Annoying things people say

Tony Harris

New member
Sep 6, 2012
The one that really sticks out for me is "...threw up in my mouth a little bit." Is there a more pure combination of preening superiority, obnoxiousness, and bare cleverness unsupported by any wisdom?

Also annoying is "TL, DR."

"In my humble opinion" is pretty annoying. If it was really your humble opinion, you wouldn't go out of your way to share it.

I like "Get over it." It conveys the simple truth that the person I'm talking to is probably being overdramatic.


New member
Sep 1, 2009
"Stop reading into things so much"

Just because I'm making an observation about something does not mean I'm obsessing over it. Christ.


New member
Dec 28, 2011
May of been said already, but I hate when people say "Don't even think about it!"



New member
Mar 30, 2012
The majority of slag in the world. It's especially bad when it's used in face to face communication.

Vocalizing and spelling out "O M G!"
"That's so fire!" Referring to something because good.
"I hope they ship!" Referring to two people who should get together in a relationship.
"I haven't been there in a minute!" Referring to a long time, rather than an actual minute.
"Noob" An insult used by people with the inability to think of an insult with weight.

Jolly Co-operator

A Heavy Sword
Mar 10, 2012
"You only reason you don't like X game is because you're bad at it!"

Pisses me off to no end. For one thing, there are usually plenty of other reasons for me not liking a game, besides any lack of skill. And even if there wasn't, not being good at something is a perfectly fine reason not to enjoy playing it. For example; I'm terrible at Starcraft 2 (I'm terrible at RTS's in general, really), so I don't like playing it. Why do some people see that as such an invalid reason?


New member
Apr 5, 2010
What a waste of food. There are starving children in Africa!

That one guy on youtube who smashes eggs and shows you how to 'prepare' various foods. I get a nice laugh out of em but there are always fucking idiots in the comments saying how awful it is and how wasteful he's being. It's his fucking money and I doubt you're so righteous as to give most of your food away to third world nations.

How the hell is he supposed to send fresh salmon and eggs to Africa anyways?

owait, he made a handy video tutorial for that as well.



Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
Right now, it's craycray (crazy) and awk (awkward).
Seriously people, save that stuff for text messages, it is NOT that hard to say that one extra syllable.

Captcha: tight lipped.

Oh, shut up.


New member
Jan 30, 2011
" know what they say" no, no i don't know and because of how you said it i don't WANT to know

"sup *****" (because that's TOTALLY a good way to start a conversation/say hi to someone, right?)

"you suck because you like(insert movie,game,story,etc)" no, i just happen to like something you don't enjoy, and don't share your opinion that it sucks.

"(when i'm just enjoying a ride in a car/vehicle) what are you thinking about?" nothing. at least consciously, and i don't WANT to think about anything. i just want to enjoy the ride, is that so hard to believe?

"why are you angry/what's you're problem?" nothing, i'm neither angry, nor do i have a problem, i just don't smile very often and see no need to if i don't find something funny/or give me a reason to be happier than normal.(even worse is if the one saying it doesn't smile all that often either.)


New member
Sep 5, 2012
Lengthy screeds penned by unfortunate-looking teenagers on how insane and violent and sociopathic they are.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
Elate said:
"Man up." - Being kinda effeminate this one annoys me a hell of a lot, y'know what, what if I don't want to follow someones small view of how a male should behave? I'll act how I want and doesn't make me any less or more of a "man" because of it. Frankly if being a "Manly man" means being a thick headed dolt he just sucks up everything, I would rather be a simpering little *****, because at least that has a shred more personality than a rock.
Y'know, as a guy who's been through hard times in my life, manning up is the only thing that kept me from suicide or a life of rejection, and when I see someone bitching about things I've faced and rather than whine and complain and *****, got my act together and dealt with, I honestly feel like smacking that little whiny moron down, like right to the ground.

Trust me, if I tell someone to "Man up" it's usually a more polite way of saying "Shut the fuck up, or I'll bust your damn jaw.", in life, complaining about your situation never gets anything done, it never gets you anywhere, it just annoys others and vocally reminds you of your own feelings of stress, making them worse.

So maybe you should try the "Act before you *****" style of living out, you don't hafta be an emotionless boulder, and being effeminate has NOTHING to do with it, I have many friends who range from mildly effeminate straight/bi men to the flamboyantly gay, and none of them fail to "man up" when the situation calls for it, it's just an exercise of self control, and learning from and growing through experiences.

What irritates me, is when people state things that are purely opinion, as if they are fact for example "The Beatles are overrated." or "(Insert genre of electronic music here) isn't music." just because you don't like something, doesn't declassify it, and just because you have heard people saying something doesn't make it universal truth.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
DevilWithaHalo said:
"All men are rapists!"
"All men are potential rapists!"
"Men rape!"
"Once we get paid the same amount for the same work then we'll talk!"
"Male privilege!"
Pretty much anything out of the mouth of a political feminist (Hey, I used a qualifier there!)
is that like....what you see? when you read a post by somone who calls themself a feminist?


