Another new question to all you girl gamers out there...


New member
Apr 5, 2010
More reasons why I don't play FPS online anymore. That and I now find them boring. To each their own.

Satine Phoenix

New member
Feb 19, 2010
Megacherv said:
Satine Phoenix said:
Megacherv said:
Satine Phoenix said:
Thanks for posting this QuestioN!

Its kind of weird that the Majority (and I mean majority) of guys who play games feel like its their own private secret thing they do that they can only do with guys. Its like they've made it up in their heads. Just like its weird for them that girls would be Programmers or IT or *Gasp, like comics.

What kind of stone age do they live in? Didn't we get past all of this a few decades ago?

I'm sincerely sorry if this might offend you or piss you off, and I know that this is against the whole 'equality in gaming between genders' subject we have going on here, but it's still a mind-blowing concept to have a person who openly admits to being a porn-star on here. Just...*head exploding*...although if you are the one from I Hit With my Axe that I'm thinking of, you did give me one of my favourite quotes I've heard on this site.

My friend does always say "It's weird that there are girl playing this" whenever one of the regular females are on the TF2 server I frequent. I then have to remind him YET AGAIN that some of the best gamers in the world are female
Really? :D Yea, I'm that Satine.

I guess the world never really truly changes and Men and Women will always look at each other like alien species. I'm not offended at all. Mostly entertained. On your side of the screen it may be mind blowing. On my side of the screen its a fun experience I had when I was younger. Being out of it for 6 months feels like a lifetime ago.

Oh well. ... oh, what was your favorite quote?

Oh and my favorite post so far on this forum has been the guy who openly plays girl characters to get the perks. Priceless. :)
It was something along the lines of

"Weren't you in a butt movie?"
"I don't do anal"
"No, because you have a big butt"
"...I do have a big but..."
*Snicker... Yea.. *Smacks self on forehead.. yea.. That's me.

Satine Phoenix

New member
Feb 19, 2010
But that's saying only men watched tv before..
you're saying they didn't?
I'm saying It (watching TV) used to be something families did together. Before that they listened to radio shows together. Gaming was something my family did together. Maybe that's why I (and other people with my same view) don't look at gaming as an all boy sport.

My take on this forum is that people who are jerks are going to be jerks no matter what. As long as they can hide behind a mic or screen and not look anyone in the eyes, its a free for all. Am I understanding this correctly? If I was the only girl in a game and the people I gamed with were jerks, i'm sure i'd get ridiculed. FORTUNATELY I only play with groups that have been recommended to me and there is NO joking around about anyone's race or gender. I enjoy that kind of game play best. The kind that is game centric rather than jerk centric. Even going into games anonymously, If i feel that i'm playing with a bunch of immature 15 year olds i'll leave and play with the more mature and strategy focused 15 year olds.

The one thing that does gross me out is when girls join in on the behavior because they want to fit in with the boys. When a girl plays a boys game, she has to work harder. When she wants to fit in, sometimes she will try too hard and become obnoxious. Skill and talent will come through every time. Girls don't have to sacrifice their dignity to be like the boys. Sometimes the girl has been playing for so long that she doesn't realize the integration of her gaming personality and outwardly becomes the girl who hides behind rude remarks.

PS: Calling someone a FAG isn't actually funny. No wonder there are so many socially awkward people in the world.


New member
Apr 27, 2010
I played L4D2 on Xbox Live recently, and used the mic for the first time (on XBOX). It was really fun. I met this maybe 13 year old boy who was really resourceful and nice. Then when I switched games, there was this guy playing who was one of those troll types -- but he was really fun and nice. I was laughing my ass off!

I played as Bill: "Hey Bill, what's wrong man? You sound like a chick!" "I am a chick." "Well dude! When did you get the sex change?" "Back in 'Nam."


New member
Apr 18, 2010
I'm been called a *****, slut, skank, ****, whore, comments to do with ass ramming, and a was called a pedophile for an entire match...And not in that funny ribbing way either (i guess there are times when it can be funny, haven't come across a time yet)

Maybe its just a Halo 3 Xbox Live thing.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
At the moment I'm mainly playing BFBC2. I don't get harassed at all. I get friended ALOT. And last night was the first time anyone called me "honey".

I'm on PS3. I've heard (but have had no practical experience) that the guys are much better behaved on PS3 than Xbox.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
I have been gaming for years, and use my mic in games that I can. I have never, ever been harassed for being a girl, nor have had I had people 'go easy on me' in some way or hit on me.

