Analyst: Resident Evil 7 Will "Go Back to Horror Roots"

Lizzy Finnegan

New member
Mar 11, 2015
Analyst: Resident Evil 7 Will "Go Back to Horror Roots"

According to a Japanese analyst, Resident Evil 7 is currently in development and will be officially unveiled next month at E3 2016.

Japanese analyst Serkan Toto stated in a series of tweets yesterday that Resident Evil 7 is currently in development, adding that Capcom is planning on showing the game at E3 2016 next month. According to Toto, the game will "go back to [Resident Evil's] horror roots," serving as a "clean slate" for the franchise.

Toto also claimed that Capcom hired designer Jordan Amaro, who worked on Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

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This isn't particularly surprising - in August 2013, Capcom said the same thing [].

"We have obviously seen the consumer response and the PR response," said former Capcom marketing head Michael Pattison of the reaction to Resident Evil 6. "There was some great positives out of that, but it was a mixed bag, as we saw from the review scores. We have got to take that on-board, we can't ignore that, and we have to take that onto the next game when we make the next Resident Evil."

"With Resident Evil 6 specifically, we probably put too much content in there." Pattison continued, "there were comments from consumers that said it felt bloated. The Leon missions went down very well, and because we did Resident Evil Revelations on 3DS, there was a cry out for us to focus our attention on survival horror, rather than be too many things to all people. You'll find where we go next will likely be more targeted at our core fanbase."

Resident Evil spin-off Umbrella Corps [] is slated for a June 21 release.


Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
The only thought in my mind so far is; "ehhhhmmmrhhhhgh...capcom." So we shall see. Perhaps all their (*good*) eggs have been in this basket for the past few years.
It's just there hasn't been a single original thought that has wafted out of their offices like the billowing smoke of a burning elder they need to sacrifice each time they require said original thought, for years now. I don't even know if they have any elders left. Oh wait, they kidnapped that metal gear guy. He may suffice somewhat.


Deus Ex-Mod
Jun 26, 2008
How clean of a slate are we talking?

Because I could sure use some more Claire Redfield in my life.

Bring back Claire Redfield! [color=C0C0C0]Bring back Claire Redfield! Bring back Claire Redfield!
Bring back Claire Redfield! B[color=C0C0C0]ring back Claire Redfiel[/color]d! Bring back Claire Redfield!
Bring back Claire Redfield! Br[color=C0C0C0]ing back Claire Redfie[/color]ld! Bring back Claire Redfield!
Bring back Claire Redfield! Bri[color=C0C0C0]ng back Claire Redfi[/color]eld! Bring back Claire Redfield!
Bring back Claire Redfield! Brin[color=C0C0C0]g back Claire Redf[/color]ield! Bring back Claire Redfield!
Bring back Claire Redfield! Bring [color=C0C0C0]back Claire Red[/color]field! Bring back Claire Redfield!
Bring back Claire Redfield! Bring [color=C0C0C0]back Claire Re[/color]dfield! Bring back Claire Redfield!
[color=C0C0C0]Bring[/color] back Claire Redfield! Bring b[color=C0C0C0]ack Claire R[/color]edfield! Bring back Claire Redfi[color=C0C0C0]eld![/color]
[color=C0C0C0]Bring bac[/color]k Claire Redfield! Bring ba[color=C0C0C0]ck Claire [/color]Redfield! Bring back Clair[color=C0C0C0]e Redfield![/color]
[color=C0C0C0]Bring back Cla[/color]ire Redfield! Bring bac[color=C0C0C0]k Claire[/color] Redfield! Bring back [color=C0C0C0]Claire Redfield![/color]
[color=C0C0C0]Bring back Claire R[/color]edfield! Bring back[color=C0C0C0] Clair[/color]e Redfield! Bring[color=C0C0C0] back Claire Redfield![/color]
[color=C0C0C0]Bring back Claire Redfie[/color]ld! Bring back [color=C0C0C0]Clai[/color]re Redfield! B[color=C0C0C0]ring back Claire Redfield![/color]
[color=C0C0C0]Bring back Claire Redfield! Brin[/color]g back C[color=C0C0C0]la[/color]ire Redf[color=C0C0C0]ield! Bring back Claire Redfield![/color]
[color=C0C0C0]Bring back Claire Redfield! Bring back Claire Redfield! Bring back Claire Redfield![/color]
[color=C0C0C0]Bring back Claire Redfield! Bring ba[/color]ck C[color=C0C0C0]la[/color]ire[color=C0C0C0] Redfield! Bring back Claire Redfield![/color]
[color=C0C0C0]Bring back Claire Redfield[/color]! Bring back[color=C0C0C0] Clai[/color]re Redfield[color=C0C0C0]! Bring back Claire Redfield![/color]
[color=C0C0C0]Bring back Claire [/color]Redfield! Bring back[color=C0C0C0] Clair[/color]e Redfield! Bring [color=C0C0C0]back Claire Redfield![/color]
[color=C0C0C0]Bring back C[/color]laire Redfield! Bring bac[color=C0C0C0]k Claire[/color] Redfield! Bring back C[color=C0C0C0]laire Redfield![/color]
[color=C0C0C0]Bring[/color] back Claire Redfield! Bring ba[color=C0C0C0]ck Claire [/color]Redfield! Bring back Claire R[color=C0C0C0]edfield![/color]
[color=C0C0C0]Br[/color]ing back Claire Redfield! Bring b[color=C0C0C0]ack Claire R[/color]edfield! Bring back Claire Redfie[color=C0C0C0]ld![/color]
Bring back Claire Redfield! Bring [color=C0C0C0]back Claire Re[/color]dfield! Bring back Claire Redfield!
Bring back Claire Redfield! Bring[color=C0C0C0] back Claire Red[/color]field! Bring back Claire Redfield!
Bring back Claire Redfield! Brin[color=C0C0C0]g back Claire Redf[/color]ield! Bring back Claire Redfield!
Bring back Claire Redfield! Bri[color=C0C0C0]ng back Claire Redfi[/color]eld! Bring back Claire Redfield!
Bring back Claire Redfield! Br[color=C0C0C0]ing back Claire Redfie[/color]ld! Bring back Claire Redfield!
Bring back Claire Redfield! B[color=C0C0C0]ring back Claire Redfiel[/color]d! Bring back Claire Redfield!
Bring back Claire Redfield![color=C0C0C0] Bring back Claire Redfield![/color] Bring back Claire Redfield![/color]


