Activision Reports Record-Setting Results For 2011

Von Strimmer

New member
Apr 17, 2011
Does activision actually do new IP's? This isn't a dig I genuinely want to know. I cant remember something coming from them (or ea really) that isn't a sequel or reboot :s or a movie tie in.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Uratoh said:
I'm not strictly sure where I get the impression, but Kotick seems to be an absolute expert at maximizing short-term growth...though the long term profitabiliy of some things he does are questionable.
When you're talking about billions of dollars does it really matter? When people think of multiplayer shooters COD is the name that instantly springs to mind, same with the three Blizzard series and their respective genres. I think Guitar Hero is one of theirs as well. That kind of brand recognition means that when that guy retires he's going to be living comfortably in the south of France for quite a while.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Korten12 said:
And que all of the people who will come in hating Acitivsion and or COD or both.

OT: Good for them, more money in the industry and good to see a New IP doing good for them aswell. Heard it was actually pretty good.
Cue. Queue (Which is what you meant to type) is a line.

"And cue the X" is using "cue" as a stage direction. Like, "Cue the dancing midgets."


*ahem* We know return you to your regularly scheduled program.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Jove said:
Again people, if you REALLY HATE how Activition does business, don't buy their games. Otherwise, sales for their next call of duty games, sales for their latest WoW expansion will only go up.
I really hate how activision does business, I haven't bought one of their games for a few years now, I'm just sad that stale franchises still sell so well, but I seem to be in the minority that I like my games to be different.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
Skylanders: Spyro's Adventures

1. Nothing to do with, and makes no reference to, previous Spyro games.
2. Spyro is reduced to an ugly secondary character.
3. Even Kotick refers to Skylanders as a new IP.

OK, I can get behind the idea of making new games, especially for kids, but using the name of my beloved Spyro for nothing more than brand recognition? That's disgusting.

People still play COD. Ummm... yay? I don't hate Activision for giving people exactly what they want. There are plenty of other, much more logical reasons to hate Activision. Like ruining and exploiting the franchises that I love.


New member
Jun 10, 2011
Pearwood said:
Uratoh said:
I'm not strictly sure where I get the impression, but Kotick seems to be an absolute expert at maximizing short-term growth...though the long term profitabiliy of some things he does are questionable.
When you're talking about billions of dollars does it really matter? When people think of multiplayer shooters COD is the name that instantly springs to mind, same with the three Blizzard series and their respective genres. I think Guitar Hero is one of theirs as well. That kind of brand recognition means that when that guy retires he's going to be living comfortably in the south of France for quite a while.
Eh, I'm probably just bitter that he's profiteering franchises that used to be near and dear to my heart, and as much as I understand how it's all about the bottom line, I'd rather not see properties go down in the name of short term gains.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Where. The fuck. Is DJ HERO 3D, Activision?! You ever going to release that thing? You said you were just putting the franchise on hiatus for 2011, and now it's 2012, so give me a goddamn release date!


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Uratoh said:
Eh, I'm probably just bitter that he's profiteering franchises that used to be near and dear to my heart, and as much as I understand how it's all about the bottom line, I'd rather not see properties go down in the name of short term gains.
My point was it isn't short term. COD, Guitar Hero, WoW and Starcraft and, to a lesser extent, Diablo are all the first names you think of when you think of their genres. As much flak as COD gets on these forums you can't argue that it isn't competenent at what it sets out to do; provide a framework for multiplayer shooting.

I've never seen a problem with Activision and that's coming from someone who's left wing by UK standards never mind US. They have real talent and real enthusiasm behind their games and the marketing is perfect. Keeping in mind that as publishers the marketing is all they're really responsible for it's hard to find fault with them.