Aliens Invade The Team Fortress 2 World Because Why Not?


Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
The Almighty Aardvark said:
Okay, I've got to say. That moment with the Demo trying to figure out why the 3D glasses weren't working was just fantastic
also, Engie chuckling at how ridiculous the science is, considering what his science is like


Tunnel Open, Communication Open.
Nov 18, 2009
You know, I actually enjoyed the Gun Mettle contracts because they gave me something to aim for and helped me get better at the game (I know Airblast-Fu) outside of general practice. But this? I'm paying for a chance to pay for a chance to get an item? No thanks and I'm sorry to the people who worked hard on this update but fuck your pricing system. This is an abhorrent waste of money for me and I just can't do it.

However, new maps? That, that I can do. So I might just end up buying the stamps for those maps if I can.

Also, I know for a fact that all the items are going to become ridiculously cheap on the community market in a reasonably short space of time if Gun Mettle is any indication.

Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
Adding new community maps to the game means a lot more now that virtually everyone uses quickplay instead of finding some community servers to add to their favorites. So I'm glad they seem to be making it a regular habit.

martyrdrebel27 said:
if this exact same thing was pulled by EA or Ubisoft, people would be losing their shit. Valve has such blind devotion though, that nobody seems to call them out.
I dunno. If EA or Ubisoft did it, all this stuff would be day-one DLC for a $60 game rather than an update for a game that had been around for eight years, cost only $15 at launch, and has cost nothing for the last few years. Also they wouldn't still be supporting the game eight years later. They wouldn't still be supporting it one year later. And all of the maps released post-launch would have been sold in packs costing at least $15 each rather than added for free.


New member
Aug 23, 2010
Thomas Barnsley said:
I was envisioning a new kind of MvM with aliens when I read the title of this article. That would've been so cool! Hopefully actually aliens make it into the game somehow, maybe as random events like in Halloween maps.
I thought the same thing... they really need to find a new game mode that isn't shite or unbalanced like the football thing which is mostly just scouts running around.

I love me some TF2 but putting stuff like this behind 2 pay walls is just... no thanks.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Steve the Pocket said:
martyrdrebel27 said:
if this exact same thing was pulled by EA or Ubisoft, people would be losing their shit. Valve has such blind devotion though, that nobody seems to call them out.
I dunno. If EA or Ubisoft did it, all this stuff would be day-one DLC for a $60 game rather than an update for a game that had been around for eight years, cost only $15 at launch, and has cost nothing for the last few years. Also they wouldn't still be supporting the game eight years later. They wouldn't still be supporting it one year later. And all of the maps released post-launch would have been sold in packs costing at least $15 each rather than added for free.
You do realize you have basically proved his point there right? He didn't say "If EA or Ubisoft tried to do this, but as a Day 1 DLC instead of a free update then people would be losing their shit." he said "If EA or Ubisoft tried this people would be losing their shit."

As in, "If EA/Ubisoft did this exact same thing people would be complaining" not "If EA/Ubisoft did a mildly similar but less altruistic thing, people would be complaining."

What you did just there was basically dodge the accusation/point by going "It'd be ok for me to complain if somebody else did this because they'd actually be doing something else" in order to avoid having to admit to any possible bias.

And incidentally, don't bother trying to counter-argue to any of this, because if you did it, it would actually be an off-topic rant about how Day 1 DLC & Always-On DRM are always ok and more games should have them (see, I can pull this shit too!)


New member
Apr 9, 2012
Sinister Minister said:
voltair27 said:
So that's what Valve has been up to instead of working on Half-Life 3.

Pity that Valve's company structure ensures that it'll never get into production.
So do you read the articles or do you just see something Valve-related and jump right in to make a remark about HL3?
First time actually.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
I swear, the only thing more bloated with hyperbole and irrational hate than a Steven Bogos article is the attached comments section.

Christ, it's all "Fuck you Valve!" and "If EA did this, people would be pissed!"

Oh yes. I'd be so incredibly angry at EA if they had the gall, the downright audacity, to continue to support one of their online games with free official and community-made updates nearly a decade after the game had released. Mann, I'd be fucking livid!

So here's me joining the chorus in singing "Fuck you Valve! How DARE you keep a fantastic game from stagnating and dying! And how DARE you continue to bring free content updates while continuing to support the community!"

And just so it's clear, the Pass you have to purchase to get Invasion Crate drops is to support those who made this community update. The money from Pass purchases goes to the content creators, not Valve. In fact, Valve doesn't receive a penny from Pass purchases.

Odd that Mr. Bogus Mr. Bogos left that out of his article.

Zipzip the Penguin

New member
Feb 14, 2013
Silentpony said:
Oh wow, this game is still around? But its not 2007!

Quick, someone contact RadioShack! TF2 has found the secret to eternal life!
Have you heard of our lord and savior SSBM?

Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
Aeshi said:
Steve the Pocket said:
martyrdrebel27 said:
if this exact same thing was pulled by EA or Ubisoft, people would be losing their shit. Valve has such blind devotion though, that nobody seems to call them out.
I dunno. If EA or Ubisoft did it, all this stuff would be day-one DLC for a $60 game rather than an update for a game that had been around for eight years, cost only $15 at launch, and has cost nothing for the last few years. Also they wouldn't still be supporting the game eight years later. They wouldn't still be supporting it one year later. And all of the maps released post-launch would have been sold in packs costing at least $15 each rather than added for free.
You do realize you have basically proved his point there right? He didn't say "If EA or Ubisoft tried to do this, but as a Day 1 DLC instead of a free update then people would be losing their shit." he said "If EA or Ubisoft tried this people would be losing their shit."

As in, "If EA/Ubisoft did this exact same thing people would be complaining" not "If EA/Ubisoft did a mildly similar but less altruistic thing, people would be complaining."

What you did just there was basically dodge the accusation/point by going "It'd be ok for me to complain if somebody else did this because they'd actually be doing something else" in order to avoid having to admit to any possible bias.
It's kind of a moot point, though, isn't it, because you're describing a completely impossible scenario. First they'd have to actually have an eight-year-old game that they'd been supporting with free updates that entire time. They'd also have to have done very little to earn their customers' ire not just in those eight years but in their entire history as a company. So yes, people who are consistently treated like shit year after year are not particularly inclined to just forget about it every time a company does something that's not terrible. I wouldn't even call it holding a grudge because the company would first have to stop treating them like shit at some point. (Which seems to have worked out for Activision so far; it's been quite a while since I've seen them lumped with EA and Ubisoft.)

But if you insist I attempt to compare apples to oranges, I don't actually think people would be up in arms about this if EA or Ubisoft did it. Because they're already doing stuff worse than this on a regular basis, and we've lost our collective ability to give a shit anymore. We've resigned ourselves to the fact that we have to put up with their antics or avoid buying any of their games. It's only when some company hits a new low, either personally or for the industry as a whole, that the sewage starts to interface with the ventilation. People got plenty upset over Steam's paid mods debacle, for example, and have been going after Konami and WB recently for various unscrupulous things. Making people jump through hoops to get cosmetic items hardly bears mention by comparison. It only matters to people who care more about the items than the game itself, just for a start, and Valve has essentially been expecting people to gamble for them ever since crate keys became a thing.

Did I leave anything out? I suppose if I wanted to be really petty and mean, I could relay what your last paragraph originally said before you ninja-edited it. Oh, yeah, it doesn't update the quote notifications when you do that, FYI, so you might want to be more careful in the future not to say something you'll regret.