AMC Working on Preacher TV Series


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Smilomaniac said:
I've never heard of this :eek: I'll have to pick it up somewhere.

Is there any relation to that "Priest" movie that came out a while back? I'll admit, I haven't looked anything up yet, so I don't know if I'm accidentally offending anyone by making the assumption. While it wasn't a stellar movie, it had an interesting setting at least.
None at all, I listed some of the extreme stuff in my last post but I don't want to spoil it.

The best way I can sort of describe it is a sort of supernatural road trip. The basic plot (established early on) is that God is basically an insane love vampire, meaning he literally feeds off of and needs love (not to be confused with sex). He pretty much created the angels to love him, and it worked for a while, but eventually he decided it wasn't enough because it had no meaning if they couldn't choose not to love him. He created humans who had a choice not to love him, and that too worked for a while when they chose too, but he became jealous because he was so much greater than humanity and the love he felt for them was in no way what they felt for him, so he deduced the only way to be happy would be to create something greater to himself to love him... which he did, and it scared the piss out of him when he finally realized what that meant. He pretty much fled heaven to hide from this infant mass of power he created, abandoning the world to go to pot. This creation eventually escapes and falls to earth, drawn loosely by the sense of god somewhere on the planet (as an infant it has little true will of it's own, just amazing amounts of power) where it fuses with the soul of Reverend Jessie Custer, a preacher with a rather warped family backround I won't spoil. Along with this power inside of him (he can only use some of it, he can make anything, including divine-level beings do anything he commands them to, the literal "word of god" so to speak) he obtains knowledge that the world has been going to hell because god screwed up and abandoned everyone and everything because he got scared, so he pretty much sets out to find god (who is hiding somewhere on earth) to basically stick his boot up the almighty's arse and get him to take responsibility for his own creation, (including the "child" he tried to imprison and abandoned). The story is basically the journeys of this guy with more power than god inside of him, looking for god, while other supernatural forces take action around him given the events.... and simply put it gets insane. Rather than an open ended series, it was actually completed, and has a beginning, middle, and end, with a few side stories rounding out some of the supporting cast members (Jessie's family, The Saint Of Killers, etc...).


New member
Mar 30, 2011
I read and enjoyed Preacher, but I have a seriously hard time believing they are going to be able to faithfully put this on the screen, especially the TV screen.

Preacher basically goes out of its way to be as insanely offensive as it possibly can. I have a high tolerance for twisted and depraved craziness, but even I'll admit there were parts that made me downright uncomfortable and that I thought were pretty sick. How they are possibly going to put this stuff on TV is beyond me.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
I just want to know if they're ballsy enough to shoot the meat woman.


New member
Dec 5, 2010
It's so completely unfathomable for this to accurately translate to Television that I can't wait to see it.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Therumancer said:
I guess I will have to replace "most unlikely comic to ever be made into a TV series" from "Preacher" to "The Invisibles" in my mental listing.
I have read The Invisibles from beginning to end at least five times, and I still have no idea what the fuck was going on. Bless you Morrison, you adorable lunatic.

OT: Can't see it working. It's just too weird to translate into the mainstream without cutting out a hell of a lot of stuff. Not only that, but there's something in there to offend everyone: the BDSM crowd won't like Jesus de Sade, the gay crowd won't like the Sexual Investigators or the overall homophobic tone, the Southern crowd won't like the redneck incestuous hillbillies, the touchy-feely crowd won't like Jesse's hatred of psychiatry and anything else he sees as not sufficiently masculine, the feminist crowd won't like an openly sexist hero, the religious crowd won't like...well, anything, the suicide prevention crowd won't like seeing a botched teenage suicide played for laughs...

More importantly, of course, is that they'd need to cast someone to play Bill Hicks. And that's blasphemy.

Lono Shrugged

New member
May 7, 2009
Kross said:
I liked Preacher, but the violence makes Walking Dead look like children's programming - will be interesting to see how much makes it to the screen.

I'm still hoping for someone to take on Transmetropolitan someday. :(
Patrick Stewart wanted to do an animated version where he voiced Spider. Cementing his reputation as the coolest ************ in the universe. (Not sure about the voice though)

I am hopeful about this. Preacher has a very laid back sense of humour and a self awareness about how silly it is. It's at once earnest and self deprecating. It will be a very hard task to pull off. Here is hoping.

Riff Moonraker

New member
Mar 18, 2010
Honestly, I still dont see how they can pull this off on AMC. Walking Dead, Breaking Bad... for all the stuff that pushes the envelope, they still dont go where Preacher did. Garth Ennis is a twisted fella, and I will leave it at that.


A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Jan 24, 2009
*Eyes widen, mouth agape in awe*

Please, please please please let this be true and happen... and actually be, you know, good. But considering the success and quality of two of the biggest adapted shows ever (Game of Thrones and Walking Dead), I have a fair amount of confidence in this. I even believe they could pull most of the offensiveness and violence off, since IMO most of it can be toned down in very subtle ways: instead of showing the guy's neck gushing blood and Cassidy biting down on it, just show Cassidy crouch over someone and then feasting on him from afar, and then show his bloody mouth.

But the stuff with the Allfather and the inbred Messiah... they're going to have a tough nut to crack with that. It's so insanely gross and offensive yet still relevant to the story they can't basically cut any of it out. As well as with the child killing, T.C. raping animals, Cassidy's addiction, racism, Jesus DeSade... if they manage to pull it off, we're living in heaven.

But my biggest concern is how would they be able to pull off the Salvation part of the story? In comics you can do that, but in television you just can't basically devote an entire season to what amounts to a sidestory and the main character sorting himself out.