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Wait, who called RE6 "bloated?" From what I understand, wasn't the issue lack of focus?

Also, Claire's been in the Revelations series, so, yeah.

As someone whose last RE game was #5 (still enjoyed it), I'm kind of meh. Part of the reason why it was the last was because it felt like a good place to end the overall story. Unless this clean slate really is a clean slate, with new protagonists, you can't keep the horror up for characters like Chris or Leon - they've seen everything BOWs have thrown at them.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
the only good things about 6 was the mix of all characters. where did you see leon and chris interacting together? it was also good to see what has happened to sherry after RE2. the really bad thing was the action. it was a fun action but i sure missed the horror as well, which at least leons campaign had more or less. adas campaign was the best.
well, the revelations series did pretty well and are actually my favorite RE so far. was really great to play claire again which i was wishing for a long time since i have no dreamcast to play veronica.
revelation at least had its creepy moments like wondering around with jill without guns. even in revelations 2 wandering around the derelict city was kind of creepy. so maybe capcom did learn a thing or 2 and could manage to make part 7 great. or maybe better said: acceptable.
Mar 26, 2008
Wait, didn't they say the same thing about RE:6 when it was in development? I personally agree that RE:6 severely lacked focus. They really needed to simplify in a lot of areas.
Jan 27, 2011
I've heard "go back to our roots" so many times now that I don't believe it anymore. In fact, I'm fairly certain I remember reading that Sonic 2006 was "Supposed to go back to the series roots"...

I will believe it when I see it.

Anti-American Eagle

May 2, 2011
Outbreak HD with the online intact. That is what people want Capcom. Give us the outbreak games again and you might have some goodwill around resident evil again.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
_______ going back to the roots is like over-paid and out-of-shape athletes claiming that he's in the "best shape of his life" for the next regular season.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Its not gonna be scary. Hell, I don't think any of the games were ever actually scary. Maybe they used to be more tense, but being able to shoot a thing kind of makes something not so scary.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
Capcom: Please take me back, I can change! That other genre meant nothing to me, I was just having a mid-franchise crisis, can't we just go back to how things were before!

Me: I'll believe it when I see it Capcom... Don't bother me at home again.

