An Anime to ease me into Anime.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Ralen-Sharr said:
dmase said:
Trigun, westerny
Black Lagoon, Badassy
Dragon Ball ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, start with dragonball thought better combat and story, if you don't get hooked then I can't help you the Z is an acquired taste(besides being one of the highest selling anime of all time or something)
Trigun is a very good one, lots of humor, and not a lot of Japanese cultural humor (if you are new to anime, that stuff can go over your head and cause you to not like the show)

I never could get into Death Note like so many others. Series felt like it was never really going anywhere to me. The super-smart cop guy knowing exactly what was going on ALL THE TIME really got boring quick.
I actually liked the Sherlock Holmes type characters the know it alls that always have the answers with little to no weakness. I guess its pretty obvious how much a ff7, gundam wing, and code geass fanboy I am.

I also completely forgot about adding:

Fooly Cooly has: robotic weapons with robots, guitars being used as weapons and weapons.... being used as weapons. Its a short series so stick with it at least until the end of the second episode but everyone is usually hooked after the first. Maybe not a starter anime but i would check it just because of its greatness and shortness.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
DP155ToneZone said:
Anime is a wholly foreign area for me. I know some people that absolutely love it, and I respect their judgement enough to feel like I'm missing out on something.

I've mainly been brought up on Western stories, and I've tried to make a direct jump to Anime before with varying degrees of success. But, I've never been able to properly 'click' with the phenomenon.

So I need a transmission Anime to spark an interest.

Any ideas?


Two more points of consideration
- I watched the following Animes top to bottom: Death Note and Vampire Knight
- If there is an Anime with any, ANY sort of Blues music in it, I MUST have it!

Cowboy Bebop is looking good ladies and gents!

Blues music really rocks. It's truly a remarkable genre. So badarse.
I have to plug my favourite series here: Neon Genesis Evangelion! I could talk about it for hours.

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex is excellent, it is a must watch and works less on anime logic. Anything from the Haruhi guys (umm forget their name..) like Lucky Star, or K-on!, tho Lucky Star has lots of references but its still funny.

Movies: Perfect Blue, Akira, Vampire Humter D (!!!), GitS, Paprika. Tho, at least for me, they are a bit hard to follow but still very pretty.

Anyway, NGE!!


New member
Nov 17, 2009
dmase said:
twaddle said:
wolfs rain jus be prepared to skip about 3 or 4 episodes. They writers didn't want filler bullcrap so they decided to make 3 episodes just to recap the the whole story and plot thus far.
Those three episodes made me stop watching it i figured if i can fall asleep through that many episodes of a series why am I watching it. Its the equivalent to the big reveal at the end of Evangelin.
because the series is down to the last 2-3 episodes after that and the ending is priceless. You really have to forgive the writers, they just hate filler but the marketing teams of anime love it. It was there way of fighting the man.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Lot's of people suggesting the Bebop here, and even though I do love that series you can't neglect it's weird cousin "Outlaw Star". Great intro music, hilarious stories involving cacti that hypnotize people into eating ice cream and going to the bottom of an ocean planet hunting for treasure with a space pirate that literally says "Yarr!"

I've tried to explain it to my friends, the best explanation I could come up with was that it's what "Farscape" was to "Andromeda": if you like a sober, cinematic approach with a compelling story go for "Cowboy Bebop" but if you want plain weirdness and hilarity then "Outlaw Star" is for you.

Also, other overlooked titles like "Fist Of The North Star" are brilliant, but I think you need to be a bit of an aficionado to truly understand it as a cultural phenomenon.

I think you'd thoroughly enjoy "Elfen Lied", fantastic music in there, it's short so you don't have to sit around for long wishing for it to end, the characters are archetypal but interesting, there's lots of boobs and blood in it and definitely a lot of disturbing and emotional scenes. But I warn you, it's not for the faint of heart or easily offended.

I think you'd do well watching the remake of Appleseed. Fantastically animated, brilliantly scripted and has always remained a cult classic even with the people who will argue that "the original was better". Which I won't dispute, they're both great, they're just different. I'd suggest the remake for you though because it includes music from famous groups like Basement Jaxx.

Other movies to look out for are what I call my three "blues". "Blue Sub 6", "Perfect Blue" and "Sky Blue".

Other ones with great music? I'd suggest Hellsing, the intro music alone is amazing. It has vampires in it and is also a cult classic.

However, I think to get you going you should take a look at the Studio 4C "Amazing Nuts!" series. It's not really a series, it's more of a short collection of music videos. My favourite one is below entitled "Kung Fu Love" I just love the style for its amazing colours and quirky story concept.

Well, I better stop going on or I'll be here forever. Any questions just quote or reply to me and I'll get back to you. Hope I helped.


New member
Feb 10, 2010
Yes I'll have to side with the Cowboy fuckiong Bebop opinion here. I don't think any anime out there utilizes music so well. Just go watch it and don't come back untill then!

Jack and Calumon

Digimon are cool.
Dec 29, 2008
For a series thats not Digimon, I'll say RIN: Daughters of mnenosyne.
For a series that is Digimon, I'd say Digimon series 1-3. 'bout 150 odd episodes all together.

