Analyst Predicts Doom & Gloom for Holiday Retail Sales


New member
May 15, 2008
While it has been a pretty crap year for consumers, anything from Michael Pachter holds little to no ground.


New member
Jun 18, 2012
I would like to put forward a request for a new meme:
"Michael Pachter a man you shouldn't trust to tell you there is a zombie invasion even if one is eating your face."

OT: the funny thing is that everybody keeps saying digital distribution is "on the rise," and at "all time highs" the thing is we don't actually know how well gameX does through digital distribution because Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, Apple and even Steam wont tell us how many copies it has sold, and all we have to go on in profit numbers, and then presume that it is only because of digital distribution. I would like to see some level of transparency in the digital distribution field. I mean these companies that host digital distribution sales don't even tell the game developers how many of what tittle sold (unless you notch), and all they can do is get rough estimates of their sales by calculating the money they got from 70-80% Net30-60 which gives you a ball park that could still be foul.


You Gots to Chill
Sep 10, 2012
I mean, Black Friday will move units. But pretty much everyone this console generation has gotten savvy with their game shopping. We all know new titles around this time will be on sale Black Friday. Hell, even after Christmas sales help gamers pinch pennies. Just smarter shoppers combined with hard times.

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
Kmadden2004 said:
[Starts reading]

Analyst Michael Pachter believes...

[Stops reading]
But then how will you know what will happen?


I suspect he is right about lower sales during this Christmas period, but not for the reasons he's saying.


New member
May 27, 2010
toapat said:
No one wants Call of Duty or Battlefield because they are not interesting.
[Citation Needed]

Do you think that every new iteration of Call of Duty breaks numerous sales records because people are somehow tricked into buying something that they hate for being bland year after year?


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Besides Creed 3, Blops 2 and Halo 4, there aren't any real zingers coming up. Lots of sequels, re-releases, and whatnot. Besides Dishonored, which comes out...well today technically (2:30 am EST) the only game coming out that I've seen not part of an established franchise is the Sony Super Smash Bros, and that's just combining lots of franchises together...the new IP is a dying breed, and eventually I'm sure all we'll get is crummy sequel after crummy sequel. I love some of them, even have guilty pleasures like Cod and Madden, but this getting just fucking ridiculous. Maybe a slow year will have a lot of new franchises showing up on the big stage rather than next years giving us Halo 5, Creed:Rooftop jumper, Battlefield 4, and Duke Nukem: For the Longest time, with Street Fighter v. Soul Caliber also the big names...though I'll be a hypocrite and say a new Metroid 1st person game would be quite nice, even if it's on the Wii U and not made for GC like the best one was (Prime 1)

New Frontiersman

New member
Feb 2, 2010
Kmadden2004 said:
[Starts reading]

Analyst Michael Pachter believes...

[Stops reading]
Yeah, this basically sums up my thoughts on this article. I've read enough of the steaming turds this guy has churned out to know not to put too much stock into anything he says.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
I always hate it when analysts like this talk about drops in sales, but never discuss the proportion or how much it makes a difference. If a company makes $10 million in profit one year and $9 million the next, then yes, they made 10% less, but they still made $9 million in profit, so it's hardly something to get worked up about.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Is actual store retail still a thing? I haven't seen a gaming store in AGES. And I live in Munich, which is not a small city, but, well, European. Maybe that's the difference.

Most of the things I buy are either digital downloads or from Amazon.


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
Monsterfurby said:
Is actual store retail still a thing? I haven't seen a gaming store in AGES. And I live in Munich, which is not a small city, but, well, European. Maybe that's the difference.

Most of the things I buy are either digital downloads or from Amazon.
I can leave a gamestop, cross the street, enter the mall, and go into another gamestop.

Or I can leave that gamestop, cross the parking lot behind it, and go into Toys-R-Us.

Or I can leave that first gamestop, cross a different street and go into target to get the same game. It's kind of weird.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Kopikatsu said:
toapat said:
No one wants Call of Duty or Battlefield because they are not interesting.
[Citation Needed]

Do you think that every new iteration of Call of Duty breaks numerous sales records because people are somehow tricked into buying something that they hate for being bland year after year?
I think he meant Cod/MW clones and probably missed a word. Otherwise what he's saying makes no sense especially in the context of the rest of the post and what I said.

Admittedly, I can't stand CoD, what its success has done to gaming, and would gladly play Painkiller or HL2 again than the newest CoD, but I know those brands sell. Meanwhile, the shitty half-baked cash-ins coming out of smaller studios.. and sadly Japan.. just bomb and there's certainly a lot of them.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
"We expect the publishers to address the "problem" of free online multiplayer with evolving business models, adding increased opportunities to purchase virtual items, creating subscription-only serialized content, and adding premium subscription layers to the free offerings currently provided."


"We expect publishers to invent ways to wring more money out of gamers, free content is just an inconven- err i mean problem"


New member
Feb 8, 2012
I know why games don't sell so well recently - it's because most of them are crap and people wont spend that much money any more on crappy games.....well except for the usual crap (CoD, GoW, BF, FIFA and all those other well known shitty gaming franchises)....

But seriously Let's talk about all the games that have been released in 2012. Can anyone name even one game he or she is going to remember for a long time in a positive way? I can't name one. 2012 has been the year of major and I mean MAJOR disappointments (Mass Effect 3 anyone?).

So far from what I can see the big names are more concerned with investing huge amounts of money into marketing instead of actual development and as long as they won't realize that they need fresh and interesting ideas in games instead of advertising and hype game sales will keep going down....


New member
Nov 21, 2009
I already got Borderlands 2 and Torchlight 2, so I'm pretty much done for this year.

Everything else I have planned is kickstarter stuff, and skins in League of Legends.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
SilverUchiha said:
Also, no mention of PC or digital sales? Does anyone expect Steam to double profits again for the fourth straight year in a row? Just saying, can't all be gloom & doom.
The dude is referring to retail sales so I'm guessing digital distribution wasn't considered. I do think that's a good point you've raised. Are more people, not just for the PC, but PS3 and 360, buying/ playing via DD?


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Kopikatsu said:
toapat said:
No one wants Call of Duty or Battlefield because they are not interesting.
[Citation Needed]

Do you think that every new iteration of Call of Duty breaks numerous sales records because people are somehow tricked into buying something that they hate for being bland year after year?
Did you not just explain my point with the definition of Marketing?