

New member
Jan 19, 2011
Rats such lovely animals. A shame how short they stay with us! They really steal your hart and hide it some where.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
Blargh McBlargh said:
slash2x said:
Just like the "ending" was supposed to make you feel sad about Ethan getting killed to save his wife[...]
I haven't read CAD in ages, but lolwat?
I will save you going there and giving the site a hit, and reading through months of drivel.

Ethan gets pulled into the future, via butter..... Yeah so light hearted there! Then to fuck up the light tone from that.... Zeke went terminator, killed off Ethans friends and family made an army and started killing everyone. Future Ethan is being hunted as the creator of Zeke, the resistance finds past Ethan and a resistance girl that looks like Lucas(implied daughter) saves him and starts to send him back to the past to stop Zeke. Future Ethan shoots her, gets shot himself and screws up time portal. Ethan throws himself at the machine and turns it off before it rips apart all space time. Now instead of having him pop back to his time that kills Ethan and all anyone finds of him is a scorch spot next to the time machine.

So ZERO closure.... No continuity attachment, and more or less a Terminator(first one) movie rip off, with the time travel in reverse.

Almost like the artist said "So you want a funny comic strip? FUCK YOU! I AM GOING TO KILL IT WITH FIRE!"

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Man, if it wasn't for Suchong, I'm sure people would've been all over the half-naked-Erin fantease there in the first panel.

I guess I've been around animals for so long that the knowledge of their vastly shorter lifespans (in most cases, anyway) is just part of the background picture to me. I find Erin's blatant self-delusion a lot more sad... and I don't think she can blame that on the accident.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
PunkRex said:
So is Erin gonna get a pep talk from characters in gaming who have generally lost someone? That would be nice, concidering I can't think of any...
Cloud from Final Fantasy 7. Dante from Devil May Cry.....Caim from Drakengard. Caim especially knows about loss and death, he'd be perfect!


New member
May 5, 2010
slash2x said:
Blargh McBlargh said:
slash2x said:
Just like the "ending" was supposed to make you feel sad about Ethan getting killed to save his wife[...]
I haven't read CAD in ages, but lolwat?
I will save you going there and giving the site a hit, and reading through months of drivel.

Ethan gets pulled into the future, via butter..... Yeah so light hearted there! Then to fuck up the light tone from that.... Zeke went terminator, killed off Ethans friends and family made an army and started killing everyone. Future Ethan is being hunted as the creator of Zeke, the resistance finds past Ethan and a resistance girl that looks like Lucas(implied daughter) saves him and starts to send him back to the past to stop Zeke. Future Ethan shoots her, gets shot himself and screws up time portal. Ethan throws himself at the machine and turns it off before it rips apart all space time. Now instead of having him pop back to his time that kills Ethan and all anyone finds of him is a scorch spot next to the time machine.

So ZERO closure.... No continuity attachment, and more or less a Terminator(first one) movie rip off, with the time travel in reverse.

Almost like the artist said "So you want a funny comic strip? FUCK YOU! I AM GOING TO KILL IT WITH FIRE!"
Wow. So Tim went full blown dipshit finally? I stopped at the miscarriage thing too and it appears I got off the Shit Train just in time. I can't imagine his fanbase got any bigger with that stunt. Is he finally out of the comic business now, god willing?


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
LetalisK said:
slash2x said:
Blargh McBlargh said:
slash2x said:
Just like the "ending" was supposed to make you feel sad about Ethan getting killed to save his wife[...]
I haven't read CAD in ages, but lolwat?
I will save you going there and giving the site a hit, and reading through months of drivel.

Ethan gets pulled into the future, via butter..... Yeah so light hearted there! Then to fuck up the light tone from that.... Zeke went terminator, killed off Ethans friends and family made an army and started killing everyone. Future Ethan is being hunted as the creator of Zeke, the resistance finds past Ethan and a resistance girl that looks like Lucas(implied daughter) saves him and starts to send him back to the past to stop Zeke. Future Ethan shoots her, gets shot himself and screws up time portal. Ethan throws himself at the machine and turns it off before it rips apart all space time. Now instead of having him pop back to his time that kills Ethan and all anyone finds of him is a scorch spot next to the time machine.

So ZERO closure.... No continuity attachment, and more or less a Terminator(first one) movie rip off, with the time travel in reverse.

Almost like the artist said "So you want a funny comic strip? FUCK YOU! I AM GOING TO KILL IT WITH FIRE!"
Wow. So Tim went full blown dipshit finally? I stopped at the miscarriage thing too and it appears I got off the Shit Train just in time. I can't imagine his fanbase got any bigger with that stunt. Is he finally out of the comic business now, god willing?
I lacked things to do about a month back, remembered how CAD was recommended on this very forum back in 09 when I joined (remember the craziest shit at the wierdest times). Decided to check it out. Read up to, and past the miscarriage and to the very end of Ethan as a character.....

and my reaction was basically like... (wat)

Then it was just strip upon strip upon strip upon strip (think about one hundred?) of those wierdly coloured guys killing eachother.


