.

Even if I didn't think the first ASM was better than he gives it credit for, and even considering that I wasn't overly fond of the second, it's still incredibly annoying to try and read or watch anything he puts out there when he spends a remarkable amount of time beating several dead horses. And most of the time, his dragging the corpse back out for a few more good whacks doesn't even add to whatever point he's making.

It's like he's trying to alienate his audience as much as possible by simply harping on the same things over, and over, and over, in the hope that everyone else will grow to hate them as much as he did.


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2011
P-89 Scorpion said:
Honestly I can't see what Sony's getting out of this deal ASM2 is the 5th highest grossing Marvel film based on oversees box office were it crushed GotG and CA:WS last year. And it's not like you have to be part of the MCU to make money with marvel comic book based films as world wide the top 10 include all 5 Spiderman films and last years X-men.
The problem is that we might see that as widely successful, but after dealing with businesses over the years its all about return on investment and not just how much they made. If Sony was expecting a $1 billion dollar movie and the reported rumors of the costs and advertising budgets coupled with a 50% theater take, Sony got $100 million when they might have expected a $200 million return.

Of course nobody really knows those numbers outside of probably Sony. The other thing to consider as well is that Sony doesn't have any rights to Spider-Man products unlike Fox does with Fantastic Four and X-Men so any of those external profit generators to help generate extra revenue is gone so even if a MCU movie might walk away with the same level of profit, they will have the added benefit of merchandise for the movie.


New member
Jun 27, 2013
I'm really hoping they get it right this time.

The first two Raimi movies were good for the time, but (at least for me, and I know I'm in the minority here) I don't think they've aged well. And of course, Spider-Man 3 was crap. Which was why I (again, in the minority) was looking forward to the reboot when it was originally announced.

I actually liked Amazing Spider-Man for the most part. It had it's problems - the Lizard copying Dafoe's shtick from the original being one, the cheesy construction worker scene at the end being another - but I thought Garfield was a good Peter Parker and they had something to build on with the sequel.

They failed miserably, making a movie to rival Michael Bay's Transformers in crapitude, and only marginally more tolerable to watch than Spider-Man 3.

So I'm hoping, with Marvel's guidance, that they can finally do the character justice. And I hope he doesn't feel too shoehorned in when he shows up his first Marvel appearance.

Side note: I'm also hoping that they call the new movie Spectacular Spider-Man, and proceed to copy everything from the cartoon, which, in my opinion, is still the best interpretation of Spidey to date.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
I haven't seen ASM 2 but as bad as ASM was I thought the fight choreography between spider man and lizard was the really good.

If you watch the fight scenes you see extensive and creative use of the web shooters which is something that was missing in the Spider Man movies.

But I'm glad the ASM movies are done even though I never really liked spider man character until the Raimi movies (and as a kid I liked the hilarious 70s tv show)


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
It's seems it's happy time in Bob's manor...