Academy Award Winners


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
I do feel somewhat impressed that this years Oscars were the lowest rated Oscars of all time:


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
Not a bad choice at all. Parasite's social critique is razor sharp and delivered in a captivating and heartfelt fashion and also a timely statement at a time when class struggle makes a return. My favorite Korean movie is still Pandora, but Parasite is a close second.

Joaquin Phoenix receiving an Oscar is well earned. His portrayal of this particular Joker is already legendary. As a mood piece Joker stands above almost anything else. Dialogue not as sharp as Parasite but it's theme and message is elevated by sheer ambiance and emotion.

I'm glad the usual Hollywood crap actually got a pass in some of those categories this year. Nothing 'woke' about these terrific movies winning the most important Oscars.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Silentpony said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
Silentpony said:
Seriously, who still cares/watches the Oscars?
30 million people, give or take.

Good for Parasite for taking several awards. I've never heard of it, nor has anyone I know ever mentioned it, but good for it I guess.
Why do you care if "people you don't know get awards from other people you don't know, about movies you may or may not have seen, all of which is shady backroom deals."
I don't care. I didn't watch the Oscars and Im legit amazed people still do. More over I'm amazed people get passionate about what wins.
You're "amazed" people get passionate about something you, by your own admission, don't care for or understand?

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Casual Shinji said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
As for Parasite being the big winner last night: it's a great movie, but sweeping *every* major category like that while rendering obsolete the disctinction between "movie" and "foreign movie" feels like a calculated PC move championing the "immigrant" movie as no less American than every other nominee. It's also convenient when *every* presenter criticizes the ceremony for being too normative. If it were up to me it would've gotten Foreign Picture and Original Screenplay alone. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood should've gotten everything else. Also great wins for Pitt, Phoenix and Dern. Haven't seen Judy.
Toy Story 3 was nominated for best picture and best animated picture in its year. Overlap has occured before. And wouldn't Once Upon a Time in Hollywood winning just feel like yet another example of the Oscar Commmitee prefering movies celebrating Hollywood? I mean, it's the first non-english speaking movie to ever win a best picture, it was pretty highly regarded from what I've heard, and it's probably not going to happen again for the next 7 years atleast. Is it really so bad to just let Parasite have it this year?
I'll preface my answer by pointing out that you concede it boils down to a matter of convenience. It's inconvenient to "celebrate Hollywood", as you call Once Upon, just as it's convenient to be politically demagogue, as I think is the case with Parasite.

I don't care about the implications of either movie getting picked. I don't care how it would "look" to reward Tarantino's movie. The award is Best Picture, one of them was better than the other, and Parasite (which was fantastic by the way, bar muddled ending) wasn't it. I would've given it Best Direction and Foreign Movie alone. Maybe even Screenplay, since I think Once Upon a Time's isn't Tarantino's strongest. Best Film though? Not for a second.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Johnny Novgorod said:
Silentpony said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
Silentpony said:
Seriously, who still cares/watches the Oscars?
30 million people, give or take.

Good for Parasite for taking several awards. I've never heard of it, nor has anyone I know ever mentioned it, but good for it I guess.
Why do you care if "people you don't know get awards from other people you don't know, about movies you may or may not have seen, all of which is shady backroom deals."
I don't care. I didn't watch the Oscars and Im legit amazed people still do. More over I'm amazed people get passionate about what wins.
You're "amazed" people get passionate about something you, by your own admission, don't care for or understand?
Yes I am amazed people are passionate for award shows where they were not nominated, did not vote, and presumably haven't made bets on. It amazes me people feel personally attacked, as if their world view isn't valid, when a movie they liked didn't get an award. Likewise it amazes me people celebrate movies they like getting awards, again as if it validates their world view.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Silentpony said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
Silentpony said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
Silentpony said:
Seriously, who still cares/watches the Oscars?
30 million people, give or take.

Good for Parasite for taking several awards. I've never heard of it, nor has anyone I know ever mentioned it, but good for it I guess.
Why do you care if "people you don't know get awards from other people you don't know, about movies you may or may not have seen, all of which is shady backroom deals."
I don't care. I didn't watch the Oscars and Im legit amazed people still do. More over I'm amazed people get passionate about what wins.
You're "amazed" people get passionate about something you, by your own admission, don't care for or understand?
Yes I am amazed people are passionate for award shows where they were not nominated, did not vote, and presumably haven't made bets on. It amazes me people feel personally attacked, as if their world view isn't valid, when a movie they liked didn't get an award. Likewise it amazes me people celebrate movies they like getting awards, again as if it validates their world view.
Projection in bold.
The right movie getting the right award isn't about validation, it's about recognition. The movie doesn't "fail" if it doesn't get an award, but the recognition will help its life cycle and probably incentivise similar good work. This is especially true of films that maybe don't do so terribly well at the box office, but the critical/award cred goes a long way to continue to fuel artists' careers.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Johnny Novgorod said:
I'll preface my answer by pointing out that you concede it boils down to a matter of convenience. It's inconvenient to "celebrate Hollywood", as you call Once Upon, just as it's convenient to be politically demagogue, as I think is the case with Parasite.

I don't care about the implications of either movie getting picked. I don't care how it would "look" to reward Tarantino's movie. The award is Best Picture, one of them was better than the other, and Parasite (which was fantastic by the way, bar muddled ending) wasn't it. I would've given it Best Direction and Foreign Movie alone. Maybe even Screenplay, since I think Once Upon a Time's isn't Tarantino's strongest. Best Film though? Not for a second.
I'm not talking about convenience, I'm saying you criticize Parasite winning simply due to political correctness, when Once Upon a Time in Hollywood has trappings that would usually make it very favourable to the Oscar voters. So in that space how does Parasite winning make it more dishonest than if Once Upon.. had won? Maybe if Parasite was a questionable or divisive film among critics, but I can't say I've seen anything but praise for it.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Silentpony said:
Like this dude looses his shit over Parasite winning, as if he personally had a stake in Joker or something
Well, that's the problem with surrendering your intelligence to ideology: you end up assessing everything in terms of ideology, not their individual merits.

It's even worse if you've decided to make a career as a screaming loon on YouTube catering to people with more anger than sense, because you have literally nothing better to do than rage about things that you don't need to rage about.