Alienware Blurs the Line Between Console and PC


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Akimoto said:
Small? Huh, thermal conduction will be fun. And i5? Sorry, I rather custom my own computer. Selling £699 with a i5 and only 4gb RAM is not good enough for me - must be due to the small size.

There is a reason why we have tower casings.
whats wrong with an i5 m8? some are better then i7's. especial my 2500K ( admittingly, only cause its the K version, and i have a huge ass collor straped to the top, but still! )


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Oh, I see. Alienware built the Hybrid for people who like an efficient drive while feeling environmentally consciencious and...

Hang on, that IS the Hybrid. This is actually very interesting, though.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
RhombusHatesYou said:
Have you thought about dropping the Optiplex's guts in something like a Silverstone Sugo or Lian Li HTPC case?
Its a good idea, but there are some points of contention. Much as I mentioned I have all of 230$ in this box. 170 for the processor, mobo, PSU, and case. The remainder went to upgrading the ram in it and I ended up using a GTX 520 that I had pulled out of my moms PC when I upgraded her rig. So as I dont have spare cases laying around, that would massively cut into overhead, and really it just would nto be worth it.

Secondly, the optiplex mobo is full on ATX,(yet oddly it was too compact to handle my GTS 250 which is a longer, fatter card) so I wouldnt not be able to get much smaller

My objective was to remanufacture a workable PC for less than 250$ to be used with the TV. It might be big, ugly and scratched up, but it works very well (25fps in ToR on max settings but without AA turned on) for the price, and really the price was right.

Getting back on track. I think this is a market that is already being more explored than people realize. Just look at how many Home theater systems or Blu ray players now have wifi connectivity and allow you to access content from web sources. People want that experience of using a computer in a 10 foot GUI, but many people cant or are simply afraid to try something that complex. I remember the first time I did it was like 2001 with an Svideo feed to an SDTV so the capacity has been with us for quite a while. Its just a matter of people becoming acclimated to it enough to willingly try it themselves. Id say in another 10 years your going to see set top TVs with microcomputers built in being relatively commonplace.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
While I can see the attraction of a product like this, there is just one thing that really raised my eyebrow and that was the wattage of the PSU.

240 Watts?

Now I am no tech-expert but that sounds a tad low to me. Although my current rig, which I built myself and only ever cautiously refer to it as a "gaming rig", despite being it's main purpose, is small-potatoes compared to the really hardcore rigs out there, I'm running a 650W PSU because the 450W unit I had before was struggling.



Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
viranimus said:
Its just a matter of people becoming acclimated to it enough to willingly try it themselves. Id say in another 10 years your going to see set top TVs with microcomputers built in being relatively commonplace.
It's pretty much just a progression of the the tablet, slate PC and desktop touchscreen systems (whole pc jammed into slightly thicker touchscreen monitor) tech that already exists. All it needs is for manufacturing costs to drop low enough to make it viable to sell as a commonplace tv and for someone to step forward and put the idea in the minds of consumers.

That second part, putting the idea in the mind of the consumer, is the trick. It's easy for people who follow tech news and developments to keep up with things but to the average consumer the concepts for some of these devices never really forms until a Product is made available. Look at tablets and, to a lesser degree, slate PCs... even people who knew about them didn't really have much idea on what to do with them until Apple came along and took a completely different approach - instead of trying to make the extremely limited tech act like a PC they played to it's strengths. Bang. Raining money.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Oh this has been tried several times, the reason it doesn't do well is because it offers no benefits but comes at a higher price... not the best deal there.

I'm sure they will shift quite a few due to it's name, but other then that if people wanted a console... they would buy a console.


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
I just looked this thing up on the Canadian Alienware site. Though the tech specs aren't terrible, it's still a tad expensive.

I would also like to note that the Canadian version of this PC is also 699.99, while the UK one is 699.99 pounds. But the Canadian one is less powerful and offers less options. What the hell man?

