Actually, that sounds really good - a horror-oriented Bioware-like game. It needn't be an RPG, but having it occur in an explorable location with relatively freeform gameplay sounds interesting. Maybe something in the vein of Deus Ex Human Revolution or VtM: Bloodlines.
EDIT: I'll have to add a dissenting voice regarding the hypothetical Telltale Aliens game that many here have already mentioned - I'm normally one to enjoy such stuff, and I had high hopes for The Walking Dead, but the fact that it's a point-n-click (or, these days, quick-time-event) adventure made me give up after Episode One. It was like watching a great TV show, except you get pepper-sprayed at regular intervals and need to pause the show to regain your sight.
And, while I'd be glad if they made an Aliens game with similar passion, I wouldn't drudge through a dead genre's carcass to find the bits that are still edible. It just isn't where I'd spend my money, and I do think it would only be a niche title.