Addicted to FF Dissidia on PSP...


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Some random thoughts about it:

1. Ultimecia and Cloud of Darkness suck to play. Especially Ultimecia.

2. I love the way it plays: the quick fights, the maps, the stories. All done and timed perfectly so that you want to keep playing.

3. Terra's crystal is UGLY. Doesn't look like a crystal. I was assuming it would be pink and shiny since she's a girl but instead got something that looks like a painted egg.

4. Still don't get the whole battlegen thing. Are we choosing something before battle or is it just some random list to look at?

5.I want to try playing against other people but I don't know anyone with a psp :-(

6. Will they make Enix make another game like this? Is there anything like this on PS3?


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
PerkoApple said:
Will they make Enix make another game like this? Is there anything like this on PS3?
They are. []


New member
Jan 10, 2011
I don't know but I do know that this game is by far the best fighting game and time sink I've ever played in my entire life :p I definitely hope they make it for the PS3 as the psp is so bloody limiting, and instead of friend codes how about a dedicated server to handle games as opposed to trying to find people who own PSP's and actually own the game. I think sony's really screwed up on the whole PSP thing. The system has a lot of potential but a lot of stupid ideas thrown at it!

How about we update on what we already have and make online play for games on the PSP as we did it the same way as say for example Call of Duty for example, where you choose to play a game and the server finds players for you. What the bloody hell is so complicated about that?


New member
Dec 21, 2009
Pretty sure Terra's crystal is meant to look like a piece of magicite, but it's not terribly accurate. It fits FFVI in general more than Terra herself, really.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Cheesepower5 said:
Pretty sure Terra's crystal is meant to look like a piece of magicite, but it's not terribly accurate. It fits FFVI in general more than Terra herself, really.
The only FF game I've played through is 7 so I'm not sure what the look of the crystal is supposed to reference to. But I still stand by my statement that it's ugly. Also, it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the crystals :-/

Well it's great that there looks like there might be a 2nd one! They really should make a version for PS3 too! I LOVE this game!


New member
Apr 10, 2008
You made a thread ju8st to gush about a game you like?
We don't appreciate that kinda thing round here, where's the discussion?

PerkoApple said:
3. Terra's crystal is UGLY. Doesn't look like a crystal. I was assuming it would be pink and shiny since she's a girl but instead got something that looks like a painted egg.
Just because she's a girl everything she touches has to be pink?
Grow the fuck up man.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
By the way, if anyone knows how to play online feel free to meet me in some kind of lobby. I think what it's saying is that no one is here to fight...

Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
I was really annoyed when this game wasn't out on the PSN as I had just got a PSP Go figuring all the games I'd want would be on there, thankfully it was put on the PSN store eventually but now I just keep getting stuck really easily :(


New member
Sep 30, 2008
I don't get why they won't stick the combat from Dissidia (well, a bit tweaked maybe) into the newer FF games instead of giving us systems where the only buttons we press is to skip the movie sequence.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
PerkoApple said:
Cheesepower5 said:
Pretty sure Terra's crystal is meant to look like a piece of magicite, but it's not terribly accurate. It fits FFVI in general more than Terra herself, really.
The only FF game I've played through is 7 so I'm not sure what the look of the crystal is supposed to reference to. But I still stand by my statement that it's ugly. Also, it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the crystals :-/

Well it's great that there looks like there might be a 2nd one! They really should make a version for PS3 too! I LOVE this game!
You know those orbs that go around a character when they summon? Basically that.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
moretimethansense said:
You made a thread ju8st to gush about a game you like?
We don't appreciate that kinda thing round here, where's the discussion?

PerkoApple said:
3. Terra's crystal is UGLY. Doesn't look like a crystal. I was assuming it would be pink and shiny since she's a girl but instead got something that looks like a painted egg.
Just because she's a girl everything she touches has to be pink?
Grow the fuck up man.
Don't like the thread, don't respond...maybe you should grow the "fuck" up...MAN.

