Am I dooming my future children?


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Jul 1, 2010
370999 said:
Spade Lead said:
I read the entire first page and NO ONE has picked up on the fact that Lyra is the Italian currency... Seriously? That could be a mistake.

Wrong spelling. That said you do know of this currency called the Euro?
Turkish currency actually. i know this only because i got short changed at the cinemas with some.

The Elcor Batman

New member
Jun 9, 2011
I have considered naming my children with something out there, multiple times. although i never remember any of the names i picked. :(

That's still a while away though. I have lots of time to think.


New member
Nov 24, 2010
Foxblade618 said:
My question to you all is this: am I dooming my children to the same fate by giving them uncommon names (Daughter: Lyra; Son: Maes - - yes, my wife and I are super nerds)
Lyra is awesome and I will name my own daughter either that or Arley. 'nuff said.


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Mar 1, 2009
I know tons of people with unusual names, and around here it's no big deal. I know people with names like Ornella, Ellika, Eden, and Villemo. And these are weird even for Swedish names.

nuba km

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Jun 7, 2010
they are just uncommon names but by no means bad names, I just say call your son Mays so he doesn't have to correct people all his life in how to pronounce the name.

I just don't like people naming there child stupid names.


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Aug 2, 2008
Katatori-kun said:
There's nothing wrong with an unusual name, as long as either:
A) you have an honest look at yourself and ensure that you aren't using your child's potential future embarrassment as a way to show the world how clever/worldly/nerdy you are.
But that's, like...the only reason people do it. The only reason they can do it!


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Oct 13, 2008
The more common the name, the more successful the individual will be in life. You want to set your kid up? Name him James and her Brittany. They'll go places. Point in case, when was the last time "Laquisha" made any friends or money?

Nothing about an "original" name makes your child special or unique, you should strive to give them values that are real. The name doesn't make the man, the man makes the name. Infact, if you give them a stupid name like Destiny or Xavier (I would like to apologize in advance for my own life experiences), they're more likely to try and fit the bill of what everyone expects "Destiny" or "Xavier" to be like. Around where I live, they would be Stripper and Punk-ass gangsta respectively.

Maes? Isn't that corn? Lyra not so bad, but friggen Maes? or is it Mah-ehz? or My Ass? Mauz? Ma's? Momma's boy? Maes, really, imagine the teachers trying to get that one out with a straight face without you there explaining how it's pronounced. This doesn't take a lot of creative power. If you absolutely have to give the kid a goofy name, give him a normal middle-name. Something he can fall back on when he's too embarrassed by years of ridicule to let you know his name is actually Melvin or Agnew or Jeeves.

In short, you're setting your kids up to fall.


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Feb 10, 2009
Lyra's a good name in my opinion and I suppose Mays isn't all that bad. Not a great idea, but not a horrible one.

On the subject of names, a family friend recently had twins and named their son Kaan.
Now, I don't know about all of you, but the first thing that came to mind when I heard this (Or read it in the text) was "KHAAAAAAN!"


There's a principle in business
Nov 16, 2008
My little cousin's name is Phoenix. He hates it - he introduces himself as Nick, which his parents hate. He says the day he turns 18, he's changing it to Nick. Which I'm paying for, actually.


New member
Jun 23, 2011
I think there are really strict laws in Germany regarding what names you can't give to your kids. So no "Peppermint" or "Apple" for us. But those names are fine, I guess. I actually like Maes a lot, Lyra sounds a little over-feminine. But I generally don't like girls' names that start with an L. Except for Layla. Layla is an awesome name.

I knew a guy once whose surname was Artz. He wanted to call his son Marshall.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Foxblade618 said:
Another thread has brought up the issue of parents giving their children easily taunt-able and generally goofy names. My question to you all is this: am I dooming my children to the same fate by giving them uncommon names (Daughter: Lyra; Son: Maes - - yes, my wife and I are super nerds)

Also; any of you giving/or gave your children unique names?

EDIT: Maes is pronounced Mays
Big fans of Fullmetal Alchemist aren't you?

I have an unusual name and I don't think I was every picked on for it. (It's Xuan if you wanted to know and no, it's not pronounced X-1. I wish it was though.)

Then again, I do have a habit of choosing names that make my friends stare at me like I am crazy. I mean named my child after the following: a tree, a suggestion from a 9 year old, and a character from an opera. (It's Rowan-Olivia Izolda. I spelt it with a z because my mother kept trying to pronounce it I-sold-a.)


