Admit Your Faults


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
I am overly polite most of the time
I have a horrible hatred of doing anything that could bother another person (IE I listen to my music at a low volume not to protect my hearing but to make sure no one else can hear it)
I am very non confrontational
I am also very lazy (at times) and I procrastinate in almost everything I do
I also am very shy which leads me not to be able to initiate conversations with people I don't know and people I don't know very well despite the fact I am an above average conversationalist


New member
Feb 21, 2010
i'm to lazy. if i get onto something i will do it, it's just getting to that position.

Of course, theres a lot more, but i think that's my main one.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Ekonk said:
I can't take critism very well and I'm very lazy concerning EVERYTHING unless the thing/task in question somewhat of an obsession of mine.
aye, i have the same problem. the only problem for me is im still in high school, so its a bit of a *****.


New member
Oct 24, 2009
- I'm dominating, try to always be right and hate when someone shoots me down for being wrong (even more when they rub it in).

- I cant work in teams because I end up pushy and agressive to get my point across. Looks like i'll never get a job lol(Ps, dont bother saying "try improving on it", believe me, I have for 19yrs and still gotten no-where. It flares up when it wants sadly, sometimes I can be ok, other times I want to murder the person who beat me with their 'crappy' idea).

- I let anger build up instead of letting it release properly, meaning if im in a mood, I can be a total *****.

- when I'm drinking, i'm a nightmare for the truth. I'll tell someone to their face JUST what I think of them and can even be at risk of hitting someone although this has never happened (aside from the other night when I smacked my partner for buggering off and leaving us at 2am and not knowing where he was. I was too numb and in shock to hit him that hard though rofl)


New member
Nov 6, 2010
I can't take negative criticism too well.
I hold petty grudges for WAY too long.

oh, and I'm kind of a sex addict.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
newdarkcloud said:
I have trouble putting faith in other people.
I act like a narcissist, despite being overly self-critical.
I lack tact, and people often don't know if I'm sarcastic or serious.
I prefer being by myself WAY more than I do being with others.
I lack knowledge in a wide variety of subjects.
I have zero creativity.
I tend to compare myself to people with completely different skill sets and feel inferior because of it. (Yes, I know IO shouldn't, but I do.)
While generally laid back, certain things can send me into a rage. (No, my ATK stat has never increased because of this.)
I have difficulty finding motivation to do things that don't interest me.
I'm a fatass. (This one I AM working one.)
aye, these to. also, i find it very hard to define things about myself or admit things to myself unless someone else says it, notice the quoting to agree with others rather than saying things myself.

but rather than i dont like being with others i find it hard to get myself to be with others because i feel like im just a third wheel, or am just uninteresting, or otherwise tactless and boring.
and im not obese, dont mean to offend, just specifying how my list varies slightly.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
UberaDpmn said:
All you need now is an insult to tip you over the edge, a gun and to be pointed in the general direction of a school. :p
Hmmm... I think criticism that isn't even implied for me specifically, a couple of swords (on the off chance one might break, makes a nicer mess and it only ends when I get tired instead of when I run out of ammo. For some reason, I find 'madman-with-gun-and-manic-grin' a bit too cliched!) and the local branch of McDonalds frequented by a bunch of complete tools, chavs and douches would be better. ;)


New member
Jul 6, 2010
I think too much.
I'm very bad a receiving compliments and praise.

Aparantly I have low self esteem, though I keep telling myself that's not the case.

I try so hard not to insult/hurt people, and when I do I feel really awful and do whatever it takes to make things right.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
I'm incredibly stubborn.
I can't take criticism, but am overly self-criticizing
I'm lazy.
I judge people too quickly.
I'm very hypocritical


New member
Sep 25, 2008
I procrastinate to the point where I'm begging for every responsibility in my life to explode in my face. Really need to make myself just do shit when it comes up, or just do things in general. Too often find myself with nothing to do and just dick around.

Ace of Spades

New member
Jul 12, 2008
I am driven by rage, because being angry is cathartic, and it's the only way I can deal with crap that happens to me.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
I personally don't believe that all humans are eachothers equals. For me their are many factors which decided the worth of a person. It is very difficult to do so, but it's still very well posible to claim on person is better then the other. So yeah if a person claims he/she is better then me, then my first reaction is wetter I can agree with that.
As to my flaws. I have the tendency to be lazy, and I can't understand complex social interactions. The last one is more of a handicap then a flaw, but I thought I would name it anyway.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Palademon said:
I think too much and am perfectly able to have two opinions at once on something.
Very much this, I frequently find myself having two or more conflicting opinions on something.

I also seem to be a bit of an elitist at times.