Canadian version
UK Version
US Version


Ooooh...I has custom title.
Jul 18, 2009
Akimoto said:
Small? Huh, thermal conduction will be fun. And i5? Sorry, I rather custom my own computer. Selling £699 with a i5 and only 4gb RAM is not good enough for me - must be due to the small size.

There is a reason why we have tower casings.
Well, if its an i5 2500k, then thats better than a lot of the i7s out there.

Also fun fact. £699 is 1337nzd rounded down. But I have to agree, you can get quite a bit betetr for that much money. In fact Im building a better one for around that price as we speak :)


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Treblaine said:
I think this niche doesn't exist for a reason.

PC is either portable laptop, or spacious enough that you can easily get to components to upgrade/repair parts.

People who are taking to the approach to gaming where it should just "plug it in and bloody work as however you deem fit" will always lose out to Xbox or Playstation. And the PC trying to compete for slots in the HDTV I think it a bad room. That is spatial competition where it is not strong.

The PC is strong at the table with a computer monitor. Millions of people will flock to their desks to play games as with World of Warcraft, Minecraft and Steam.
You sound like you don't want it to exist. What's so wrong about kickin back on your couch for some Minecraft? NO! You must be at your DESK. I'm just saying, be open, ya know? Don't be so defensive about what PC gaming should be. And not even gaming. Eg. Watch Youtube videos on your HDTV with your friends. Skype with your family. Switch inputs and look up gaming tips. Maybe you throw a blu-ray player in it. Plus we don't know what Windows 8 is going to do exactly, but it looks like a lot of home entertainment things. Oh, another one: really loud music on your 5.1 surround. Just because its from Alienware doesn't mean its strictly for gaming. Maybe I'd like to do some 3D animation on my couch, not at my desk. Feel a bit more relaxed.
What's wrong with hooking up your mid tower to your TV? "ZOMG PEOPLE WILL THINK I'M A NERD!"?

I'd say having a computer with an alien head button just might be worse.

I do it sometimes, and it's awesome.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
A super small PC case? WHAT A GRAND IDEA! /dripping with sarcasm

No, fuck off. I love my big, spacious, smart PC case (it's got drawers and stuff, real easy to work with, best case I've ever had/seen), where if I need to take something out or put something in, I don't feel like I'm performing a frikkin' surgery.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
NightmareLuna said:
What the heck... I bought a laptop with much better specs and 17" screen that was 20% cheaper than that. If you want a fully fledged gaming PC, then you should really spend everything you got on it and not buy half-assed things like that...

Alienware is the PC version of Apple. Non-expensive hardware wrapped in a shiny box which for some reason makes it at minimum 200% more expensive
Building my much more powerful computer, and getting a monitor was about the same price as the Alienware machine.

People that say "Well it'd be too hard!" are kind of ridiculous. It's as easy as following step by step directions you can find anywhere online. I'm pretty sure Newegg has a series of videos that teach you how to do it.


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
Frostbite3789 said:
NightmareLuna said:
What the heck... I bought a laptop with much better specs and 17" screen that was 20% cheaper than that. If you want a fully fledged gaming PC, then you should really spend everything you got on it and not buy half-assed things like that...

Alienware is the PC version of Apple. Non-expensive hardware wrapped in a shiny box which for some reason makes it at minimum 200% more expensive
Building my much more powerful computer, and getting a monitor was about the same price as the Alienware machine.

People that say "Well it'd be too hard!" are kind of ridiculous. It's as easy as following step by step directions you can find anywhere online. I'm pretty sure Newegg has a series of videos that teach you how to do it.
Not to mention the instruction manual that comes with computer cases and motherboards is generally enough to get through putting everything together.


New member
Jun 20, 2010
my laptop beats that thing in many areas and ive had it for a rather sizeable amount of time, its also smaller and has a built in 1080 display.
problem with pc is that you will have more problems with them, they also dont have (what is the only benefit of consoles) a custom operating systems, i would like to compare the boot up time of a 360 with this, also the time it takes from hitting power to being in game, or how about using a controller, alot of games arent directly compatible with them and either require an emulation program or m/k.