It's really not as bad as other girls make it out to be. Honestly, I wish girls wouldn't be so freaked out for using the mic or something. I remember in a few TF2 games I was in, one nick that I had noticed in text chat quite a few times, after I started using the mic, they started to use the mic as well and it turned out to be a girl. It appears that she may have been afraid to speak until I had, because there was absolutely no alarm to any of the other players, that a woman was talking on the mic. No one even made a single comment about anyone's gender.

Seriously Ladies, STOP HIDING. It's really not as bad as everyone has blown it up to be. I don't mind playing with males, but it would be nice if there was more of my own gender in games and especially LANs. Seriously, join a large LAN party (Like DesertBash), no one makes a single comment about you being a girl, I wasn't even hit on there.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Satine Phoenix said:
Thanks for posting this QuestioN!

Its kind of weird that the Majority (and I mean majority) of guys who play games feel like its their own private secret thing they do that they can only do with guys. Its like they've made it up in their heads. Just like its weird for them that girls would be Programmers or IT or *Gasp, like comics.

What kind of stone age do they live in? Didn't we get past all of this a few decades ago?

The only girl in my year failed and had to repeat
Jul 5, 2009
Demented Teddy said:
No because I'm a mute and can't talk so they get to know me for my game skill before they know my gender
I hate to derail this thread and I'm sorry if I, in any way, offends you but what is like to be a mute?


New member
Sep 22, 2008
One of my female friends tend to get called either "fat", "ugly", or both xD
She once showed a picture of herself to two rather annoying chaps.

They shut up pretty quick.

She's a real pretty one. : p

Kevlar Eater

New member
Sep 27, 2009
Luckily, I'm not a girl, but long story short:

Last week, I went to my sister's apartment, and I brought my copy of Halo 3 and CoD4 (I'm not getting MW2) as well as my mic. She pops Halo 3 and my mic in the 360, goes to a multiplayer match, says a couple of words, and the douchebaggery/white knight-ism comes to life in the lobby. Phone number requests, tits or GTFO, the works. She minimized the chat volume and held her own in whatever matches she played. CoD4 was a little different, as most of the people on that game were indifferent, but the competition ran through her like an open door (metaphorically speaking).



Not a pigeon roost
Jan 19, 2010
MiracleOfSound said:
meganmeave said:
I have been shit talked to by 11 year old boys with requests to perform sexual acts, but you know what, I don't think I'm all that special. I've also heard 11 year old boys say the same things to my buddies. Apparently at that age, you aren't too picky about where you get your sexual favors from.

Also, it seems a bit desperate to me, quite frankly. I mean, do these guys think this will work, and some girl will be attracted to them by their mad gaming ski11z? It's been a long time since I dated, but I have to say, dudes, you may be standing out of the crowd crowing like a rooster over my headset. But you stand out in a bad way. I'm just sayin.
I think it's more of a primal male pack thing, they're actually trying to impress the other guys by ripping on the girl. Of course, it works the opposite, the other dudes all think 'what a sad bastard'.
Like a beating of the chest thing?

A "My controller is bigger than your controller!" kind of thing?

So I suppose they are sad bastards. But somehow, not feeling the sympathy here.

Edit: Also, how cool would it be if XBL added a "Sad Bastard" zone where you could banish these people too after too many warnings?


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
My sister plays games fairly often, and when she plays online, I've yet to hear any bad comments about her.This may be because she doesn't play well, but I digress When I'm playing and a female joins, they tend to catch a lot of the players off guard with how good they are, and are then treated with the same obscenities that the rest of us get when dominating.


Probably more bored than you
Aug 16, 2009
The fact that this topic exists alone is proof that girls aren't accepted as gamers.

'Girl-gamer' is a commonly accepted term, where 'Boy-gamer' doesn't quite exist, we call those 'gamer' instead.
You can compare this to 'Bald people' and 'people', where the wording alone simply assumes that normal people have hair, and bald people are different from us. Therefore, no matter how hard we work, no matter how hard we try, bald people can never be treated as just people.

The problem isn't in being nice or behaving differently towards females you encounter. The problem is in the fact that you're already trying to single them out before they're even there.
It's a logical process, for the common male gamer is stereotyped to be shunned by possible female surroundings and having a girl interested in the same things he does is already a very big deal for him. He'd like to date and marry a gamer, because she won't nag about him spending too much time with that computer, and what better trophy wife to bring to your gaming friends than one that games?

