Androgynous Video Game Characters


New member
Jun 26, 2009
IcemanFreeze said:
Daedalus1942 said:
RatRace123 said:
Poison from final fight

Yeah, that's a dude.
Hahahaha Ninja'd.
Curse you!
Wait..wait...what? is that a dude? o-O
She/ He? is a post/pre operative transsexual (depending on whether you're talking about a Japanese or Western release.)


New member
Apr 15, 2009
On the flip side, there's Naoto Shirogane in Person 4. Who also may be trans (or at the very least has some gender issues).

This one doesn't have male anatomy, my friends.


New member
May 19, 2008
My first and one of my only run in's with gender confusion in a JRPG is FLea from Chrono Trigger. Not even the main characters know she was actually a he, but it was all an intentional joke me thinks given the light hearted spirit the game often showed.

Seriously I was dumbfounded when Flea blurted out that he was a guy...and then I laughed.

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
Thaius said:
Eh, really, anyone who thinks Japanese stuff sucks just doesn't get it. There's a lot of good stuff, some people are just incapable of appreciating things outside their realm of understanding. Their loss. This crap is just not true: sometimes it happens, and when it does, it's creepy, but it's usually on purpose. Most guys look like guys and most girls look like girls: some people just aren't familiar enough with Japanese art to tell the difference. Again, their loss.
And thank you for being a sane person with Japanese things on the Escapist. You will receive your prize within 7 business days.


New member
Sep 17, 2009
Hey if someone doesn't know how to draw a male jaw,hip and chest properly then it's their own fault. Of course it's also bad in most American games where you can tell the genders apart but not the species, "hmmm i know thats a guy,but is that a human or a shaven bear?"

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
Anybody bring up Calintz from Magna Carta yet

Isn't he beautiful?


New member
Apr 23, 2009
IcemanFreeze said:
Dude looks like a lady...(starts to hum Aerosmith song)

Anyway, I think this is my pick as well. It always catchs me off guard. Even if I know he's a guy, it always tricks me


New member
Aug 21, 2008
TsunamiWombat said:
With Loran this is actually on purpose. Originally the character was supposed to be a girl. Executive Meddling (tm) said that japanese anime audiences weren't ready for an action girl heroine (which = 0 sense for the GUNDAM series because of all the female pilots, but oh well), so the creator made him the GIRLIEST BOY HE COULD POSSIBLY MAKE.
And there we have it.

Also, it's the culture they adopt. Certain young males will look effeminate on purpose. OP is obviously trying to prove a point that I agree with, and quite frankly I think those who use the whole "androgynous protagonists" as an excuse to bash a genre needs to build a bridge and get over themselves.

P.S. Vaan didn't look female at all.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Too bad Chrona didn't appear in the "Soul Eater" video game, because Chrona is as ambigious as it gets! It hasn't even been confirmed in the actual series what gender Chrona is!


A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
ChromeAlchemist said:
TsunamiWombat said:
With Loran this is actually on purpose. Originally the character was supposed to be a girl. Executive Meddling (tm) said that japanese anime audiences weren't ready for an action girl heroine (which = 0 sense for the GUNDAM series because of all the female pilots, but oh well), so the creator made him the GIRLIEST BOY HE COULD POSSIBLY MAKE.
And there we have it.

Also, it's the culture they adopt. Certain young males will look effeminate on purpose. OP is obviously trying to prove a point that I agree with, and quite frankly I think those who use the whole "androgynous protagonists" as an excuse to bash a genre needs to build a bridge and get over themselves.

P.S. Vaan didn't look female at all.
And you also win a prize for being a sane person with Japanese things on the Escapist. Really, even by the kind of bashing that happens here the whole "shemale" thing is extremely stupid.

Oh, and also agreed on Vaan. There is room between ultra-manly space marine and complete effeminacy, you know.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
IcemanFreeze said:
A random person said:
Trust me, I'm very annoyed by the whole "Japanese characters are shemales" thing. If the internet's much of an indication, I have some super gender-distinguishing power.

