

New member
Jan 14, 2009
iain62a said:
Ok, maybe somebody in this thread can explain something to me.

Akira. What was that all about?
It is simple...

Get drunk and watch it... it will make a hell of alot more sense...

But here's the gist:

The government have made a bunch of children psychic, the strongest was called Akira, but he nearly blew up the world, so they killed him and dismembered him, because he was so powerful he might put himself back together if not properly contained, and finish what he started.
There is a religious movement/freedom fighters that believe Akira to be something along the lines of the Messiah and want him to be set free, not knowing he's dead.
The psychic children because of the drugs they are kept on and the mental and physical manipulation they went through are still children a decade or few or something later, that's why they look and sound damn creepy.
Akira isn't really really dead, he just doesn't have a body, and his psychic form has started trying to hold Tetsuo Shima for a host body, but it's not really Akira as such, more a psychic echo of him, but you don't get this til the end.
Tetsuo becomes more and more powerful, but cannot controle it so becomes insane and murderous.
In the meantime his best friend, Shotaro Kaneda, is off poncing about with some bint, Kei, from the religious movement/freedom fighters, cos he think her hot... Tool!
It all culminates in a big fight between Shotaro and Tetsuo, where Tetsuo is completely mind-f***ed then turns into a giant mutant baby because his body can no longer contain the psychic forces within him.
Tetsuo's girlfriend, Kaori, is there and as he's mutating he tries to get her to help him, as if she fecking could, and squishes her in his giant rolls of fat.
Tetsuo tries to do the same with Shotaro, but Shotaro uses his laser gun, which he knicked off the army, to cut his way out of Tetsuo's fat rolls.
The pain causes Tetsuo to unlock Akira from his psychic echo and Akira sorts everything out, rather than destroying the planet, but he does make a BIG-BADDA-BOOM!!!
And they all lived post-post apocolyptically after... the end...

Oh and Shotaro is the leader of a small bike gang at a really crappy school for youth offenders that Tetsuo is the laughing stock of, both the school and the bike gang, but Shotaro has always looked after him ever since they were both kids... "Bestest buds for life, until you kill the rest of the bike gang, and then try to kill me, and then everyone else in existance, capeesh?!."


The basic premise of probably 80% of all anime is normal or special people of some description get tangled up in something bigger than they can handle then... oh look... they handled it pretty damn fine... but it was really fun to watch... the end...

Night night all...


New member
Oct 9, 2008
the_hessian said:
(snipped to save space)
Oh, fair enough, I guess that makes a bit of sense.



Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
The only anime series I actually liked was Bleach. I liked it because it was stylish and it was introduced to me by a good friend of mine. I thought the plots were well done, characters very nicely developed and some genuienly witty moments throughout. While it had all the things that Anime do right it also had many of the problems... those wierd overly cartoony moments and the really big breasts for example. But I had earnt such respect for it that I was prepared to let that slide.
I made an advanced search for Bleach on google, found a few sites, clicked on a seemingly wholesome link to a seemingly wholesome third party site... and found myself face to face with the monstrous beast that is called Rule 34.
I can never look at it the same way again now.... once you see a main female character you had a lot of respect for being fucked from all angles while screaming in a dark room and covered in, stuff and rubbing her tits all over the place.... destroys all enjoyment you ever got from the series.

That said, the Hayao Myazaki films, Spirited away, Valley of the wind, Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle... they are all amazing and breathtakingly beautfiul and I recommend them above all other cartoons in existance.
I would advise not to click links to third party sites you found on an advanced search on google.....

So yeah:
Myazaki = genius
Bleach = flawed gem
Rule 34 = destroys lives.