Anonymous PSN Attackers Arrested in Spain


New member
Oct 21, 2010
Posting this here as I find it relevant.

Spanish police website hit by Anonymous hackers

The website of Spain's national police force has been briefly knocked offline by hacker collective Anonymous.

The attack on the site was carried out in retaliation for the arrest of three Spanish men the police claimed were 'core' members of the group.

The hackers managed to keep offline for about an hour from 2130 GMT on 12 June.

Spanish authorities would not confirm that Anonymous was behind the attack, saying only that the site was offline.

However, a statement was posted on a website linked to Anonymous, claimed responsibility for the hack, which it called #OpPolicia.

The group said it had used a distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) which bombards a target website with so much data that it becomes overwhelmed.

A spokesman for the Spanish police said the cause of the outage had not yet been established.

"A website can collapse if too many people try to access it at once. I cannot confirm the link with the Anonymous group," said the spokesman.

In its statement, Anonymous said the DDoS attack was a "direct response to the Friday arrests of three individuals alleged to be associated with acts of cyber civil disobedience attributed to Anonymous."

The group said DDoS attacks were a legitimate form of peaceful protest. Some of its members are thought to have carried out similar attacks on Turkish government websites to protest against net censorship.

Anonymous also denied that the men arrested were part of the "core" of Spanish members of the group.

"They did not arrest any core group, because we don't have a core group," said Anonymous in its statement.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
JET1971 said:
Sony says they found a file that claims Anon hacked them and all Sony fans assume Anon did but all evidence based on Anons modus operandi points to Anon not actualy hacking them. I love ignorance.
Because "anonymous" is a formally organised group with a well defined statement of purpose, strong leadership and attentive and loyal members who abide by the defined organisational ethos.

It's not like some "members" could just decide 'fuck it, this "group" means nothing, we're going to do our own thing'.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Custard_Angel said:
JET1971 said:
Sony says they found a file that claims Anon hacked them and all Sony fans assume Anon did but all evidence based on Anons modus operandi points to Anon not actualy hacking them. I love ignorance.
Because "anonymous" is a formally organised group with a well defined statement of purpose, strong leadership and attentive and loyal members who abide by the defined organisational ethos.

It's not like some "members" could just decide 'fuck it, this "group" means nothing, we're going to do our own thing'.
And when they do they are not doing it as part of the collective. just because you are a member of something does not mean the whole group is responsible for your actions.
Sep 14, 2009
CM156 said:
Only three years?

Well, hackers can't jailbreak their way out of this one

OT: I do hope this the start of something. We really need to catch these people

i understand it's just digital information and whatnot, but if you took the same situation, and turned it into physical form (which is generally possible) it's considered MUCH worse

hacker hacks company database, stole some info on the accounts and siphons some money out.

man breaks down doors, cracks vault, steals money from vault (same amount as siphon)

which one would get a worse sentence?

i really hope people like these get harsher sentences, in harsher days all their fingers would be broken and hands chopped off to prevent this happening again, but still they should be permanently STAINED and watched on their record forever for any kind of digital horseshit like this.


New member
Dec 23, 2010
DearHead said:
Hasn't Anonymous been "toppled" two or three times over now? CNET said they had a coup a couple of years ago, other said the group decapitated itself, others still say Anonymous really doesn't even hack anymore but takes credit for other groups' work.
or perhaps they played us enough so we believe they are non active atm


New member
Oct 24, 2010
Frostbite3789 said:
Tentickles said:
Highly doubt these guys have anything to do with what the police are saying.

Most likely scape goats to keep their population in check.

Also: Those who believe everything is AS IS in these type of news articles, have no idea that government agencies and police lie to us all the time.
This is the kind of post I find funny. For every doubter of an article like this, there are just as many people taking the word of hackers at face value.

"SONY STORED PASSWORDS IN PLAINTEXT. BELIEVE US BECAUSE WE SAID SO." "OH MAN! They said Sony did that and an unethical douchebag hacker would have no reason to lie! SONY STORED PASSWORDS IN PLAINTEXT!" Meanwhile they provide absolutely no proof whatsoever. Congrats guys.
How did you get me taking the word of hackers at face value from what I said?
I offered doubt as to the credibility of the police's claims then proceeded to give 2 sentences on a conspiracy theory.
I mention the suspects as "these guys" once and only as a point to the actions of the police.
Fail troll.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Tentickles said:
And...I'm the troll? Either that or you can't read. I'll re-quote myself here for comprehension, "This is the kind of post I find funny. For every doubter of an article like this, there are just as many people taking the word of hackers at face value."

Fail understanding/reading.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Too bad they couldn't get those lulzsec guys

Anon might be full of self-righteous bullshit, but at least they occasionally target the right people...