Alternate universes that would make awesome game settings


New member
Jul 10, 2011
Personally I think a universe where the Soviet Union (right after VE day)continued pushing west and began attacking the western allied powers. Imagine how that war could have ended up.


New member
Nov 6, 2011
Umm. It would likely end up with the U.S nuking them once or twice and them going Oh yeah fuck.

I am going to say one where Napoleon keeps all his power and the Frence empire is attacking I don't know Brazil.


New member
Jan 15, 2011
The Soviet Union beats the U.S. to the moon leaving Americans demotivated and Russia leading making great strides in the way of space exploration. The Russians then make first contact with alien life in 1994, 4 years after the launch of the Ruble Telescope and attempt to create a peace between the species. The bitter American president Bush uses propaganda to declare war on the new species leaving the Russians to fight against America and some factions of the peeved aliens.

I think other countries deserve a chance to be the hero.


New member
May 5, 2011
A universe where every human is a flamboyant puppet like in Team America. I would constantly play any video game that was anywhere near as funny as that movie.


New member
Jul 17, 2011
A Mistborn action RPG would be fun. If they kept true to the books the combat would be very deep and interesting.

Though, I don't think they'd be able to make a very good video game story out of it. They'd probably butcher it horridly.

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
"_____ with dinosaurs". Dinosaurs make everything more awesome. Imagine a Total War game where you can field a tamed T-Rex to help take a castle, or a pack of raptors to hunt down fleeing foes. Or maybe an adventure game where you have to befriend the wild dinosaurs of Central America, and call upon them a the appropriate times to help fight off the invading Spanish Conquistadors. Even a relatively simple "arcade" game where you play a dinosaur that was captured, brought to Rome to fight in the Colosseum, but escaped and now you stalk the alleyways, stealthily hunting and feeding in this strange new environment. No real plot to speak of, just a "see how long you can survive/how high a score you can get". Perfect for the Facebook/iPad/whatever systems.

Seriously, everything is better with dinosaurs.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
a universe where the soviet Union got more advanced technologies ending in WWIII with mech,s (IE Scope Dogs or Zaku,s)
your universe would end in a stalemate between the allies and the USSR


New member
Jan 1, 2011
A universe where the Nationalists won the Chinese Civil War, were overthrown by some crazy general with designs on being the next emperor and China subsequently conquered most of post-independence Asia, sparking off WW3, which lasts for decades and is essentially a three-way brawl between China, the USSR and NATO. That could be the premise for an awesome global domination strategy game.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
I think Iain M Banks' Culture universe could be potentially very cool to explore. Would have a legitimate plot device for radical character redesign as an RPG too with all the body-mod tech in there.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
How about a universe where the air became poisoned? And the whole post apocalyptic thing took a more "survival horror" turn.

\/Massive wall of text\/
The whole game revolves around finding the last pockets of humanity, uniting them, and trying to save mankind as a whole.

It could have the mechanic of oxygen tanks and filters. To travel in the hostile enviroment, you have to wear either a gas mask, an oxygen tank or a re-breather. The gasmask slows the poison and allows short travel times in the world, while the latter are more rare, and slow you down because of their weight. ((Re-breather slowing you more, and requiring more care to keep running.))

It should handle a bit more like STALKER. Where weapons are plentiful, but you can be killed just as easily, or more so then many of your enemies.

The inventory system is somewhat like "Resident Evil", where you have limited inventory spaces, and the amount of spaces you have is based on what kind of carrying tool you have. ((A Backpack and carry more less then a trash bag, but you can only use 1handed weapons while carrying a trash bag.))

Clothing could also make a difference on your characters Armor rating, max carrying load, mobility and how people react to you. ((A nice suit is far less protective then a military grade bullet proof vest, but you cant carry as much ammo. People will be more receptive of you though, and social abilities are boosted because of how nice you look though!))

The main factions are "Civilization" ((the remaining human population, divided into sub-sects)), "The Canon" ((Rogue soldiers who survived the outbreak, and want to protect humanity, by ruling it)), "Kibbles Bandits" ((bandits who want nothing more then to get by in the hellish world, named after the working Dog Food factory they inhabit that supplies them with food)), and "The Waste" ((The Waste is made up of the ghosts of those who passed in the event. Your one of the few people who can see and interact with them.))

The Wastes present a bigger danger then any of the living factions. Most of the spiritual beings that now roam the world are completely hostile to the living, and will attack on sight, trying to take over the human's body and continue living their own lives. The only way to ward them off or kill them is through Gold weaponry and ammo, which has become exceedingly rare. Gold melee weapons are almost useless against humans, so investing large sums of goods ((bartering is the only way to get items, as all currency is seen as useless)) can get you killed if bandits decide your carrying something nice, while guns are terrible against Waste ghosts unless you literally shoot gold at them, meaning every round is the difference between living and dying.