New member
Dec 22, 2011
Johny_X2 said:
Cory, if you kill the rat, I will be upset and cry a lot. You don't want that, do you?
Same here man!
You hurt that poor lil thing and I'll - I'll... I'll have NO other choice then to start accepting the fact that life isn't all sunshine and lollipops not even in a humor centered story... NONE of us wants that to happen now do we? D:


New member
Nov 29, 2008
Mahoshonen said:
I think the problem is feeding it skittles.

I don't know about rats, but with Dogs you basically have to take them to a dietritian to figure out what you need to feed them.
Yeah, if it had been an old dog, she might have left him a chocolate bar.


Dib dib dib, dob dob dob.
May 25, 2009
hazabaza1 said:
Oooh, and obligatory sad arc in a cooky gaming webcomic. This'll go really well, last time something like this happened it was so gre-

Captcha: Baby Blues.
Great, now we just need to have Critical Miss be as shit as ctrl+alt+delete and the delivery of a dead horse.


New member
Jul 6, 2013
I can see Grey kicking Cory's ass later this week.
Poor Erin, as if going batshit crazy wasn't bad enough, now she's going to lose Suchong too? I don't understand the hating of the story arcs though, Erin taking her pants off in that last arc was my favorite bit in the entire comic, and not for the obvious reason.
Hell, even if the little thing does die, at least it's a story! I'm just sad that I got caught up, now I have to actually wait.

Kurt Cristal

New member
Mar 31, 2010
Nikolaz72 said:
LetalisK said:
slash2x said:
Blargh McBlargh said:
slash2x said:
Just like the "ending" was supposed to make you feel sad about Ethan getting killed to save his wife[...]
I haven't read CAD in ages, but lolwat?
I will save you going there and giving the site a hit, and reading through months of drivel.

Ethan gets pulled into the future, via butter..... Yeah so light hearted there! Then to fuck up the light tone from that.... Zeke went terminator, killed off Ethans friends and family made an army and started killing everyone. Future Ethan is being hunted as the creator of Zeke, the resistance finds past Ethan and a resistance girl that looks like Lucas(implied daughter) saves him and starts to send him back to the past to stop Zeke. Future Ethan shoots her, gets shot himself and screws up time portal. Ethan throws himself at the machine and turns it off before it rips apart all space time. Now instead of having him pop back to his time that kills Ethan and all anyone finds of him is a scorch spot next to the time machine.

So ZERO closure.... No continuity attachment, and more or less a Terminator(first one) movie rip off, with the time travel in reverse.

Almost like the artist said "So you want a funny comic strip? FUCK YOU! I AM GOING TO KILL IT WITH FIRE!"
Wow. So Tim went full blown dipshit finally? I stopped at the miscarriage thing too and it appears I got off the Shit Train just in time. I can't imagine his fanbase got any bigger with that stunt. Is he finally out of the comic business now, god willing?
I lacked things to do about a month back, remembered how CAD was recommended on this very forum back in 09 when I joined (remember the craziest shit at the wierdest times). Decided to check it out. Read up to, and past the miscarriage and to the very end of Ethan as a character.....

and my reaction was basically like... (wat)

Then it was just strip upon strip upon strip upon strip (think about one hundred?) of those wierdly coloured guys killing eachother.
I still gave it a shot past the miscarriage arc, and it continued to be unfunny, to the point where I was just waiting for a really good spot to abandon it. I left it sometime after the Ethan-as-manager arc wrapped itself up. (Which I remember also getting him in hot water for stealing someone else's character design.)

But boy am I glad I called it quits then, geez. Are the new "player" comics even any good now?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Doclector said:
Oh god no. Not on the same week that 400 days is coming out, i can't hold all these feels.
Together, we will hold all the feels. We will take upon the burden of knowing bad things happen to good things, and being witness to it. We will all carry the feels 400 Days and Age grants us, like stones in our backpacks, with the hope this will improve the strength in our backs. With the alternative being the stones being too heavy, and we fall down unable to stand.

Plucky said:
I want to hope that Suchong doesn't end up exploring and seeing that his family has grown without him and is in some sort of danger, then just ending up with only 1 Son left....who winds up inside Erin's house as Suchong II, not like she would notice the difference without crying......seriously, something like that might just seem slightly similar to The Simpsons episode when Lisa's cats kept dieing, afterwards naming Snowball IX (?) to Snowball II to save money on a dish.
That's actually pretty depressing. It's like Seymour, except with a light-hearted ending. I'm just half expecting Suchong finding his only surviving son, and telling him that he must carry on the burden. Then just dying then, and Suchong 2 returning to where Erin left Suchong 1.