Fanghawk said:
Being able to frighten gamers without caving in and <a href=>adding features like regenerating health...
Stop. That sounds suspiciously like the words of someone who hasn't actually played the game and is just taking potshots at modern gaming conventions for its own sake. It makes it sound like what people love about
Amnesia is those moments where they're down to their last health point and are desperately hoping they can make it to another medkit before they're attacked again. And that's not even remotely what the game is like.
Health has almost no bearing on your success in
Amnesia. If you're unfortunate enough to be caught by a monster and not be able to run away in time, nine times out of ten you're not making it out alive, period. The only thing that does damage you without killing you, the exploding pustules on the floors, are placed where you have to walk over them to continue.
That is what people love, being absolutely terrified of every single monster because there is never any way to fight back and no recourse but to run away and hope you can make it in time. No ability to rely on your superior shooting or melee skills. No medkits to hoard to make the later encounters easier. There is a health meter and vials of laudanum you can use to restore it, but there are only a few places in the whole game where it's relevant. Especially since your health automatically restores to full at the end of each section.
Yes, that's right, this game that you just praised for not having regenerating health... has regenerating health.