Simon Pettersson

New member
Apr 4, 2010
LGC Pominator said:
You know being able to play on some PC games comfortably might just sell me on the idea...

I mean the PC gaming market isn't really going to win people like me back fully for the whole "you aren't real gamers" mean meanypants ness of the late 00s, but I enjoy enough games on steam to make kicking back and enjoying some M&B Warband in the comfort of my lounge seem like a somewhat palatable idea.

Perhaps this is what we need to bridge the gap between console gamers and PC eli... enthusiasts. Maybe.

I would like to see a more open version of this technology however, when gamers are able to mod out their small form factor machines without risk of overheating we may reach the gaming singularity!
Why not just plug your computer into the tv ....


New member
Nov 22, 2011
thahat said:
whats wrong with an i5 m8? some are better then i7's. especial my 2500K ( admittingly, only cause its the K version, and i have a huge ass collor straped to the top, but still! )
I briefly read a white paper on the i5 and i7 - the indication is that i7 does better. It's personal preference i guess. I prefer computing power and i don't mind paying for it.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
viranimus said:
Treblaine said:
And I do have reservations with the PC control setup of keyboard and mouse, how unsuited that is to laid back on a couch, unless you know some effective setup I may not be aware of
Your certainly not off base. It could just as easily be stated that the niche market in question consists of those who like paying extravagantly more than they should while getting less in return. Surprisingly thats a fairly large cr*cougapplefanscoughcoughhackhacksniffle*owd of people.

But yea, I do have a couple suggestions.

For gaming purposes on the couch, Xpad + 360 gamepad
More dedicated gaming, Atypical wireless mouse & keyboard.

However, what I tend to use when I am not using the gamepad is this.

Its more idea for switching between rudimentary games, and tv applications such as tuner cards, hulu, netflix, etc Its basically the closest thing to a remote for a PC And.. it has a laser pointer too so it doubles as cat toy.
Well if you're going to use Gamepad all the time then you might as well get a cheaper console. And Xpadder is a good stopgap I know that console implementation of gamepad controls are far more sophisticated with integrated aim assist and so on.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
This is a fun concept, but it's really shit. For that money you could build yourself a much better computer. For a comparable amount of money a little more than a year ago I got:

An Antec Nine Hundred-Two Case
An i5 (just prior to Sandy Bridge) which is overclocked to 3.6 GHz
8 Gigs of DDR3-1600 Mushkin Ram
1 Terrabyte HD
2x GTX 460's in SLI
750 Watt PSU
CM Hyper 212+ CPU Cooler

This I mean, even if you trimmmed it back to only a single GTX460 initially, you are going to get better graphic performance than with what is offered in that.

Not a good deal, but as the article said, you are paying for the name. The thing is this, 360's and PS3's (to some extent) have complete shit cooling. Making the whole thing run worse than it has to. You could even eek out better performances from the consoles if this could be solved.

Also, the ability to have a small computer hooked up to your TV has been around for a while. We seriously shouldn't see alienware as the innovator here. What they have done is make a slightly better gaming console for way too much money, only with a better more open OS than a console offers. And when you're plugging away at a game on a 52" HD Television, it's even more important to have better performance. You will wish you were dead after playing BF3 at 32 FPS for 5 minutes.

Edit: This actually comes with 3 different configuration for 3 different prices. More expensive version (?945) comes with an i7, 8 Gigs of Ram, and a slightly better, but still shit videocard.


New member
Oct 7, 2011
I quite like this, especially as both a PC and console gamer. While i see the point some people have that it's extremely expensive for not offering the power that a custom build machine does, for console gaming, this might be a (slightly small) step in the right direction to have just one console that all gamers can enjoy and get people out of this elitist attitude towards their system of choice. Granted, they would definitely need to have a next model that allows for custom upgrading so it can keep up with the ever changing market, otherwise it's just another console system and it leads nowhere.