World Breaker
Sep 27, 2004
Therumancer said:
I guess I will have to replace "most unlikely comic to ever be made into a TV series" from "Preacher" to "The Invisibles" in my mental listing.
I'd say The Boys*, but you can very easily cut out most of the gratuitous stuff in that and make it a better story. Loved the overall concept, but couldn't bring myself to pay for another issue after "Herogasm"

*ergh []


New member
Aug 2, 2012
Glad that they are selecting the right kind of comics to adapt at last. In AMC hands this should be really cool. I smell another winner in the making, as the books were great. If only AMC had got DMZ as well, which I pray to god ScyFy don't meddle with and mess up.

Much to look forward to.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
SonicWaffle said:
Therumancer said:
I guess I will have to replace "most unlikely comic to ever be made into a TV series" from "Preacher" to "The Invisibles" in my mental listing.
I have read The Invisibles from beginning to end at least five times, and I still have no idea what the fuck was going on. Bless you Morrison, you adorable lunatic.

OT: Can't see it working. It's just too weird to translate into the mainstream without cutting out a hell of a lot of stuff. Not only that, but there's something in there to offend everyone: the BDSM crowd won't like Jesus de Sade, the gay crowd won't like the Sexual Investigators or the overall homophobic tone, the Southern crowd won't like the redneck incestuous hillbillies, the touchy-feely crowd won't like Jesse's hatred of psychiatry and anything else he sees as not sufficiently masculine, the feminist crowd won't like an openly sexist hero, the religious crowd won't like...well, anything, the suicide prevention crowd won't like seeing a botched teenage suicide played for laughs...

More importantly, of course, is that they'd need to cast someone to play Bill Hicks. And that's blasphemy.
I could spell out the whole "Invisibles" thing for you if you want but it would take a while, mostly because it's big on establishing a narrative and using time travel to later explain a totally unexpected outcome and certain characters having had foreknowledge of events without making it clear they had foreknowledge of events. As a result it's kind of best understood from the ending back to the beginning oddly enough because when you know where it's going the rest of it makes more sense as odd as that sounds.

For example one of the big surprises is that our young protagonist was calling the shots from the future the entire time, and some characters like Ragged Robin pretty much knew a lot of what was going to happen before they did. If you ever wondered for example why she introduced herself as "I'm Ragged Robin and I'm insane" when she's arguably one of the more stable characters you later found out that she was told in the future that those were the first words she spoke to him... etc... What's more some of the odder groups like the Halinquinade which they eventually realize "are us" actually are them acting from the future. Of course things aren't made any easier by the fact that it seems at least half the cast is supposed to be telepathic, and if you wonder "well why isn't anyone doing psionic" later on Mister Six makes it clear they actually were which put a lot of events into doubt, by way of telling one of the main bad guys "hey you just walked into a room with a bunch of the most powerful telepaths in the world, do you really think you had this under control and we didn't see it coming?" or something along those lines.

That said it is totally insane, and can be hard to figure out. They even wrote an entire "Disinformation Guide To The Invisibles" both about the production and sorting out some of the utter strangeness.


That said, yeah, I previously considered Preacher a lot less likely to get made because while "The invisibles" has some weird stuff going on (heck the bring The Marquis De Sade through time and he becomes one of the supporting cast, King Mob is an S&M Master, and you have people using tantric magic to have sex with ghosts and time travelling astral forms) it's actually not tall that graphic as there is no real need to be for the purposes of the story. On the other hand it could be argued in Preacher all of that offensive stuff kind of is the story, since half the point is how it winds up being put into context.

That said it has been a while but I actually though Jesus De Sade would be one of the easier bits to do, at the end of the day he's mostly just terminally kinky, not really part of any particular subculture. His entire gags were like having an armadillo brought to his bedroom on a covered tray because it's announced "he buggers a new species every day, and they are running out of things to sodomize because he's worked through most of the greater quadrupeds". For the most part he's ignored as being fairly harmless, until it's revealed towards the end of Jessie's visit that he's making incestuous pedophile movies, and that's when Jessie kind of loses his sh@t. Things like this push the envelope for what you'd need to show, but really it's within the range of what HBO has already done, which is why I'm mostly thinking that I couldn't see AMC pulling it off.... what's more since you mention "The Invisibles" one of the gags at De Sade's party is that you'll notice a pair of people in hunting outfits chasing a naked guy around in the backround... remember the beginning of The Invisibles and later reveals as to who they actually were? Nothing deeper intended, just one bizzare fringe comic apparently making a nod to another. :)

Truthfully I'd think the BDSM crowd would get a little more irritated with the portrayal of Ms. Oatlash later on. She's a little more plot centric due to her crush on Jessie, and a bit more offensive, especially seeing as she's portrayed as being mostly harmless, and despite the destruction of her Nazi collection she more or less gets away unscathed if I remember. That said the one two punch of her, and then what Quintin Kincaid is up to in his meat locker which to work has to be an "OMG, WTF am I seeing" moment... yeah I think some sensibilities might be offended.

At any rate I shouldn't say anymore, it will be interesting to see what happens, but honestly I just can't see this being done right. I can almost guarantee a bunch of fans will be looking at the TV productions and rightfully claiming they more or less ruined it (as well as accusing Garth Ennis of selling out) because really, it seems obvious right from the get go that they just cannot do this right. Preacher by definition is supposed to offend the mainstream in a way that a TV network cannot do and continue to operate. If it fails, a big part of the point, and the message, is being missed. A politically correct version that does not tread on "sacred" territory, and treats all people with respect and dignified representations misses the point entirely. Gays, rednecks, perverts, the religious, right wing, left wing, "moderates", atheists... they all get blasted. :)

In Preacher the only thing that is sacred and beyond criticism is John Wayne... John never lets his partners down, and is a REAL American, and what the country should stand for.... and this itself is part of the joke. :)