Red Barrel (developers of Outlast): Who's at the door, sweetheart?

Me: No one I'll be back up in a minute *slams door*

Chaos Isaac

New member
Jun 27, 2013
Can we please not, going back to the roots would just probably make for worse gameplay. RE 6 had a lot of good mechanics and gameplay options, and there's not many games that give you quite so much you can do. It was amazing, except a two level boss, bad quick time events generally the game was fun as hell.

We don't need to go back to the roots, we just need a bit more focus on what you want to do. (Like wandering around a dark environment with creatures that want to kill you.) Or do we want to go over the top and punch giant monsters in the face with a bro, then high five after wards?

Honestly, I could do both, but lets keep up the fun gameplay that doesn't make surviving a chore. I still want a challenge, but I don't want it to be a chore to control my character. You know, like in the originals.

Also, Hawki gets it. Our mains have basically faced everything, and so having them be scared in these scenario's just doesn't really make sense. When they started out they were in a worse case scenario, and now they're used to it. Hell, for some of them it's their job. We need new people running into bad things for the first time to be scared. Otherwise, Chris can punch it, and Leon can say just the best one liners then hit it with a knife or something.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Saelune said:
Its not gonna be scary. Hell, I don't think any of the games were ever actually scary. Maybe they used to be more tense, but being able to shoot a thing kind of makes something not so scary.
Well I am starting to think that any horror game that won't let you fight back is not fun and besides after the scare fator wares off you realized its a very shallow and simplistic game.

And besides I am getting tired of all these First Person, No Combat Horror games.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Hopefully by going back to "horror roots" they mean a horror atmosphere, tone and story, and not the gameplay of the originals.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
...So, what does that mean? Jump scares? Tank controls? Insufficient bullets and inventory space? Unkillable enemies who ambush you at pre-selected times?

Without more specifics, it reads kind of like, "Yeah, we're going to go back to making good games. Like, the kind of games people buy lots and lots of. Like that."


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Samtemdo8 said:
Saelune said:
Its not gonna be scary. Hell, I don't think any of the games were ever actually scary. Maybe they used to be more tense, but being able to shoot a thing kind of makes something not so scary.
Well I am starting to think that any horror game that won't let you fight back is not fun and besides after the scare fator wares off you realized its a very shallow and simplistic game.

And besides I am getting tired of all these First Person, No Combat Horror games.
The thing is, if you can defeat it, it isn't scary. You should be able to fight back, but only to show its futility.

The Dead Singer

New member
Feb 19, 2014
On one hand, this sounds good seeing as the past couple of console RE games have been taco diarrheas; On the other hand, RE4 is the only game in the series that's even real good since it dropped the pretentions of being scary (Which this series has never been), started taking its retarded less seriously and made the tanky controls more bearable.

No idea how to feel about this...


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Saelune said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Saelune said:
Its not gonna be scary. Hell, I don't think any of the games were ever actually scary. Maybe they used to be more tense, but being able to shoot a thing kind of makes something not so scary.
Well I am starting to think that any horror game that won't let you fight back is not fun and besides after the scare fator wares off you realized its a very shallow and simplistic game.

And besides I am getting tired of all these First Person, No Combat Horror games.
The thing is, if you can defeat it, it isn't scary. You should be able to fight back, but only to show its futility.
That is why I play the classic RE games on the hardest difficulty.

Perticularly RE 1 Remake. I beat that game with Chris Redfield on Real Survivor Hardmode, and this was before they released the HD version.

But honestly the idea that something is not scary because you can kill it is just not true.

This monster gave me Nightmares when I was a kid despite the fact I killed him:

Speaking of which I am wondering what is going on with the RE 2 remake?


Noble and oppressed Kekistani
Nov 8, 2010
Generally, I liked what I heard, and while a lot of people hate Capcom (and for good reasons, most of the time), I still like them as a company. While they often do really dumb shit, at least they're trying to do things different now and then...unlike Nintendo, Ubisoft, and Activision who just churn out the same thing constantly. I really like all the RE games, even RE6 because it was still a really good third-person shooter. And I still love the story of the series and it's ongoing lore. The only thing that got me worried was the 'clean slate' remark, because I swear to God, if Capcom reboots the storyline before closing things out, end the series properly, and tie up every loose thread, I will use my particular set of skills to find everyone at Capcom and force-feed them socks filled with horse manure.