Accepting Your Flaws


New member
Feb 21, 2008
I mean that both in the sense of "everyone" and "you, in particular, the person reading this right now". Too often, I believe, people make bad decisions based on heightened sense of self-esteem, a belief that ones flaws (if they exist) are entirely surmounted by ones merits, and thus the person is on the whole "good" and often "superior" to many other people.

This is especially destructive in the world of dating, wherein I find the most applicable advice to come from the book and movie High Fidelity: "you've got to punch your own weight". I've seen friends, acquaintances, and people on this forum, who put themselves in the untenable position of being "in love" with a girl (or guy) who by any objective measure seems to be a much better catch than the person in question.

I don't mean any offense, I'm sure many of the people who post scenarios like "I'm in love with a beautiful, smart, funny, kind girl... And I'm not the most attractive guy, but I can make her laugh, and I help her with her homework" are good people in their own rights, they're just up against a wall: they aren't as good as the person they seek to court.

If you're not every positive adjective you can come up with (let's stick with funny, smart, and attractive for the purposes of this diatribe) you cannot reasonably hope to be with someone who is. If you're funny, smart, and unattractive, you can be with someone funny and attractive, smart and attractive, or funny and smart. There's little chance you'll end up with someone who is more of a catch than you are. For every flaw you have, you've little choice but to accept a similarly-sized flaw in your prospective dates.

I'm not saying that if you're just a Plain Jane you have to date a complete C.H.U.D, but you're unlikely to find a handsome, brilliant, man able to make you laugh who also wants to date you. He's dating a beautiful, genius, woman who makes him laugh. Nor am I saying that you should only try to date someone who's more attractive, or deign to date someone less attractive; quite the opposite in fact. I'm saying that you should date someone more attractive, accepting that he or she will be "worse" in some other area. You should date someone less attractive because they're "better" in some other area.

Obviously, someone can say "but I know beautiful women who date less-attractive men", and thus attempt to "disprove" my theory, but that ignores the fact that I've simplified the entire situation. There's no doubt that in the realm of human interaction, there are hundreds of thousands of possible merits and flaws.

Thus, based on the above, I implore everyone (myself included) to really look at ourselves. Admit our faults, with real honesty rather than the deflection of "I'm overweight, but I carry it well" or "it just takes some time to appreciate my humor". Honestly say to yourself "these are my shortcomings" and accept that for someone to date you, warts and all, you have to accept he or she isn't going to be any more of a catch.


Post (honestly) what your biggest flaws are. I'll start:

1. I'm overweight.
2. I'm judgemental when it comes to partying, drinking, and promiscuity. I've been called a modern day Savonarola
3. I'm paranoid, especially when it comes to whether people actually like me. My natural assumption is that women are manipulating me, and that men are friends with me as a sort of last-resort.
4. I'm argumentative.
5. I always feel the need to prove myself, especially intelectually.

Those are the top five I can think of, does anyone else want to step up and admit that they aren't perfect, and acknowledge that they have to accept other people's flaws in order to find someone to be with?


New member
Jun 17, 2009
1. I'm too perfect.

According to your theory, therefore no one is a good enough catch for me.


The Return of T-Bomb
Apr 21, 2009
-I'm a little too much of a delegate. I don't make my own decisions very much, I have people ot help make them with me. Although this is countered by having a knack for good ideas.

Inverse Skies

New member
Feb 3, 2009
1. I'm tactless.
2. There's originally an air of intrigue around me with most people because I'm different in so many respects (such as the liking of classical music and such) but that original interest usually dissipates as people realise I'm just weird in general.
3. I can be quite arrogant about my intelligence, more so to close friends than others.
4. I'm pretty sure I'm selfish and won't get any better by living by myself and having things my own way.
5. I often speak without thinking.

There we go, a nice session of self-loathing right there. Despite this I wouldn't change who I am though, I quite enjoy my life as it is. Sure I might be single and I don't see that changing anytime soon, but I'm 21. Who cares? I'll find someone for me despite my faults, I'm in no rush.


New member
May 5, 2009
1. I'm fat
2. I'm a nerd
3. I say the wrong thing whenever I open my mouth
"I see myself as an intelligent, sensitive human, with the soul of a clown which forces me to blow it at the most important moments" - Jim Morrison
that pretty much sums me up


New member
Oct 14, 2009
I'm pretty anti-social, I've got many physical disabilities, and I've spent all but 1.5 years of my life on computer.

Hurr Durr Derp

New member
Apr 8, 2009
- I can be horribly boring when I'm busy with something, focusing on it at the expense of everything (and everyone) else.
- I get argumentative over stupid little things.
- My brain often can't keep up with my mouth (which is a bad thing in combination with the previous).
- I can get a bit "all talk, no action" when it comes to big challenges.
- I tend to stick to bad decisions too long after I already found out they're bad.

But honestly, noone's perfect. And no offense, but the whole rant about how you should try to date people of equal 'value' to yourself is bullshit. It smells a little too much like the excuse of someone with low self-esteem. And speaking of self-esteem, I believe that's one of the most important things in situations like that. Someone with low self-esteem will 'settle for less' because they feel like they can't/don't deserve to aim for more. And like the saying we've got over here: "Never shot is always missed." Sure, the hottest chick in town is more likely to turn you down than some boring mousy looking girl, but that doesn't mean you can't aim for the moon and hope to hit. Unless you're afraid to get turned down (which tbh is a more common problem than it should be), you should never aim low just to increase your chances.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I'm horribly annoying, in that I keep repeating things to the point of OCD. I just forget that I've told someone something or similar, but it keeps happening to the point of annoyance. And I probably don't wash as much as I need to. I smell a bit.


