Any open world/sanbox martial arts games? Not Jade Empire


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
that does look interesting, added to wishlist.\

I'll add those. I think the other issue for me personally was they seem to just be too....japanese nuts for my tastes. Like, I appreciate comedy, and goofy, insane shit, but to a point. But the Yakuza franchise just seems to strip naked, snort 30 lines of cocaine at mach 3, then go diving off of a skyscraper into a missile silo full of tapioca pudding and catgirls, while singing karaoke badly...while wearing an eyepatch.....and sparkles...and a unicorn in the background. Basically I'm saying their fucking insane, and I usually have an upper limit on my batshit fucking insane-o-meter, and Yakuza always seems to just spike that shit so hard it breaks the meter. So they were never an immediate draw for me.
Yakuza is at least closer to GTA than it is to Saints Row on the wackyness scale.
All the main story stuff is mostly serious, and all the side-mission stuff is mostly wacky.