And not just cause she's a girl...but because she's a girly girl.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Terra's crystal is meant to represent Magicite, more specifically, her father's Magicite. And like Exdeath, CoD and Ultimecia can be good in combat with the right strategy. Exdeath is still more epic to use though. :p HURPH DURPH GET THE FRUIT.

I got Dissidia the day it came out. Finished the storyline in a month, got a few characters to level 100 and did the extra stuff within a couple more months. Then I just got really fucking bored of it and it's been collecting dust ever since. I find the game a tad overrated, and I despise Zidane's voice (they ruined the best hero in the series...)

Dissidia 012 looks promising, so I might pick it up in a bargain bin or something. Kain Highwind! Lighting in Aya Brea's outfit! *nerd squee* I just hope they don't spoil the whole game (character roster, 90% of cutscenes and plot) before it comes out like they did last time...


New member
Nov 9, 2010
AetherWolf said:
Terra's crystal is meant to represent Magicite, more specifically, her father's Magicite. And like Exdeath, CoD and Ultimecia can be good in combat with the right strategy. Exdeath is still more epic to use though. :p HURPH DURPH GET THE FRUIT.

I got Dissidia the day it came out. Finished the storyline in a month, got a few characters to level 100 and did the extra stuff within a couple more months. Then I just got really fucking bored of it and it's been collecting dust ever since. I find the game a tad overrated, and I despise Zidane's voice (they ruined the best hero in the series...)

Dissidia 012 looks promising, so I might pick it up in a bargain bin or something. Kain Highwind! Lighting in Aya Brea's outfit! *nerd squee* I just hope they don't spoil the whole game (character roster, 90% of cutscenes and plot) before it comes out like they did last time...
See, in my life a video game can only really be played for a month. Then I get sick of it. No matter how awesome it was in the beginning I always grow tired of it it seems within 30 days.

So if I like a video game for a month I call it a good game.

I'm not sure how long the story line actually is. I've gotten all the 10 crystals and now it's time to get click on the final card. I wonder how long that part is going to take?


New member
Dec 9, 2009
So then you still haven't unlocked Inward Chaos? I've had the game day 1 and still can't beat that freaking storyline...

Duodecim is looking amazing, though. May not be a Day 1 purchase, but it will be a game I buy.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
kyosai7 said:
So then you still haven't unlocked Inward Chaos? I've had the game day 1 and still can't beat that freaking storyline...

Duodecim is looking amazing, though. May not be a Day 1 purchase, but it will be a game I buy.
I don't see that as an option to unlock? Maybe I have to beat the initial storyline before that becomes unlockable?


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Yeah. Aside from the first board, you fight everyone in the game at lvls 100+, with a new Chaos to beat. I can't even get to him... This is after you unlock the secret characters, of course.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
kyosai7 said:
Yeah. Aside from the first board, you fight everyone in the game at lvls 100+, with a new Chaos to beat. I can't even get to him... This is after you unlock the secret characters, of course.
Wow, ok. So you must have to play ALOT with your characters to get them up to level 100. And I thought I was close to being done with the game...


New member
Apr 10, 2008
PerkoApple said:
moretimethansense said:
You made a thread ju8st to gush about a game you like?
We don't appreciate that kinda thing round here, where's the discussion?

PerkoApple said:
3. Terra's crystal is UGLY. Doesn't look like a crystal. I was assuming it would be pink and shiny since she's a girl but instead got something that looks like a painted egg.
Just because she's a girl everything she touches has to be pink?
Grow the fuck up man.
Don't like the thread, don't respond...maybe you should grow the "fuck" up...MAN.

And not just cause she's a girl...but because she's a girly girl.
...Girly girl?
Are wee talking about the same charecter?

And again what does the colour pink have to do with being girly?
You do realise that until comparitivly recently pink was considered a masculine colour, on account of it being a variation of red?

And I remain, where is the discussion value?


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Eh, it's not hard to get up to 100. Just go through the Duel Coliseum for a few hours.