Anyone else not have crippling self esteem problems?


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
I have horrible self-esteem problems, no matter how hard I try at something there is always someone a thousand times better so it makes me not want to do anything since it will suck. Also the fact I'm invisible bothers me, I'll say something and no one will listen, even if I'm warning someone of the cliff ahead. I've just stopped caring about most things.


New member
Mar 19, 2010
Six pages on a thread welcoming self-aggrandizement and not a single gamerscore posted... I guess I've missed the point of it and must go back to studying gamer motivation again. Mmm, more fun studying gamers [insert choice of giggle here].

More seriously though, really nice to see so many people focusing on the positive and disregarding the insanity of media's "perfection". I'd offer a medal to our original poster on getting this started, but it'd be a purely imaginary gesture. Kudos anyway on getting the ball rolling anyway.

I do recall reading something about memory bias and the recollection of things in a similar emotional mood being easier than others, so (if true) it's easy to see how someone in a depressed state would view their lives in such a light, even disregarding evidence to the contrary. Maybe by trying to reinforce a more positive mood... or am I just being too hopeful there?


New member
Jan 2, 2010
I'm awesome, and well I know it :)

It's not self-esteem that's my problem, it's the fact that the world scares the living bejesus out of me and sometimes it overwhelms me. But I deal.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Erm, I've noticed quite the opposite. I feel people here tend to talk themselves up to the point where it's rather sad, because it's the internet.

I mean, have you seen the number of responses to threads like "how do you dress" or "in what way are you right when absolutely everyone else is wrong". I mean, how self important do you have to be if you think anyone gives a shit about what you wear, or why you think you're clever.

There. See how fucking insightful I am? Don't bother arguing, I'm confident enough to happily presume you're twelve years old and stupid.


New member
Jul 15, 2010
I'm awesome because I can convince people to do the Caramelldansen dance.

This also means they're similar to me if they do the dance willingly, and therefore I will get along with them very well.

But, seriously, self-esteem is just something that doesn't bother me.
I'm too easily distracted to label myself with high or low self-esteem.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
I'm very confident! In my opinion, I'm just plain awesome!
Sure my self esteem has taken a bunch of blows (Countless rejections, moving around a lot, getting into fights, and loosing them), but I have learned to get up quickly. I have a routine, after I get hurt in any way, I go out with some random girl I barely know, just to take my mind of the other person. My self esteem is also boosted by my uncanny ability to be awesome!


New member
Jan 4, 2010
adderseal said:
I am the ultimate Numero Uno. I am, quite simply, incredible. God asks me for advice. I built Barack Obama, invented Europe and thought up the concept design for Charizard.
But did you create... CHUCK NORRIS?!
I doubt you are really that awesome...


New member
Feb 23, 2009
JRCB said:
Well, I do suck. But that's not going to prevent me from being a magnificently random person, who shamelessly will flirt with his closest friends (most of which are dudes [I'm not homosexual, actually]) and be a smartass to no end.
Me and my friend do that, kinda sucks since he has a girlfriend and I don't. But then, I don't really care if people think I'm gay. (provided they don't think I'm gonna hit on them, or if are sexually interested in me) Note that I mean flirting/making sexual innuendo's etc, nothing more than that, really.

Anyway I don't think I suck, but I do have a crippling self esteem, I'm cripplingly shy around strangers and can suck at fitting in, on the other hand I still think I'm fucking awesome.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
hyperhammy said:
adderseal said:
I am the ultimate Numero Uno. I am, quite simply, incredible. God asks me for advice. I built Barack Obama, invented Europe and thought up the concept design for Charizard.
But did you create... CHUCK NORRIS?!
I doubt you are really that awesome...
He's my bastard love child I created with Xena Warrior Princess.


Gloria ex machina
Sep 21, 2009
I dont really get out often enough to be awesome but i do have my moments. Usually i turn my sickish moments into semi awesome ones by laughing at myself along with everyone.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
Well fuck I do not have self esteem issues, I'm good looking, smart, funny, not modest at all and like to think of myself as an awesome person.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
JRCB said:
Well, I do suck. But that's not going to prevent me from being a magnificently random person, who shamelessly will flirt with his closest friends (most of which are dudes [I'm not homosexual, actually]) and be a smartass to no end.
/raises goblet.......HERE HERE GOOD CHAP..... all of our lives suck...and sometimes the people that you see ..."bitching" just feel they need to get something off of there chest. There was a whole /thread about that here get this off your chest...and ya know was full of people just getting things off there chest...the thought that someone is reading it...and that the person will never know who you are but can respond to you and tell you everything will be ok..its nice. just like ^Capt flirty^ that i quoted but....gettin something off your chest and asking for the most random adivce from complete strangers is....well helpfull for some people


New member
May 21, 2009
Well, I know for a fact that I have pretty harsh self esteem problems (I'm pretty sure it had something to do with a fucking terrible 8th grade year) which I have been working on for the past 4 years now. I'm a naturally shy person, and I am pretty terrible at talking to random people, unless I am hammered.

So yeah, I have self esteem problems. Im sure it has something to do with my teenage angst. I dont think less of myself though. I just am reassured with the knowledge that I am in no way or shape an asshole, and a very nice person.


New member
May 21, 2009
JRCB said:
Well, I do suck. But that's not going to prevent me from being a magnificently random person, who shamelessly will flirt with his closest friends (most of which are dudes [I'm not homosexual, actually]) and be a smartass to no end.
Oh god, I do this too. It is soooo fun.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
I run my own business
I have a good looking girlfriend
I have a lot of friends
Girls check me out occasionally and I rejected 2 girls recently
I work out
I can write music of all varieties
I have a black belt in Tai-Kwan-do

I can safely say I have high self esteem and I am happy with what I have done with my life to this date.
I have shown I can do all this in 18 years so why haven't you?
Apr 24, 2008
The Rockerfly said:
I run my own business
I have a good looking girlfriend
I have a lot of friends
Girls check me out occasionally and I rejected 2 girls recently
I work out
I can write music of all varieties
I have a black belt in Tai-Kwan-do

I can safely say I have high self esteem and I am happy with what I have done with my life to this date.
I have shown I can do all this in 18 years so why haven't you?
Why haven't I?... Last line seriously made me cringe.

Why are we all bragging about high self-esteem? if that is what we want, the world to be inhabited by a bunch of people who think highly of themselves, because that's never linked to shitty behaviour or reprehensible personality traits...

People who think highly of themselves are a bummer, they just suck. They're no fun to be around, they're too wrapped up in themselves to realise that they are boring the shit out of you. My friends who hate themselves just a little bit are the best, they have humour, they make an effort...they don't just expect stories about their shitty, boring lives to be enough.

I'm sounding bitter...

I just hate this self-esteem movement that has been going on the last few years. Schools make a special effort to pump up the childrens ego's now, and I don't think it's beneficial.