After the Next Generation, Game Consoles Will Disappear


New member
Mar 25, 2010
putowtin said:
Greg Tito said:
Hoffman further proved his point by telling a story about his daughter to show how quickly the younger generations adapt to new technology. "I've got a five year old and a nine year old," he said. "We went to a place up in the country here in California and she walked up to this 1970's television set in this rental house and tried to swipe it like an iPad. It just tells you what that UI's are going to look like."
Or it could just be because your childs an idiot Mr Hoffman! Seriously do parents not teach their children anything anymore!?!
thought the same thing. Except that he didn't specify which daughter if it was the 5 year old on it is an honest mistake because she might think that it works similar to the I-pad having not seen one. If it was the 9 year old however shes a moron.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Haha. Here we go again. More doom and gloom reports based on the fact that he lets his child play way too much on his iPad. The problem with this whole prediction is the same problem with the whole Android vs iPhone debate. The reason why so many things don't come out on Android devices is because there are literally thousands of devices that use Android. I love Android, but I have come to terms with the fact there will be a noticeable lag in quality applications for it. Even if I get it a year later, it was out on the iPhone for a year already. With iPhones you get two iteration a year, and then an iPad or two. These devices are mostly the same (iPhone 4 vs. iPhone 4S) and there isn't an instance where you are left behind with either of them. And any games that come out over the next two or so years will still run well on it. Because they have the same dedicated hardware.

I know what your thinking, what is this guy rambling on about? So here is the tie in: Games have reached the level and quality they have due to generations of dedicated quality hardware. There will be no single device that handles anything because there will be market competition in those devices. So, really what this guy means by saying what he is saying is that dedicated quality games will mostly disappear and we will be left with a million different versions of simple games like Angry Birds. It wouldn't be possible to have your Skyrim, your Gears of Wars, your Halo, your Resistance, your... you get it. I am chiefly a PC gamer, but I also have a PS3 I am enjoying a few new games on (Final Fantasy XIII-2, Asura's Wrath, and tomorrow will be Street Fighter X Tekken). I would honestly love if all of those companies would make good quality PC games more than anything, but I won't hold my breath.

The only thing I see disappearing is folks like him who think they have any idea of prediction and foresight. For years now people have been stupidly saying that PC gaming is dead or is dying, yet the PC gaming industry as a whole has seen $18 Billion of growth from 2011. Doesn't sound dead to me. Also, to further defunk what this guy is saying, video games are the largest entertainment industry in the world. You think there will be another 10 years tops of that. I seriously doubt it.


New member
Aug 9, 2010
Fawxy said:
Jaeger_CDN said:
Fawxy said:
mad825 said:
Fawxy said:
start seeing TV-Computer shit like the 80's had? (Can't remember the name of it.)
Don't speak too soon [], worlds implode that way.[footnote]added correct link to product[/footnote]
No, not like that. I can't remember the freaking name, but it was a keyboard-looking thing that was plugged into a normal television. It's driving me crazy. D:
Maybe you're thinking of the old Atari 400 / 800 []

Hell, even an old Commodore 64 plugged into a TV, A dedicated monitor was only optional
COMMODORE! THAT'S what I was think of. Ah, that was driving me crazy.

My dad and uncle have lots of fond stories about that thing, don't know how I forgot its name.
The atari 400 came before the C-64 but if they are feeling that nostalgic about it they have a new and improved version for sale now []

captcha: runny nose
for crying out loud, the first one of these that actually made sense


New member
Nov 22, 2011
A kid swipes the TV and Hoffman calls touch UI the future? That's like a kid calling a cat a dog and we say cats are the future of four legged creatures. Kids recognize the world around them by generalizing shapes first - if the kid sees a Itouch she/he will think anything with a screen is an Itouch. There is no doubt touch UI is the future but that to me is a bad example.

Like the PC, consoles won't die out. They'll change form and function, that's all. Pseudo science like Hoffman make me rage.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
I don't think consoles will disappear, but they'll become increasingly casual to the point that most hardcore gamers currently playing HD consoles will move to PC.