The main goals of each faction differ greatly. Civilization wants to find a way to make humans immune to the poison. The Canon want to create gasmask factories so they can distribute them, and keep all people in line by rationing filters. Kibbles Bandits want to find and activate a secret presidential bunker, so they can live the high life in 100% clean filtered air, fresh fruit/vegetables, and all the electricity they can enjoy. While The Wastes wants to end the suffering of the ghosts that haunt it, using you as a conduit for their goals that revolves around creating and activating strange obelisks in special locations.

Each faction gives you a completely unique skill tree, revolving around different aspects of their life's. Civilization is diplomacy, making your trades worth the most, and talking your way out of tough situations. The Canon teaches you weapon skills, how to maintain them, and get the most for your limited ammo. Kibbles Bandits teaches you survival skills, making polluted food into something more healthy, and being stealthy to avoid fights you cant win. And The Wastes give you spectral powers, summoning abilities, and resistance to human weaponry. You learn these skills from half a dozen different trainers in each faction, spending fame with that faction to gain a point in the skill tree. ((But only 30 points in total out of the 50+ skills that can be learned)) And only 1 final tier skill can be learned.
Phew, that was WAAAAAAY more text then i thought id put. >.>;
My hands hurt now.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
Serving UpSmiles said:
A world where David Cameron wasn't prime minister, that would be fun...
Hoi hoi!

Put it here my friend!

OT : Any game set in any of the alternate universes from His Dark Materials.

'cos a game with armour-plated polar bears is going to be the definition of awesome.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
An alternate history in which Genghis Khan discovers a means by which to gain immortality (Elven rules ie: he can be killed but not through old age/disease) and eventually gains control of the planet (or threatens to if this is a game where you're against him)

An alternate history in which sea monsters are real. Have it take place after the discovery of the new world but before there are major settlements thereon.

An alternate history in which the atomic bomb/ high levels of radiation give people super powers. I guess this is my WW2 entry...

An alternate reality in which the Cold War escalated to the point that the USSR and US at actively fighting...on the Moon.

Edit: Thought of a new one! Add Dinosaurs and giant, transforming robots (that you pilot, not Autobot/Decepticon) to World War 2. Have the Axis Powers take over the Earth after having mastered time travel, forcing the now splintered Allied Nations into Exile on Luna where they're forced to mine Moon Rocks which power the Time Gates.


New member
Jan 21, 2010
Maybe a reality where monsters are real?

In every game there are a few cute monster-girls among all the ferocious ones, I'd love to raise one.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
dragonrage1112 said:
Personally I think a universe where the Soviet Union (right after VE day)continued pushing west and began attacking the western allied powers. Imagine how that war could have ended up.
Well I believe that is basically the premise of the Command and Conquer Red Alert games, except that it is under the premise that a man with a time machine went back and removed Hitler from time, so instead of WWII being against Germany and Hitler, it was against Stalin and the Soviets. And in this scenario, Germany is an Allied power.

I don't know how old you are or your gaming background, but I'm willing to bet most older gamers have played the Red Alert games or at least heard of them. I found the first game in the series to be okay, I found Red Alert 2 to to be the best, mainly because the video cut scenes were of better quality(At the time video cut scenes with real actors was pretty rare, and they had some really good and to me, well known talent in those scenes), and the game's levels were a lot more forgiving than the first game, I've never been able to beat the first Red Alert, but I had great fun beating RA2 from both the Allied and Soviet perspectives, and also beating the expansion Yuri's Revenge from the Allied, Soviet, and Yuri's perspectives.

Here is the start of the alternate timeline in the first Red Alert game to show how it all began, if you don't already know of it:

I did find it one of the more fascinating alternate timelines in gaming history. I for one still favored siding with the Allies.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Steampunk StarWars , survival horror zombie fantasy caveman world (hordes of zombie cavemen and dinosaurs ...and aliens... sometime time travelers)or an Apocalypse Fantasy RPG (Dungeon and Dragons: Dark Sun type stuff).


By the power of greyskull.
Aug 22, 2011
How about a fantasy rpg where you get to play as all the things you'd normaly be killing such as centaurs and vampires etc, every day could be a fight for survival against the agressivly hostile humans of the land, or in a more modern/future setting where you play as the invading aliens that conquer the earth and eat all the humans or whatever it is aliens do.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
An alternate universe where every major religious prophecy comes true all at once. Holy shit mega-apocalypse here we come.


New member
Jul 9, 2011
skywolfblue said:
A Mistborn action RPG would be fun. If they kept true to the books the combat would be very deep and interesting.

Though, I don't think they'd be able to make a very good video game story out of it. They'd probably butcher it horridly.
There's actually one being made right now, and Sanderson is writing the story for it. It's being kept tight under wraps, but he's dropped a few hints about it.