New member
Jun 7, 2009
1 indecisive
2 lack of motivation
3 large ego which i contain within my head, which is probably not healthy
4 in denial all the time
5 im a chunky monkey
6 has a hard time taking hints mostly in flirting i cannot tell whether or not a girl is flirting with me but i have my suspicions, may be my delusions of grandeur see number 3
7 despite number 3 im quite anti social
8 quite narcissistic despite thinking otherwise
9 over analytical XD

numbers 3 and 4 tend to keep me in my "own world" so to speak thus keeping me anti social and giving motivation to things which may not be tangible to others

i often have daydreams(delusions of grandeur) in which a teacher will ask me a trivial question to which i only know the answer to and will be rewarded with grades/moneyz this is what i mean by my ego and my denial

the only reason i know of my flaws is my brain does occasional thats never going to fucking happen checks reality checks

also it wasn't to long i did read and thought it was a well written piece thank you.

please exuse my rambling


New member
Aug 10, 2008
Let's see, where should I start...
[ol][li]I swear like a heathen. Seriously, it surprises me I haven't opened some sort of gateway to hell with my swearing.[/li]
[li]I tend to be rather manipulative. I hardly ever do anything particularly bad or stupid myself, I just get others to do it for my amusement.[/li]
[li]I can be quite obsessed with some things. Sometimes I just have to do something, and I don't care how many lives tries it costs.[/li]
[li]When I absolutely know something to be truth, but others believe something else to be true, I usually grind them into dust until they know the truth of it. Example: A few days ago, a friend of mine said something about WoW's Pandaren monk to be a Kung Fu Panda rip-off. You may guess how that ended.[/li]
[li]When I don't feel like doing something, I truly can't be arsed to actually do it.[/li]


I'm pretty good. Yourself?
May 11, 2009
I'm short, angry, often unnoticed, always taking the devils advocate, and possibly developing an alcohol problem.

Anyone interested?


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Excelcior said:
Let's see, where should I start...
[ol][li]I swear like a heathen. Seriously, it surprises me I haven't opened some sort of gateway to hell with my swearing.[/li]
Lol you too? Man I swear I could never be on live television because usually the second or third word out of my mouth is a swear. The FCC would be stuffing me with lawsuits like a thanksgiving turkey. Other than that though I'm about as perfect as a sadistic little bastard can be

Insert Comedy Here

New member
May 22, 2009
I'm a wee bit on the flabby side.
Lack motivation.
Sometimes I get too loud.
I show unneeded attitude, without meaning too.
I stroke off every now and then.

There's more, but I can't be bothered typing it up.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Shy though I hide behind a veil of misanthropy


can't express anger properly [I bottle it up ^^;]

I lack motivation

I am somewhat lazy

I'm out of shape

I'm seriously considering buying a Japanese Dating Sim for my DS [remember Zero Punctuation:
Uncharted? I'm [thinking about] getting the sequel of the, "Games for people who like to feel up little girls on subways"]

I have eaten 2 sandwiches with baconnaise today within 20 minutes of each other

I am without a faith [a mainstream one anyway]

OH, and I'm materialistic

I know there's more but I don't want to bore any of you

Serge A. Storms

New member
Oct 7, 2009
I shaved for the first time in awhile the other day, now I keep reaching up to my face to stroke and coming up with air. It's kind of awkward.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
Suiseiseki IRL said:
-I'm a little too much of a delegate. I don't make my own decisions very much, I have people ot help make them with me. Although this is countered by having a knack for good ideas.
Are you President Obama?


1. I'm a racist, sexist, misogynist, offensive asshole. This tends to limit my selection of available potential friends.
2. I'm introverted to the point where solitude is just fine with me for extended periods of time---which means the people who can look past me being a racist, sexist, misogynist offensive asshole don't get enough access to me to keep a friendship going.
3. You know the saying "it's lonely at the top"? Well, I'm operating on a totally different level than most people I'm in classes with---my intellect is something I'm justly proud of and I refuse to dumb myself down. Either you follow where my point is going or you'd do well to go brush up on the subject.
4. I'm a cheapskate. Like Scrooge cheap. If it weren't for my love of PC gaming and the computer equipment that hobby requires, I could probably turn a profit on minimum wage.
Mar 12, 2009
I'm seriously insecure and have real problems trusting people
I'm very good at maintaining a false persona of a very confident intelligent nice guy
I have a lot of interesting stories but forget which ones i've told
I forget my girlfriends' names often
I'm often so busy with charity work that I could be seen as neglectful
I analyze every issue down to a logical problem which can either be solved or accepted as a necessary conflict,

on the plus side i seems to naturally punch the weight class here and often get in relationships with people who can't see through number 2 which end quickly because of number 5 so from their side they've had a happy time with an idealist who was just too busy with the bigger picture, but if it was just a few years down the line...

And just now I'm fine with this, well either that or I am actually too busy with the bigger picture to be bothered enough