Zachary Amaranth said:
And with the demands for 4 thousand ps and 9 million fps per second, I somehow doubt we'll see more progress for a while.
You do know that people who write game story and gameplay are different than those who code the graphics and optimization, right? While it is true that often gameplay is made and then writers have to write story around it, this is not true for graphics or optimization. for example same machine will run Metro games over twice as well than Watch Dogs simply based on Metro being better optimized. here you just doubled the framerate or resolution by actually optimizing your game. and you didnt take anything from "Story" of the game either. the two do not compete.
also not sure what is "4 thousand ps". if you meant 4 thousand px as in pixels then 4megapixels is actually a small resolution, you probably refer to 4k, or as properly should be called 2160p (4 times the pixels of 1080p). Do note that most people are looking at 1080p or 1440p and not 2160p yet. The framerate of a minimum of 60 is demanded though. the higher framerate monitors/tvs are also getting more popular but people are mostly saying that 30 fps lock is unacceptable, whitch we still see on console games sadly. Im sure most would be satisfied with 1080p@60fps native.
Ronack said:
You're missing the point completely. It's not about a quota to be filled. Or about "good characters, bad characters". It's about a bad way of thinking that's making it so that making the main character of Remember Me a woman ends up being a fight. It's about a bad way of thinking that makes the generic main character only a "stubble bearded, middle-aged white man" and never a "middle-aged white woman". The reason being that female-led games supposedly don't sell or something. Or that male gamers (which they believe to be the dominant demographic) don't want to play as a woman.
And about representation: It matters. It matters a lot. Couldn't exactly find it, but there's a post on Tumblr where the societal roles of men and women were reversed. And the last image was GIF of a young boy looking at a plaque with pictures of all the American presidents and they were all women. Before that we had a GIF where a couple wanted to watch The Avengers, but all of them were female except for a token man. And do you remember that one kid from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? All he asked was this: "Why are none of them black?" when looking at a toy line of The Avengers. You know what happened? Mike Peterson wanted to be that black hero for his son, so that he could have someone to look up to. To show that black people could be heroes too.
Equal representation shouldn't be a quota. It should be the standard and accepted way of thinking. Though, it shouldn't be like "oh, we've got two more white male characters! Let's double up on white female characters!" No, not like that. Obviously.
Why do people want female protagonists? most common answer i hear is so they could relate, meaning they are females themselves and want to relate to character they are playing (well there could also be males identifying as females but i doubt its a significant portion).
As you claimed, evidently female led games do not sell well. why they do not sell well is debatable (in my opinion Remmeber Me was just a bad game for example). but it is important to remmeber demographics of your audience. while ESA tout that half gamers are female, a closer studies seem to reveal that vast majority (think over 80%) of genres such as FPS, RTS, fighters, and other so called "Hardcore" genres gamers are male (interestingly, there seems to be around equal amounts of females and males among RPG players). which means you are marketing to dominantly male audience. if the genre matter for a sake of ability to relate, you have to choose between 80% of your audience able to relate and 20% of your audience able to relate. whitch one do you think will be more profitable?
If there is a choice in the game, i always choose male. I am a male and thus i choose to play as one. i cant speak for others, but given a choice i prefer not to play as a woman.
Representation is important, but it is important not solely for representation sake. its supposed to be reflective of reality, not be some creation to fill a quota. Representation should not be "Equal", it should be fair. which is to say it should fairly represent the demographic your showing, not have equal amounts of each.
It is also important to understand that a game is also a piece of creation. an author may have a vision of something and it is unfair to ask him to chance such vision. instead go and buy from an author that has vision more to your liking.
Diana Kingston-Gabai said:
The best way to think about why that controversy makes sense is to ask yourself whether Nathan Drake would ever be threatened with rape.
Are you implying that males cannot be raped?
Fappy said:
Mothers and fathers are the most important people in the world
[citation needed]?