Okay...not to be a negative nancy, but I feel like an insane person. I acquired this game and played through like a solid three hour period of it. I only played that long because it was after this three hour period that I felt myself forcing myself to try and like the game, but simply couldn't.
So consider this the impression the game left me rather than a legit review.
I too felt that the art style and the cut-scenes are absolutely orgasmic. I fell in love with it. However, the same cannot be said of the game-play. As shown in the post below.
kingdomheartsguy44 said:
heres some gameplay of the 1st 13 mins of the US version if anyones interested.
Im definitly buying this. Not just cuz im a furry and all but because it looks and feels awesome Cant wait to play it.
The actually fighting seems to consist solely on mashing the A button to throw things into other things. Then when you run out of other things to throw them into, you throw it at the ground. Then they let you jump and throw from the air that then deals more damage. Which, means that it would make little sense to ever NOT do that. I thought maybe I was just experiencing the one part of the game, but this was seriously all it had to offer.
Sure, there are parts where the pilot has to get out of the mech to do some walking around and button pressing for their 'puzzles'. However, the most action the pilot can have is to simply stun an approaching mech and just jump over.
As for the RPG part, I guess you can say it has RPG elements for the mech, but it's no more complex than fitting some blocks into a grid to raise certain stats of the mech. When it comes to combat I didn't see a reason not to raise whatever the equivalent to damage was. (I honestly forgot). That worked out pretty well for me.
I can honestly say that the funnest thing I found about the game was the little air racing side mode. If they had just made that into a full game with more ships, tracks, and abilities I'd have bought that.
I don't know...maybe I'm just insane, but I honestly thought this was a really bad game. Aside from the art. I love the art. It's why I tried so hard to like this game.