Yeah, Kotick trying to meddle in WoW is way more worrying than another probably temporary fluctuation in player numbers from "shitloads" to "slightly less shitloads".
The problem with your method is that they'd literally have to change the fundamental design of the entire game for that to work right. It's been built with a huge emphasis on end-game all this time and I can't see that changing.DVS BSTrD said:If they really want to stop the slide they're gunna need to make it more accessible to new players. A good way to do that would be to switch to Guild Wars' method of XP distribution: Give it out to everyone involved in combat.Fappy said:They really need to make ALL of the expansions free. I guarantee their player pop would spike dramatically... at least for a little while.
You know, it's actually funny, seeing that last phrase, considering that one of the main problems of WoW in it's early times was that there was nigh nothing to do for lvl 60 chars.Fappy said:The problem with your method is that they'd literally have to change the fundamental design of the entire game for that to work right. It's been built with a huge emphasis on end-game all this time and I can't see that changing.DVS BSTrD said:If they really want to stop the slide they're gunna need to make it more accessible to new players. A good way to do that would be to switch to Guild Wars' method of XP distribution: Give it out to everyone involved in combat.Fappy said:They really need to make ALL of the expansions free. I guarantee their player pop would spike dramatically... at least for a little while.
The real problem is the whole end game concept. That's why EVE online is still increasing sub wise, because despite being very niche there is no end game content to speak of and there is always something to do. On top of that the lack of end game content also means what you "accomplish" doesn't get nullified when a new xpac comes out (which did bother me after two expacs in WoW).Headbiter said:You know, it's actually funny, seeing that last phrase, considering that one of the main problems of WoW in it's early times was that there was nigh nothing to do for lvl 60 chars.Fappy said:The problem with your method is that they'd literally have to change the fundamental design of the entire game for that to work right. It's been built with a huge emphasis on end-game all this time and I can't see that changing.DVS BSTrD said:If they really want to stop the slide they're gunna need to make it more accessible to new players. A good way to do that would be to switch to Guild Wars' method of XP distribution: Give it out to everyone involved in combat.Fappy said:They really need to make ALL of the expansions free. I guarantee their player pop would spike dramatically... at least for a little while.
Are you kidding? The last patch of Cataclysm had players fighting the same 8 bosses in DS for 10 months. It was the longest arena season in WoWs history. If anything there needs to be much more content.Bostur said:I would rather see sustainable content that last longer, but it's clearly not what Bliz-Acti wants.
I guess the closest they have is Sargeras and whatever is left of the Old GodsChessrook44 said:Oh I dunno. If they figure out a way to have you kill God (Or the equivalent) I think they'd go a bit higher. Or the Grand Creator or something.Mr.Mattress said:I think WoW's popularity is over. Once you killed the freakin' dragon of death, everything else kind of seems lame compared to it, especially when right afterwards they released Mists of Pandaria, which would have been better before Wrath of the Lich King.
Then again, didn't Pokemon already let you capture their equivalent of God and the Devil?
I barely even see anyone in Orgrimmar. But maybe thats just the European servers where I have characters.synobal said:part of the reason WoW is so dead these days is the way the queue system works. You just sand in Orgrimmar or Stormwind and run dungeons. The only people out in the world are either collecting resources, running a quest or leveling up. There isn't a lot of reasons to venture outside the cities if you're running raids, or dungeons or anything like that.Bostur said:I would rather see sustainable content that last longer, but it's clearly not what Bliz-Acti wants.
The theoretical numbers still seems decent for WoW, but looking at actual in-game activity I've never seen WoW so dead before.
Part of having an MMO that doesn't feel dead is having one that has players out in the world and by in large most people just stand in the city.