Apart from that, Boys and Girls don't exactly get along smoothly in most social situations. It almost always boils down to carefully stepping around each other, trying not to say anything wrong, and misinterpreting everything as subtle hints.
If that's what a lot of people are like in real life, you can't really expect getting along normally online either.
I'd prefer people being more capable of looking past gender in most situations. It would make life much less awkward.

And finally, in response to anyone who thinks girls that overly show or exploit being a girl in games is wrong, some food for thought;
-There's a room somewhere in the world, filled with all kinds of women. A lot of them would want to get into a relationship with a man desperately enough to take anything they can get.
It's dark in there, no one can see each other.
If they hear a man's voice, they immediately believe he's the most handsome person in the world. They will give him free things so that he will like them and maybe even fall in love with them.
You walk in there knowing all the above. What would you do?

I've known plenty of women capable of farming gold in Wow using nothing but their mic and ventrilo, sure beats farming fire elementals ad infinitum.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
L3m0n_L1m3 said:
Does it really matter what sex you are when you're playing a game?

I see so many gametags like "cuteprincess1555" and "imagirl1434" that it really starts to annoy the hell out of me. Should I start going by "awesomeguy134376"?

(Only a related note, I appreciate all you girls out there that don't have usernames like in the examples I gave.)
Well I'm glad that I'm appreciated.....mine is basically the same I use here and everywhere else......which is basically my first and middle name.

The most I get is just repeatedly hit on. over and over and over again. Until I kick the guys ass then they get intimidated and don't play with me anymore :( meh. oh well.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
meganmeave said:
MiracleOfSound said:
meganmeave said:
I have been shit talked to by 11 year old boys with requests to perform sexual acts, but you know what, I don't think I'm all that special. I've also heard 11 year old boys say the same things to my buddies. Apparently at that age, you aren't too picky about where you get your sexual favors from.

Also, it seems a bit desperate to me, quite frankly. I mean, do these guys think this will work, and some girl will be attracted to them by their mad gaming ski11z? It's been a long time since I dated, but I have to say, dudes, you may be standing out of the crowd crowing like a rooster over my headset. But you stand out in a bad way. I'm just sayin.
I think it's more of a primal male pack thing, they're actually trying to impress the other guys by ripping on the girl. Of course, it works the opposite, the other dudes all think 'what a sad bastard'.
Like a beating of the chest thing?

A "My controller is bigger than your controller!" kind of thing?

So I suppose they are sad bastards. But somehow, not feeling the sympathy here.

Edit: Also, how cool would it be if XBL added a "Sad Bastard" zone where you could banish these people too after too many warnings?
Yeah, it's kind of like a 'look guys how I dominate this woman, I'm such a big man huurgghg'. They don't get that it makes them look desperate for attention from the girl.

Jaded Scribe

New member
Mar 29, 2010
It does, but it's usually in a fairly good-natured tone. I have never been made to feel seriously uncomfortable.


Not a pigeon roost
Jan 19, 2010
MiracleOfSound said:
meganmeave said:
MiracleOfSound said:
meganmeave said:
I have been shit talked to by 11 year old boys with requests to perform sexual acts, but you know what, I don't think I'm all that special. I've also heard 11 year old boys say the same things to my buddies. Apparently at that age, you aren't too picky about where you get your sexual favors from.

Also, it seems a bit desperate to me, quite frankly. I mean, do these guys think this will work, and some girl will be attracted to them by their mad gaming ski11z? It's been a long time since I dated, but I have to say, dudes, you may be standing out of the crowd crowing like a rooster over my headset. But you stand out in a bad way. I'm just sayin.
I think it's more of a primal male pack thing, they're actually trying to impress the other guys by ripping on the girl. Of course, it works the opposite, the other dudes all think 'what a sad bastard'.
Like a beating of the chest thing?

A "My controller is bigger than your controller!" kind of thing?

So I suppose they are sad bastards. But somehow, not feeling the sympathy here.

Edit: Also, how cool would it be if XBL added a "Sad Bastard" zone where you could banish these people too after too many warnings?
Yeah, it's kind of like a 'look guys how I dominate this woman, I'm such a big man huurgghg'. They don't get that it makes them look desperate for attention from the girl.
Maybe one day they will understand. Until then, they are doing the rest of the fellas a favor.

All the rest of the guys online look classy comparatively.