Any one else secretly wishes the world actually does end in december?


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Only if I get access to a Pip-Boy 3000.

In all honesty. NO. I don't want the world to end. I have so much I still need to do.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
Way I see it, it's a 50/50 split, half of me wants to watch all this crap burn, the other half wants to prove those stupid scaredycat apocalyptically hung up idiots wrong and have a beer in the not at all destroyed world on new years, cheering on yet another year that the world HASN'T ENDED... HA


New member
Jul 7, 2011
No becasue I want to prove people wrong about this whole 2012 thing(I feel ashamed to know people who still believe in that crap), also i want to keep on living and I don't want my life to be cut drasticly short.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Depends on the class of apocalypse. If we're talking civilization as we know it crumbling but eventually rebuilding, then I think I'd rather die. Too many ways that could go wrong, knowing the potential humans have for evil.

If we're talking about planet-shattering, no hope for humanity, everybody and everything dies, end of story, game over, apoco-palooza, then that would be preferable. Not that I wish to imply I wish that to happen, but it would be an interesting time leading up to that.

In the case of the latter, I'd use my remaining time to make as many people happy as I could. I'd hang out with all my friends and try to have great times together, as they would be our last. The thought of oncoming demise hangs heavy, but it would be ignored for just a moment. I'd tell all my friends and family how much I appreciate them, and how much of an honor it was to be with them all these years. Then, the day comes that it all ends, but I will die happy knowing it was on good terms with everyone I know.

Perhaps a bit idealistic and corny, but that's how I'd like it to end.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Even on my worst day when I want to punch everyone I see in the face, I would still say no. I think there is something psychologically wrong with people who want to see such destruction reigned down upon the human race.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
It depends if I can pass all of my classes this semester with C or better grades so that I don't get kicked out of college.

If I do pass everything then no because I haven't completed my goal of making a video game yet.
If I do fail out then yes please because if a world ending event doesn't kill me then my mom will and I don't want to go down alone.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
BlackWidower said:
krazykidd said:
I think that the earth is in such a deplorable state that we deserve to have the human race be annihalited
I know this is kind of off topic, but it really bugs me. The fact that we advance as a society makes us worthy of extinction? Also, what deplorable state? It's not like we're being overburdened with trash or have polluted the air with toxic chemicals. Just CO2, and that was an accident.

If you ask me, if it wasn't for humans, this floating rock would remain useless. If it wasn't for us, the earth wouldn't have a purpose beyond looking nice to creatures which no longer exist.

?Maybe the Earth would be better off without us. Safe and clean and perfect, like a toy nobody ever played with. Pretty and pointless.?
Not that I don't agree with the main point of your comment, but the part I bolded did bug me a bit.

It's pretty well observed that the earth IS getting pretty cluttered with garbage. Junked technology like old computers and other crap are getting tossed into Africa, there's basically an island of garbage floating out in the Pacific ocean where currents make a continuous swirl, and landfills are getting full to the brim while we're running out of places to make new ones.

What I'm saying is that, while it may not be a HUGE problem right now, garbage is piling up pretty fast on our Earth and it will become a much bigger problem quickly.

Anyway, this is completely off topic and I've already made my OT post to the thread, so g'day sir.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Nah, I actually like the world. while it might be pretty to watch it blow up around me i'm content with it staying the way it is.


Warrior without Weapons
Jul 27, 2009
As long as I get to play the Last Guardian first, sure why not...

...that's a joke of course. Fuck this whole apocalypse noise. Living rocks socks.


Dec 24, 2011
It's kinda funny. Most if not all escapist posters seem appalled at the notion of SOPA passing in congress, yet the end of all life on earth yields an almost indifferent responce.

Priorities people.


Diabolical Party Member
Jul 7, 2010
Well I expect to survive so it doesn't really matter to me whether the world does 'end' in December. I know I'm still alive after that date at any rate.


The Purple Mage
Nov 9, 2009
Not the end of all life that we know of, no. But I've always said that if there were a big red button that randomly "removed" half of the Earth's current population, I would push it twice.

Now, this isn't because I hate people and want to kill as many as I can in one go. It's because I believe that the world is severely over-populated. Specifically by us. We are, honestly, starting to cause more suffering just by having more than one baby... and there are families out there on their 24th. We've even based our entire economy on what can only be described as "aggressive expansion".

But I do like us... in theory. So no, not the end of all life, but a nice big ruin wouldn't be so bad right now.


New member
Jul 26, 2010
Honestly i just want the human race to end or at least stop what were doing, you know.... killing the planet draining its resources and murdering countless other species. That would be a fine "end of the world" for me.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
Gloomsta said:
Edd4224 said:
Kinda, it would stop me worrying about social things if it did.
What is stopping you now?

Ed Edd and Eddy!!! I loved that show! :D Good avatar!

Not going to lie I am afraid of death... right now my life sucks shit due to stupid problems I have, but irregardless I am looking forward to my twenties.. yet i'm only 16 =^(. I have a plan for when i am older and I really want to see it put into action. It would be a nice life if it all goes to plan. So no I don't want the world to end.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Why hasn't it ended?! I really wished it would and still wishing for it but realistically speaking, I doubt the world would ever end.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
...No, not really. I like living, thank you very much. I wish people would stop talking about this sort of thing, I'm paranoid enough as it is already....