Calumon: I watch TV alot, but Jack always hogs the Popcorn. Least I get the Soda. ^^


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
I'd start with Cowboy Bebop and/or any of the Hayao Miyazaki movies (Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Castle In the Sky, The Castle of Cagliostro etc.), they're very accessible.

Then move onto something like Read or Die which is both accessible and introduces you gently to "anime craziness".

Fooly Cooly is advanced Anime, it's a little much for newbies to take but is a great example of the medium.

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
Anything by Miyazaki is a given, of course (including Castle of Caglistro, which being pre-Ghibli isn't so well remembered). I'd also recommend Full Metal Alchemist which, while a shonen series, has unique characters and good art. Really, it should be just right for easing you into other anime series. Oh, and Kino's Journey, which in premise is kinda like The Twilight Zone (a girl travels from country to country, each country having odd customs and quirks).

I shall leave this TV Tropes link [] for more information.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
WayOutThere said:
This answer may be typical but I'm going to say Ghost in the Shell. If I was to list all the qualities of anime that make it hard for me to stomach few if any of them would be found in GitS.

Death Note should also work pretty well.
I'd agree, I actually started on the original film myself.(It was 2£)


New member
Oct 4, 2009
mexicola said:
Hazy said:
GamerLuck said:
Hazy said:
Brad Shepard said:
Booze Zombie said:
Cowboy Bebop, the god among animes!
i have a feeling your not looking forward to the live action movie.

No. No I am not.
Please tell me this is outta photoshop......
I want to believe so. But no promises.
*wipes off a tear* Oh that was good. But seriously now...
I could be wrong but I think that was photo shopped out of Constantine.
You could start where I did, Full Metal Alchemist, they did a good job translating it.


IDS 104th
Nov 9, 2009
If you are looking for something that is more of a western go with Trigun. Though you can never go wrong with Cowboy Bebop.


New member
Jul 1, 2009
razormint21 said:
Here is my rack for you..

If you want to be in the loop, try mainstream anime. I consider them mainstream because everyone who is inclined to anime will probably know them.

- Bleach
- Naruto
- One Piece
- D-Gray Man
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- Gintama
- Gundam 00

If you want romantic animes...

- Toradora!
- Kimi ni Todoke
- Bokura ga Ita
- Clannad

If you want psychological type animes...

- Welcome to the NHK
- Elfen Lied
- Eden of the East
- School Days
- Monster

If you want coming-of-age animes...

- Honey and Clover
- Eureka Seven
- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

If you want "landmark" animes

- Cowboy Bebop
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Slam Dunk
- Dragonball Z
- Astro Boy

If you want short OVAs and Movies

- Kara no Kyoukai
- 5 centimeters per second
- Akira
- The Girl Who Leap Through Time
- Grave of the fireflies
- Howl's Moving Castle
- Hellsing OVA
- Cowboy Bebop: Knocking on heaven's door

If you want comedy/parody animes...

- Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
- Lucky Star
- Pani Pony Dash

If you want animes that have a certain focus...

- Beck (band music)
- Nodame Cantabile (orchestral music)
- Genshiken (otaku culture)
- Bakemonogatari (Japanese Oddities)
- Aoi Bungaku (Japanese Literature)
- Big Windup (Baseball)
- Initial D or Wangan Midnight (Street Racing)

Happy Hunting!!!
Dude. Nice! Do you have any manga recommendations?

Azmael Silverlance

Pirate Warlord!
Oct 20, 2009
And if u are here i assume that ur a gamer!
and OP will bring that awesome feel that the main chars are leveling up after each arc and encountering new bosses :D
Totally awesome anime.


New member
Jun 28, 2008
Deviluk said:
Dude. Nice! Do you have any manga recommendations?
I've only read a couple of manga series, but whatever you do, have a look at Berserk. It's absolutely insane and messed up in a fairly serious way while at the same time having some of the most badass characters possible.

razormint21 said:
(rather long list)
Was starting to think I'm the only person who enjoys Gintama!

My recomendations would have to be:
Black Lagoon
Code Geass
Darker then black (Mainly season 1, the 2nd is a bit dissapointing)
Ergo Proxy
Fairy Tail
Gintama (Watch it, it's the funniest anime you'll most likely ever see)
Rurouni Kenshin
Last Exile
Naruto Shippuden
Outlaw Star
Tengen toppa gurren lagann
Wolf's Rain
Oh and the Hellsing OVA's (not really for the feint of heart though)

You'll probably hear a lot of crap about Naruto, but Shippuden is actually quite good at times once you skip through the filler. The characters are a bit on the shitty side though.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
DP155ToneZone said:
Anime is a wholly foreign area for me. I know some people that absolutely love it, and I respect their judgement enough to feel like I'm missing out on something.

I've mainly been brought up on Western stories, and I've tried to make a direct jump to Anime before with varying degrees of success. But, I've never been able to properly 'click' with the phenomenon.

So I need a transmission Anime to spark an interest.

Any ideas?


Two more points of consideration
- I watched the following Animes top to bottom: Death Note and Vampire Knight
- If there is an Anime with any, ANY sort of Blues music in it, I MUST have it!

Cowboy Bebop is looking good ladies and gents!

Blues music really rocks. It's truly a remarkable genre. So badarse.

"Grave of the Fireflies". Trust me.