So yeah, while they certainly exist both intentional (Bridget) and not (some examples posted here), it really is not anywhere near as big an issue as so many here like to believe. could I have forgotten about I just feel stupid for missing one of the most obvious ones x-x
Androgynous? That's straight up crossdressing. And he still looks cute. Damn you Bridget and your looks in a nun uniform.


New member
May 12, 2009
Julianking93 said:
IcemanFreeze said:

Well..same idea and costume at least
I don't know who this is...but she is beautiful.
Lol, like I said in the opening statement, that is Loran's alternate costume in DW:G2..and like I said =P..

Which leads to a few people questioning his gender on a lot of the Dynasty Warrior forums or what not


New member
Mar 5, 2008
A random person said:
Thaius said:
Eh, really, anyone who thinks Japanese stuff sucks just doesn't get it. There's a lot of good stuff, some people are just incapable of appreciating things outside their realm of understanding. Their loss. This crap is just not true: sometimes it happens, and when it does, it's creepy, but it's usually on purpose. Most guys look like guys and most girls look like girls: some people just aren't familiar enough with Japanese art to tell the difference. Again, their loss.
And thank you for being a sane person with Japanese things on the Escapist. You will receive your prize within 7 business days.
OOH!!!! Is it the Kanon DVD box set? Maybe an advance copy of Final Fantasy XIII? A ticket to the premiere of the Trigun movie? The murder of whoever cast Keanu Reeves as Spike in the upcoming Cowboy Bebop film? I'd be okay with any of those... :D


New member
May 12, 2009
Thaius said:
A random person said:
Thaius said:
Eh, really, anyone who thinks Japanese stuff sucks just doesn't get it. There's a lot of good stuff, some people are just incapable of appreciating things outside their realm of understanding. Their loss. This crap is just not true: sometimes it happens, and when it does, it's creepy, but it's usually on purpose. Most guys look like guys and most girls look like girls: some people just aren't familiar enough with Japanese art to tell the difference. Again, their loss.
And thank you for being a sane person with Japanese things on the Escapist. You will receive your prize within 7 business days.
OOH!!!! Is it the Kanon DVD box set? Maybe an advance copy of Final Fantasy XIII? A ticket to the premiere of the Trigun movie? The murder of whoever cast Keanu Reeves as Spike in the upcoming Cowboy Bebop film? I'd be okay with any of those... :D
Would an anti-prize work? =D

And wow, I didn't know there were so many other androgynous characters...

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
IcemanFreeze said:
Douk said:
IcemanFreeze said:
A random person said:
Trust me, I'm very annoyed by the whole "Japanese characters are shemales" thing. If the internet's much of an indication, I have some super gender-distinguishing power.

So yeah, while they certainly exist both intentional (Bridget) and not (some examples posted here), it really is not anywhere near as big an issue as so many here like to believe. could I have forgotten about I just feel stupid for missing one of the most obvious ones x-x
That chick is hot.

On topic, people (aside from yaoi fangirls) want the male characters to look male.
Umm, that chick is a young boy =O....just thought I'd warn you
Then... That young boy is hot!

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
Thaius said:
A random person said:
Thaius said:
Eh, really, anyone who thinks Japanese stuff sucks just doesn't get it. There's a lot of good stuff, some people are just incapable of appreciating things outside their realm of understanding. Their loss. This crap is just not true: sometimes it happens, and when it does, it's creepy, but it's usually on purpose. Most guys look like guys and most girls look like girls: some people just aren't familiar enough with Japanese art to tell the difference. Again, their loss.
And thank you for being a sane person with Japanese things on the Escapist. You will receive your prize within 7 business days.
OOH!!!! Is it the Kanon DVD box set? Maybe an advance copy of Final Fantasy XIII? A ticket to the premiere of the Trigun movie? The murder of whoever cast Keanu Reeves as Spike in the upcoming Cowboy Bebop film? I'd be okay with any of those... :D
You'll get all of those and the opportunity to crush Disney headquarters with a mech of your choice, forcing the former teen pop stars to become Eva pilots! Oh, and you get a cookie too.

Syntax Error

New member
Sep 7, 2008
-Seraph- said:
That's probably the character designer's (Akira Toriyama) sense of humor. Way back when, he said that he could only draw one female: Bulma. Then as DBZ went on, the number doubled, he can draw Android 17.