Am I the Only One Who DOESN'T Care About Japan?

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
I didn't care... Remembered that manga comes from Japan and spent a feverish 10 minutes checking if any manga artists i like were caught up in it and continued to not care...

Also can we not do any more threads about this please... 'S getting kinda repetitive


New member
Oct 27, 2008
You are never the only one, remember that. There will be people who feel detached from everything, but that's not quite the same thing as not caring in my eyes. I would care a lot more if a member of my family was in Japan but as it is, they are not. It is a tragedy of course, but I simply feel detached. Maybe because it doesn't really affect me. Does it mean that you are a horrible person? I don't think so, because every person has their own set of problems that they have to deal with, they might not be of as greater magnitude as their problems but nevertheless they are important to you. You cannot pile everyone elses problems on top of that.

That's my viewpoint anyway, and everyone is entitled to an opinion.


New member
Sep 11, 2010
Actually, practically everyone feels this way in various degrees. That's assuming I know what you mean, and you're not saying this in a "screw the bastards they deserve it" way, which would really be despicable.
You see, humans are particularly wonderful at compartmentalizing. We hear these horrible things and put them in a box in our mind and go on with our lives. It's how people can go and buy a Hummer for their seventeen year old daughter whilst putting off that charity event for the starving babies riddled with malnourishment and infections. We've adapted this way, because life would be pretty unbearable otherwise.

I'd say it's inconsiderate of you to post this on the internet considering people who are affected personally could see it, but it's a valid concern. No one wants to think they are an unfeeling robot.

To be honest, I can feel queasy watching footage of the suffering that occurs in places during disasters or blights, but it's only out of empathy, when I picture myself in that much pain or suffering, which is still kinda selfish. People who claim they are genuinely sympathetic towards it (or rather, who claim that your position is callous) are probably unknowingly putting it on as a result on one of humanity's greatest motivators: Guilt. Guilt for living a somewhat privileged life, guilt for not feeling sorry in the "right" way, et cetera.

Just my viewpoint.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Although it is sad that that happened, I really don't care either.
Revenge Revisited said:
I don't really feel any sympathy towards people who I've never met and probably never will.
Yeah, basically this.
Mar 29, 2008
I'd say its not really your fault that you don't care, like another poster stated it is happening to other people in a area far away from your area of perspective, we are emotionally conditioned to not care about people outside our self-involved social microcosms & identity networks.

On the other hand, that thinking makes us all into borderline sociopaths. It is a travesty to not be able to find a sense of sadness in the state of Japan, Libya, etc. A global community is forming, it is an inevitability that the gaps between people/cultures/etc will drop. If we can't identify with other people on the other side of the globe on a real level then what will come will be a worldwide community of dicks.


New member
Feb 11, 2011
i still think Japan was rather lucky. That Earthquake was bound to happen and it was a very very strong one. But with "only" 10000 dead in a country that densely populated that's damn near a miracle.
The Japanese might not feel that way and i understand that. But it could have been worse. way worse.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't care. Most of them have the decency to keep their mouths shut about it though.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
Revenge Revisited said:
Anyone else feel the same way, or am I just a sociopathic weirdo?
You may or may not be a sociopath, but a lack of empathy is a fairly common symptom thereof.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
Great so this is what we've evolved to, a species who can't even feign compassion for the human race but obviously cares a whole lot for games. This isn't a sign of you being punk and narcissistic like everyone here would like to think but devoid of reality in your insular bubble of virtual achievement and interaction.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I'm sorry it happened to them, and all those people saying "Remeber Pearl Harbour????" should be chucked into pits of pissed off Honey Badgers.

But no, I don't exactly "care"

Although I am annoyed that my manga and anime are gonna be delayed for a bit.


in the trunkle.
Oct 26, 2009
I care, but not as much as a lot of people seem to. There are 2 reasons for this. The first is detachment. Most of these people I will never see or meet, and my impact on them will be negligible as well. The second is more logical.
If this sort of disaster was going to happen to someone, the best choice was Japan. They know how to deal with it, and they've gone through this before. This will let the world flex their new strategies, technologies, etc, and see how they work in a real life situation.

Now, I am certainly not saying it was a good thing. Just that some good can come out of this. So I care, but not as much as the media. Same thing with the nuclear reactors. They're flipping out near constantly. From reading actual reports, and talking to people who live there, they aren't on the verge of Chernobyl 2.0. So I've stopped worrying, and wish them the best of luck.


New member
Jul 31, 2008
The Wykydtron said:
Also can we not do any more threads about this please... 'S getting kinda repetitive
Haha, and yet this immense natural disaster still hasn't created as many threads here as Dragon Cocking Age 2...


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Hoist_that_Rag said:
Great so this is what we've evolved to, a species who can't even feign compassion for the human race but obviously cares a whole lot for games. This isn't a sign of you being punk and narcissistic like everyone here would like to think but devoid of reality in your insular bubble of virtual achievement and interaction.
You say that we just think we're trying to sound cool by being narcissistic and whatnot? My response to that is that you're being self-rightious and looking down your nose at us.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Shit happens.
NATURE happens.
Sure, I feel kinda bad for them, and if I could help in the way that I want to help I would. But I haven't really followed it, and I know that they will rebuild, so nothing TOO bad happened. At least not that many people have been confirmed dead in scale to the earthquake and tsunami.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
PureChaos said:
i'm just fed up with it being on the news all the time
as opposed to important shit like Charlie Sheen's latest ramblings or LiLo's newest court date?

OT: as noted, it's not unusual not to feel strong feelings about a tragedy on the other side of the world. but be careful how you admit that. it's easy to come across as a bit of a prick if you're not careful. personally, i think the whole situation is rather unfortunate, and considering the favorable relations my country has with Japan, it kinda feels like a tragedy happening to the family of a close friend. sure, i may not feel any direct pain, but i certainly feel bad for them.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Hoist_that_Rag said:
Great so this is what we've evolved to, a species who can't even feign compassion for the human race but obviously cares a whole lot for games. This isn't a sign of you being punk and narcissistic like everyone here would like to think but devoid of reality in your insular bubble of virtual achievement and interaction.
I don't think that's it at all.

we live in a global age, it's more or less necessary to not care about a lot of tragedy.

If you genuinely cared about everything, without the ability to detach and be indifferent you'd end up like that scene in The Fifth Element where Lelu reads back through history texts and has a total mental breakdown... to exist is to suffer to some extent, billions of people are suffering every day, we have a finite amount of resources and a finite ability to care for others. It's not selfish to focus that close to home it's adaptive.

To clarify, we hear about every bad thing that happens everywhere now, the human mind just isn't set up to handle that, it's necessary to focus your attention or you'd just go nuts.


New member
Mar 6, 2011
It is IMPOSSIBLE to care about everything and everyone. Personally, I don't care all that much either. Japan has no influence on me, I don't know anyone who lives there, never been there nor own anything that was there.

Also, it's not a cruel or horrid thing that you don't. Do you think everyone in the world cared about the US on Sept. 11th? Nope. Hell, a few days after I stopped giving a shit as well.

Of course, it also doesn't help that there are people who will use the disaster to try and paint themselves as "the best person ever!"