New member
Nov 21, 2010
DoomyMcDoom said:
So maybe you should try the "Act before you *****" style of living out, you don't hafta be an emotionless boulder, and being effeminate has NOTHING to do with it, I have many friends who range from mildly effeminate straight/bi men to the flamboyantly gay, and none of them fail to "man up" when the situation calls for it, it's just an exercise of self control, and learning from and growing through experiences.
Funny thing is I follow that view, but telling someone to "man up" doesn't achieve anything either. It just pisses them off, explaining to them why they're a whiny ***** tends to be much more effective. But no, generally when I've been told to "Man up" it has been about things more to do with say, physical pain or such, where somehow my pain is negated because "They broke their face when they were a baby." or something.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
DoomyMcDoom said:
I'm going to have to use this an an exampel of another one (sorry) but using the words "*****, moan and whine" constantly to trivialis the feelings/problems of others

[quote/]Trust me, if I tell someone to "Man up" it's usually a more polite way of saying "Shut the fuck up, or I'll bust your damn jaw.", .[/quote]

you really shouldnt go around punching people in the jaw....

ok, I get what you saying..BUT I can't say I fully agree. I think its important for people to be able to say "you know what? I don't feel ok" keeping it inside for fear of ridicule or being dissmissed is not healthy, particually when talking about clinical depression

now yeah...there are those who will always wallow in their own misery and feed off the sympathy of others and I definetly think people need to have more resilliance...but I think there is a difference

and does this veiw of your extend to women as well?...or is it ok for me to complain abotu my issues?..just makes me think is all


New member
Nov 28, 2010
I can't stand when people claim freedom of speech when I call them out for hateful or bigoted comments. Like people saying they shouldn't be forced to hire gay people because gays are the cause of moral decline in America. I'm ashamed to be the same species as these people much less actually know them!
Even if their freedom of speech could be used to back up those opinions, I would still have my freedom of speech to call them out for it right?

Also...I have friends that don't understand that calling things gay, and calling their friends nigga is just poor taste.


New member
Mar 22, 2011
Vault101 said:
DevilWithaHalo said:
"All men are rapists!"
"All men are potential rapists!"
"Men rape!"
"Once we get paid the same amount for the same work then we'll talk!"
"Male privilege!"
Pretty much anything out of the mouth of a political feminist (Hey, I used a qualifier there!)
is that like....what you see? when you read a post by somone who calls themself a feminist?
Interesting question. I accept that like many philosophies, Feminism is often used by people of various flavors and that currently 3rd wave feminism is having an internal conflict on a few issues. While the ideology is simple, it's practical application is often twisted for personal or political gain. So I, as an individual, has recently started clarifying who I'm talking about when I discuss feminism, usually with terms like "political feminists" and "ideological feminists". I realized that when I make a statement regarding feminism, I'm talking about my frustrations with the political movement, not the ideological philosophy. So it's frustrating when I have ideological feminists coming in and harping on me for my issues against political feminism.

Radical feminism is a whole other bag. What's sad, is that I see these sometimes, because people (radical and political feminists) actually say these things. One did recently on here, and then my ignore list grew after "patriarchy this" and "patriarchy that".

I could ramble, but this just makes me sad and tired. You can bug me further in PM if you want.


New member
Aug 21, 2012
Just read through the entire list and pretty depressed to say that some point of my life I've said all of these things at least one, and some much more than others. I'm very sorry I've offended you guys, but the list is so expansive and contradictory I feel as if I can't say anything without knowing for certain if someone is offended by any statement I make.

I suppose the only way to avoid such a thing is to avoid talking all together but then people will hate people who don't talk at all. Is the overarching goal or message here that no matter what you do or say someone will hate you and dislike you possibly on the sole basis of the context of your sentence.

I'm not trying to ask for much, I just want to try to not be a douche bag so any advise given would be much appreciated. Additionally apologize for the "cop-out" paragraphs of idiocy. Also mentioning that my sentence was a cop out makes it a cop out as well. Its a vicious cycle.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Tycon said:
Just read through the entire list and pretty depressed to say that some point of my life I've said all of these things at least one, and some much more than others. I'm very sorry I've offended you guys, but the list is so expansive and contradictory I feel as if I can't say anything without knowing for certain if someone is offended by any statement I make.
you are an awful person and should feel bad.....


but seriously, I've probably said or done things here once or twice anyway, it doesnt matter, whatever we do somone will ahve a problem with it...and we can all be a little hypocritical at times need to take this all so seriously (so yes, I was joking just in case your not sure)


New member
Jun 17, 2009
"I am not (...), but"
Because everything before the but is a lie, if you truly are not racist or sexist or whatever you don't need to mention it. And pointing out that a black, wheelchair bound, lesbian may be an asshole does not make you racist unless you point out how not racist you are


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
NuclearShadow said:
""Rape should be in video games because it's art" Not the exact words of course but you get the point. These people actually want to see rape in video games. Rape should never be something desired to be seen even if it is fictional. It takes a sick person to want to see even just a character meant to represent a person to be violated as that character is meant to be identified as just that a person. And of course they hide behind the art excuse.
I disagree

I mean obviosuly you feel very strongly about this but...

I dont think anyone has said "rape should be in games because art" or if somone says somthing like that its not [b/]desire to see rape[/b] it is the [b/]desire for our art to tackle difficult subjects[/b]

now in ANY medium the subject of rape doesnt work in the wrong hands (clumsy at best..offensive at worst)....aside from specific fantasies no one desires to see it

like the film "Boys Don't Cry" it has a very confronting rape scene....its not thee to be pleasureable or even easy to watch...its suposed to shock us, because it shows what a brutal and awful thing rape is...I don't belive it should be cencored in that context

on the other hand..the fact is alot of people have some form of "domination fantasy" the difference is its fantasy and completly seperate from real life...and no that doesnt mean rape should be put in to apeal to that kind of fantasy...quite the oposite..leave that for porn..