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Golan Trevize said:
Foxblade618 said:
ChaosDragon said:
Maes (i think pronounced "maze") is referring to Maes Hughes, the slain Brigadier from Full Metal Alchemist...

you and your wife ARE nerds...

and i fully support both names as 100% awesome
Yes! Awesome that you knew that
A: Daddy, where does my name comes from?

B: It comes from a Japanese cartoon I liked a while ago.

Don't do this to your kids, please.
i sign this. a lot
lyra might need a clever bully (a lyra is some kind of a harp isnt it?no good material harp-y?) but gaes the cornboy will be punished

greetings from dennis the menace (yes a comic character, but the names true origin makes up for that)

SpecJoe Magic said:
We named our daughter Eisley, which is uncommon, but I don't foresee any teasing. The only problem I see with it is some people want to pronounce the long "E" sound instead of the long "I" sound, but I explain to them that it's like the name Eisenhower or Einstein, and then it makes complete sense to them. I'm baffled that some people don't already know that.
Well Ike and Albert both have german surnames, that people dont get this pronounciation as english speakers isnt that surprising. If Eisenhowers ancestors did a better job of translating their name he would be called Smith, or Ironbeater if translated word-by-word, which would be a great dwarven clanname.

pyrrhic victory

New member
Jun 9, 2011
HumpinHop said:

Just have his friends call him Mason, it isn't a stretch and Mason is a burly lumberjack/blacksmith name.

OT: Seriously, every name can be made fun of. At the very least, their names will be unique.

Katatori-kun said: giver your child a conventional middle name so if one day they get sick of the odd first name you gave them they can choose to go by their middle name.
I agree; give Maes a conventional middle name.

I'm naming my children Charlie and Elice. Inspired by LOST and Fire Emblem/Lotus respectively.
Hell yes.




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Jul 6, 2009
JezebelinHell said:
My daughter's middle name is Aeryn. As in Officer Aeryn Sun from Farscape.
My good woman take a bow you have just won this thread and you shall be knighted Sir Awesome for your services to bloody fantastic-ness! :)

I quite like the name Katurian, it sounds rather nice

Edited because I'm a bit of tool!

Inquisitor Slayde

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Jan 17, 2009
Foxblade618 said:
Inquisitor Slayde said:
I think I can contribute to this discussion in a way few others can. My parents gave me a pretty unusual name. I'd rather not say what it actually is but it's a latin word that shows up in scifi writing fairly regularly.

I do not like it.

I won't bore you with a lot details, but nothing positive has ever come from it. Mostly I just have to correct people, repeat myself and spell it for them. Also, I'm really tired of the 'That's an unusual name!' conversation.

I have given serious thought to changing it but dispite how much I dislike it it is part of my identity now and I can not decide on a 'normal' name that I'd like to go by instead and doing so really is a lot of trouble to go through. I might still change it one day though.

I have never told my parents I wish they'd just given me a normal name and I probably never will.

So, from someone who has an unusual name, don't do it. Do not make your child carry that (admittedly fairly small) burden because you think it's cool.

I appreciate your insight on this topic. I have a mildly unique name myself, and did not have the same problems as you, but then again, my name is not so different that I am the only one with it-not by a long shot actually. Though, are our proposed names THAT unusual? I don't really think so (Lyra certainly isn't that weird and will happen regardless, as that character has great personal meaning to the both of us), but I can see the potential problems with Maes
I was just speaking in general, my post wasn't really directed at you. Your choices are less unusual than the name I got stuck with. In the end it's not THAT big a deal unless you plan on naming them something ridiculous like Apple or Pretty, but you are not.

My experiance with my unusual name has been wholly negative and I still recommend going with a normal name but that is just my experiance.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Foxblade618 said:
Le OP snip
No, I really don't. I'm way to young and since I'm not a father I really wouldn't know. But, if you want to be adventurous with your children's names then it's not the child's problem, it's the problem of the person who has a problem with it.

Close minded people will be close minded.

I mean, look at Robin (motherfucking) Williams. He named his daughter ZELDA and she now loves the name.

And from another view point: my girlfriend, if we ever have kids, wants to call them (if it's a girl) Moira after Bioshock and (if it's a boy) Wheatley after Portal 2.
